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ScoutTN last won the day on July 15

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About ScoutTN

  • Birthday 03/18/1966

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    Reading, cooking, gardening

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  1. Dinner is good. Gonna take some to a neighbor and then do more math.
  2. 🤣🙄 Sounds so very, very familiar!
  3. Meatloaf and pasta have always been winners when we get to make meals for folks who are/were recently homeless. Green beans generally trump broccoli with them.
  4. Tbd! Very possibly. She will begin German this fall, as all language majors not headed to teaching are required to do 4 semesters in a second foreign language. Her school has a strong emphasis on internships and helps students find them. A summer working with missionary friends in France is also an option. l
  5. Yes. My son’s psych appointments are almost always structured for the doc to see him alone and me (or me and Dh) without Ds. Not unusual. An 8 yo should have child-appropriate information, but not be in the decision-making loop. That’s what parents are for. Teens get eased into the process so that they are ready for young adult independence, but you all are a long way from that.
  6. You ladies read far more than I do snd I thought of this thread when I saw the above meme today.
  7. Yes! She is hoping to get an internship in France or Belgium or Quebec or next summer. Fall of her junior year will be study abroad, probably in northern France.
  8. 🙄😆🙄 No ability to think outside the standard school paradigm.
  9. I need to get our passport applications in. If Dd is going to be in France for extended periods of time over the next few years, we definitely need them. She has one, but Dh and mine are expired. Ds doesn’t have one.
  10. @WildflowerMom It is good to see you here. Sorry for the struggle with depression. Praying for you and yours today.
  11. My kid writes faster than he types, so the shift is not helpful for him taking APUS this year. Hopefully, his teacher will adapt the instruction to include some online test-taking skills, in addition to the basic content and essay writing.
  12. Good morning! Summer is ending quickly! 🙁Today is my last free Friday until Fall Break in October. Sigh. Dd will be home from camp next Saturday. Ds has a week to finish his APUS homework. Today: Shower! ✔️ Reread Dd’s lease and think about her school and move-in things. Turns out we don’t have a copy of the lease, just some general info and the guarantor form Dh signed. Work at church and do a couple errands on that side of town. ✔️ Study for and register to take the math Praxis. AHG emails. ✔️ Thrift shop. Housekeeping. A bit Dinner is chx stir fry and pot stickers. Need soy sauce and more crunchy veggies. ✔️ Read!
  13. @HomeAgain That sounds so familiar! 🙄🤣 I hope your Ds has a great week at scout camp! @mom31257 Have fun! How far away is the board game event?
  14. We are minimalists at the beach. Breakfast is eggs, meat, starch, fruit, and coffee. Occasionally a fun coffeecake or a french toast casserole. Lunch is usually sandwiches and fruit. Could be quesadillas or grilled cheese. Could be burgers or sausages. Add soup if it’s rainy. Dinner is fresh seafood all but the first and last nights. First is mexican/tacos and the last is leftovers or eat out. If we have a horde or the seafood prices are exorbitant, I may default to grilled chx or a casserole. I love to get the fresh catch at the seafood market each day and figure out how to cook it as we go. Usually two nights are shrimp bc we go to the Gulf coast. (FL or AL). Fish cooks quickly and my people are not picky eaters. Local seasonal veggies plus a starch for sides.
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