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Katy last won the day on April 26

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  1. I binge watched a couple on YouTube walking the Camino de Santiago about six weeks ago. It looked so pleasant and frankly, easy compared to the AT.
  2. If there’s any time to do it, it’s this year. Think of it like red lipstick- technically classic, always ok, feels silly the first few times you wear it in public, but then you get over it.
  3. Apply and decide when you get an offer. The job won’t be open next year.
  4. There are many different kinds of therapy. I think in the case of unchanging facts, the only thing you can actually change is your thought process. The kind of therapy that’s about changing thoughts is called cognitive behavioral therapy. It’s usually a short course of therapy with homework assignments that teaches you how to identify untrue thoughts and think differently. It’s extremely effective for depression. It’s also extremely effective for kids with a lot of negative factors they have no control over in life like kids in foster care. Secondly, if you’re on hormonal birth control, think about a short trial of a non-hormonal method. I’m extremely pro hormonal birth control, but sometimes it has negative effects on mental health. If it’s a contributing factor, you should know in less than a week. And another formula might be fine.
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