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  1. I just checked and unfortunately King Arthur's cake mix has corn starch in the baking soda in the mix. Booo. I was going to suggest you replace the water with milk in that mix.
  2. He isn't due for his routine colonoscopy. I was just able to schedule him with a GI on Tuesday of next week. I don't know if that person even does procedures but at least it gets him in the door. We both think he will need an upper/lower GI but we'll see.
  3. No allergist. So the wait would be nearly as long. He tried a second GI doc and that person was booked until October. I told him to try mine. I see a CNP but there is a surgeon she works with. It is often easier to see her. Considering the doctor didn't initiate contact on the results before my husband, I am not sure I trust that the doc will stay on top of it. Hopefully he can get into see the CNP.
  4. So from the whole blood labs WBC low end normal RBC low end normal Hemoglobin low Hematocrit Low MCV & MCH lowest end of normal RDW high Platelets normal MPV normal MCHC normal Monocytes Relative- high Basophils Relative -high end of normal Lymphocytes absolute - low end of normal
  5. His sister has Crohn's. The only other results I have from him are his iron. I will ask about those.
  6. My husband's iron is dropping week over week. Since my son has Celiac, they tested my husband (again, they did this many years ago as well). The GP basically wouldn't comment on what it meant and is referring us to GI. The GI can't get him in until Nov. (ETA: Found another group that can get him in next Tues). It would help if we had some idea if this was Celiac or internal bleeding. Does anyone know enough to comment? My other son had high TtG readings but the Endomysial IgA negative makes things more complicated. Thanks in advance Hive. ETA: found a flow chart and I think he is a positive. https://www.mayocliniclabs.com/-/media/it-mmfiles/Special-Instructions/5/F/8/Celiac_Disease_Diagnostic_Testing_Algorithm ------ Gliadin IgA 16 units (in normal range) Gliadin IgG 35 units (high) IgA. 169 (in normal range) Transglutaminase IgA 3 U/mL (normal 0 to 3 U/mL) Endomysial IgA negative Deaminated Gliadin Abs IgG 35 (positive)
  7. I created a from scratch lit course and was having writer's block on how to write a short course description. So I fed an AI (it might have been Google Bard) the themes of our study and the names of the works to see how it would address them. It wasn't terrible. Over time, I edited it pretty heavily. Every sentence has been messed with. 😃 I totally see what the prior posters mentioned being a problem. I only used it for one course though. Just for fun, we fed it my son's honors college essay prompt. The responses were so bad they were comical. It was like a used car salesman wrote it. So over the top. We got a good laugh out of it.
  8. It sounds like they are moving it online for 2025 (??) Do you all know if it will be adaptive like the SAT is?
  9. Thank you for spending your time and energy to update us. We know your plate is overfull. Continuing to pray for daily mercies and for you to be given hope and peace. This is such a hard journey you are on, but my prayer is you never feel alone in it.
  10. I tend to get what they call night sweats. I only get them at night (hence the name) and they last a long while for me. Usually I wake up sweaty and it is accompanied by insomnia. Usually at least 20 minutes until I feel less hot, but much longer to fall back asleep. This is interesting. https://www.menopause.org/docs/default-source/press-release/hot-flashes-and-nights-sweats-on-depression-and-stress-release.pdf I do have a history of struggles with depression/anxiety and my night sweats always concur with my PMDD symptoms.
  11. I really like the book The Emotionally Destructive Relationship by Leslie Vernick. The book addresses other relationships other than just marriage, but she also has a book called The Emotionally Destructive Marriage. https://leslievernick.com/the-emotionally-destructive-marriage/assessment/
  12. So we are weird. We only joined Sam's because they sell Toll House Chocolate Chips (Costco doesn't sell them, and none of the kinds they sell are gluten-free). That first year I think I got the membership for $20 but they offered a $20 gift card also, so it was a net zero cost to join. So if they are offering something like that, you could basically join a year for free and see how it goes. Overall, I prefer Costco. It's closer and as mentioned, it tends to be cleaner and nicer. There are a couple things we have found at Sam's that Costco doesn't sell: the Luzianne Decaf Tea bags, Toll House morsels, and Hershey's Cocoa. I do a lot of baking so those are nice. They also sell Superpretzels which Costco rarely has and my husband loves. That said, we probably only hit Sam's 2-3 times a year. It's about a 30 minute drive for us. I just majorly stock up when we do. One thing we noticed is that they have men's small sizes of clothing at Sam's and they pretty much never do at Costco. That's not a big deal for most people. For my boys, we have been able to get some clothing at Sam's that we would have had to buy online from Costco. As noted upthread, if you buy online at Costco, it is slightly more expensive because they build in the shipping fees.
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