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  1. @pgr has had kids take WHA's science classes - maybe you could PM them.
  2. https://annas-archive.org/md5/e912dea2423647376d23c54653f9586b (digital) https://www.zvab.com/servlet/SearchResults?isbn=9789985037058&cm_sp=mbc-_-9789985037058-_-all https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=31539773289&cm_sp=det-_-bsk-_-bdp None of these are in English
  3. How do these two compare in terms of rigor? Biochemliteracy seemed a bit "fluffy" to me at first glance (middle school level rather than high school level). Is this true in your experience?
  4. https://www.bluebonnetscholars.org/course/accelerated-studied-in-physics-and-chemistry/ Look at Memoria academic, Kolbe Academy, and Wilson Hill Academy
  5. My guess is that Master's degrees at US universities have a known standard of rigor and provide research opportunities to their students, while most international undergrad programs do not have either.
  6. I don't think a first grader is behind if they used to not know these. What grade level is it at?
  7. What's the more reason? Both benefit from the conceptual benefits of calculus, but physics 1 is harder and less relevant to medicine
  8. But the 5abc sequence is calculus based, isn't it?
  9. https://www.edx.org/learn/ap/harvard-university-cs50-s-ap-r-computer-science-principles
  10. https://1600.io/p/1600-io-sat-math-orange-book if you want SAT-specific prep
  11. https://www.complexityexplorer.org/courses They have a bunch of free courses (cohort-based and self paced) on very interesting topics - think fractals, complex system, chaos, etc.
  12. There's also a grade 6 to algebra 1 curriculum using Desmos: https://amplify.com/programs/amplify-desmos-math/
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