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A Nightmare


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My six-year-old son was diagnosed with a tumor in his spine two days ago.  He will be having surgery on Thursday, and will spend at least a week in the hospital afterwards.  Around that point in his recovery we will start to get an idea if damage has been done to his lower nervous system and we will also get the biopsy tests back and know more about what he will be needing as far as chemo or radiation.

I am mostly functioning through this by focusing on the things I need to do and staying busy, but whenever I have time to think about it I break down.  I hesitated to post anything, because I didn't want to stop to think about it all--but you guys have been here all along.  You were my buddies before he was ever born, and got the new baby post, and heard about his breathing problems as a baby, and our moves, and his toe tourniquet and growth and education.  And you've been here for our family's moves and struggles and recent experiences with foster care.  I figure if I'm going to keep posting here, I'm probably going to need to mention it at some point.  

We welcome anyone's prayers on behalf of our son.  His name is Mahonri, but we call him Ri.  (With a long i, like the grain.)

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2 hours ago, Condessa said:

My six-year-old son was diagnosed with a tumor in his spine two days ago.  He will be having surgery on Thursday, and will spend at least a week in the hospital afterwards.  Around that point in his recovery we will start to get an idea if damage has been done to his lower nervous system and we will also get the biopsy tests back and know more about what he will be needing as far as chemo or radiation.

I am mostly functioning through this by focusing on the things I need to do and staying busy, but whenever I have time to think about it I break down.  I hesitated to post anything, because I didn't want to stop to think about it all--but you guys have been here all along.  You were my buddies before he was ever born, and got the new baby post, and heard about his breathing problems as a baby, and our moves, and his toe tourniquet and growth and education.  And you've been here for our family's moves and struggles and recent experiences with foster care.  I figure if I'm going to keep posting here, I'm probably going to need to mention it at some point.  

We welcome anyone's prayers on behalf of our son.  His name is Mahonri, but we call him Ri.  (With a long i, like the grain.)

I am so so sorry.  Please keep us posted on his condition and progress.

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That is a nightmare. Our family (my niece) has gone through something similar recently. I will pray for your son and for his medical team. My niece's neurosurgeon performed an almost miraculous surgery with the aid of computer technology.


ETA: I was falling asleep when writing this. I wanted to say that tricky surgeries (my niece's tumor was one of the worst for resection her neurosurgeon had ever seen) have more options with potentially much better outcomes than previously. And radiation is more targeted now. I hope the new technologies are usable in your son's treatment.

Edited by Meriwether
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