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My parents were in a bad car accident today


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Thank you for the updates— I’m glad your mom is stable and that your dad doesn’t seem to be having concussion symptoms. I hope his back feels better soon and that the injury is temporary. I hope your mom is well enough for surgery soon and that it’s a complete success.

I am also thinking of your dd and am grateful that she is with her friend’s kind and helpful family.

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4 hours ago, Dmmetler said:

The ICU nurse called at 3:45 am, and she's regained consciousness. Visitation is very limited, but we will be taking my dad over this morning to see her. I'm torn on whether to wake him since he is asleep (probably largely due to the meds the hospital prescribed for pain, but still, he needs it. But I suspect they need to see each other asap, too). I think my priority today is to see if my dad's glasses and CPAP survived the crash,and if not, to see if I can get prescriptions sent here and hopefully replace them. I'd also like to find my mom's prescriptions because I don't know that anyone has given the hospital a full meds list, and I don't know them all, especially on dosages. 

If you can find out from your dad which pharmacy they fill their prescriptions at, the ICU nurse can call the pharmacy to get the list. (((HUGS)))

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Oh I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm glad your dad seems to be doing better and that your mom is stable. I'll keep her in my thoughts for her surgery tomorrow. And will keep all of you in my thoughts.

It's wonderful that you and your teen have a friend who can help you all through this.

Trauma hospital sounds scary but it's the best place to be in this kind of situation. Trauma is what they deal with. They have the equipment and staff to handle the unexpected and difficult medical issues. I'm keeping your mom's hcw's in my thoughts as well.

Try to take a little care of yourself, even though that's not easy to do. Just a cup of tea or a short walk, or whatever it is that helps ground you. Many hugs.

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We went in to the hospital, and got there just in time for the chief reisdent to call to let us know that they were going to go in and do the surgery to close the incisions, because she was doing well. They let my dad, DH and I go up since she was awake and aware, and she was able to write letters to help prompt us to give them information. 


We just finished going through the stuff we sAlvaged and it is rather humorous as to what survived and what didn't. A relatively new HP laptop-bent almost in two. A hard-boiled egg...uncracked. Glass bottle of honey, fine. An electric skillet...warped beyond recognition. My dad's glasses were completely fine. His CPAP....we couldn't find it at all. 


I did find a 9 page summary of my mom's health history in her CPAP case. It's soaked, but hopefully will be helpful to her team. 


We've now activated the prayer bat signal-possinly the first thing my mother wanted to know was whether the church has been notified. I found my mother's rosary in the car and took it to her. It may get lost, but from the way she grabbed it, I think she wanted it. I've also requested to have pastoral care stop by whenever they can. I honestly don't think it matters if it's a minister, priest, rabbi, mullah or someone from some completely different faith-my mother is probably one of the best read people on multiple Faiths and regularly participates in services from different religions, and I think she would find it all comforting. Although she might get really frustrated by the inability to talk to them directly!


My dad is in a lot of pain. I think he overdid it today. I got the strong impression that the ICU nurse working with my mom felt the other hospital should have kept him. 


I'm giving more detail here than in FB because I know there are people who will see it there who would find it difficult to manage -my SIL, in particular. She went through a bad car accident and has long term brain damage as a result, and this is definitely activating some PTSD as is. I don't think she can handle too many details (and my father has asked that I be the family contact and NOT let my brother or SIL talk to the hospital directly for that reason).


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So glad they are both doing okay, and that they have you! So wonderful you brought her her rosary - I'm not even practicing Catholic now but would also appreciate that gesture if I were in the hospital. I hope now that your mom is out of surgery again your dad can get some rest and relief. 

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