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  1. My son had his tonsils and adenoids out along with some work around his voice box around age 7. I do not regret it--it cured his sleep apnea and he's rarely sick anymore, no more than his twin who still has his tonsils. The recovery was a little rough, but we did our best to keep ahead of the pain, setting alarms in the night even. His surgeon recommended alternating Tylenol and Ibuprofen. The Ibuprofen did a great job and the Tylenol alone/no overlap bit was the harder part if I recall.
  2. I did a Body Groove session this evening. I hope to add in some relaxation pilates tonight.
  3. I missed yesterday, but picked back up today, which I feel good about. One goal I have is it keep missed days from getting me entirely off track. Today I started with body groove in the morning, then did strength training followed by an easy and pretty trail walk with my husband this evening.
  4. I did a little bit of cardio, but mostly weight/strength training today. I'm weaker than I wish I was, but getting stronger!
  5. I did 30 minutes on the treadmill after work.
  6. I did a 30 minute walk at home video this morning. I intended to do strength training at the gym after work, but the weather and my (low) energy level changed my plans.
  7. I've seen a decline in sleep quality as I've gotten closer to menopause. I'm working on it. I sleep better when I exercise. I've been taking a magnesium with theannine supplement before bed. I think it might be helping. I take melatonin before bed too. I use a white noise machine. I sleep on my side, trying to avoid my back because I have sleep apnea. I have a mattress topper. I would love to have a link to a great mask. I've tried several, but none have worked well for me (they either let in light from the start or slip off my eyes). I purchased some light blocking blinds, but haven't had time to install yet. I wear a mouthpiece to treat sleep apnea. I'm using mindful type practices to improve my ability to go back to sleep after I wake up. We keep the house cool at night. I sleep with a single sheet. Both waking frequently and not being able to go back to sleep and sleeping hot have been my biggest problems as I've aged.
  8. I'll join--I'm trying to get back into an activity habit. I finished 30 minutes on the treadmill this evening.
  9. My doctor prescribed a very low dose (10 mg) cholesterol medicine today. I'm wondering if it was the right call. What do you think? My parents are both on cholesterol medication, my father as he aged and my mom for familial hypercholesterol (which I did not inherit). I've had probably 3 years of not great number like this. I think both of those things played into this prescription today. My number: Total 228, LDL 133, HDL 85, Trigylycerides 48. This is probably my worst lab in terms of LDL. So I'm trending poorly I guess. WWYD?
  10. My college freshmen can't get his Concerta either. He's on a wait list. What a mess.
  11. We traveled for the last one, and I was so glad we did. It's awesome. We're in totality for this one. But, if it's cloudy here and we could drive day of to some place clear, I will do it. I want to experience it again.
  12. I would be hurt, too. Might it be that they are traveling with a group that is handling all the itinerary and travel arrangements? I"m thinking, in this kind of situation, you do what the group does.
  13. My tennis shoes are Altra (Torin6). It is the only tennis shoe I've been able to wear in years. I need to experiment with different models to prevent that dependency. I hadn't thought of that--I've just been thrilled to finally find tennis shoes that didn't aggravate my neuroma!
  14. I'm a teacher, on my feet all day, with a neuroma, wide feet, a hammer toe, and a small bunion. I'm wearing Hey Dudes with my orthotic insert for work. My feet are doing great with this, and this is about the only "work" shoe I've been able to wear without issues. I don't know if your bunion will wear through those quickly, though, and do have my orthotic made for the neuroma issue.
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