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Spryte last won the day on June 22

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  1. Oh no! I was all ready to cheer on the cool and fun thing! I’m positive it was something fascinating and awesome. Sending some hugs and chocolate cake!
  2. @mindinggaps You are very brave and strong to be so honest in your posts.
  3. DH had a DIY one for years and years, then we moved and he sat for a while. He’s back to standing, and has an adjustable desk from Amazon. He stands on a mat made for standing desks — it has some patterns (bumps) to adjust where/how you have your feet, like a foam massage mat for your feet. Looks comfy. Costco sometimes sells adjustable standing desks that look nice, too.
  4. Yes, we are doing an in office baked milk challenge, and it needs to be milk mixed with some type of flour and baked. I tried our regular GF, everything-else-free muffins, and after reading a bit that it would work — I subbed milk for the water. Oh my word. They looked beautiful! We can’t do frosting or icing, so I dipped them in earth balance safe butter and cinnamon sugar. And then DH and I tried them. Aaack. They were raw in the center, Nevermind that the toothpick came out fine. Cooking more just gave us burned sugar with a gooey inside. DH is now making this: https://glutenfreebaking.com/easy-gluten-free-chocolate-cake-recipe/ and I’m sure it will turn out better. DD is so, so nervous and scared and stressed. I hope this recipe works and tastes good. We have her BFF coming along for support, and a plan for watching movies while we do the challenge.
  5. I have arrowroot that is safe for us. Bob’s Redmill won’t work for our other allergies, it’s us cross contaminated, but we do have arrowroot! I also have an unopened bag of Better Batter, which has no corn starch. Maybe I can find a BB recipe that would work.
  6. We have complicated allergies. DD is having a baked milk challenge tomorrow and I need to bake a cake with actual milk in it. Today. Due to the other allergies, it can’t contain (or be a may contain for) peanuts, tree nuts (no almond flour!), sesame, lentils, banana, avocado, wheat. It must be gluten free, and now because of my mast cell issues, it must also be corn starch free. Even pouring powdered sugar into a bowl can make my throat close! We usually use Namaste when we need a mix. No corn starch. But we are out and our local store just stopped selling them. The recipes I’m finding online contain corn starch, aaaagh. Please help me out with boxed mix ideas or recipes.
  7. Please keep her on her meds. If you look back at your post history, she really hasn’t been stable long. I’m thrilled to hear that she’s been stable for a few months now, and relieved for all of you. She deserves more stability than she’s had yet. This endless tinkering with her dose isn’t giving it to her. It reminds me of the reason meds fail for so many patients — they go on meds at a crisis point, find their dose, get stable, decide they don’t need them, go off the meds, hit crisis point. Rinse and repeat. I see it with my loved one who needs meds all. the. time. (And by the way, he’s an adult who blames his parents for not getting him on meds and getting him help. At 33, he’s livid that his mom was anti-meds, and didn’t trust the docs he saw over and over. He’s livid that his non-custodial dad didn’t fight harder to keep him medicated, even though it was impossible to mandate med-compliance at the mom’s house.) Also — there’s no guarantee that her meds will work again if you go off the Prozac now. What is your plan if the Prozac is no longer effective? I would want a plan for that before messing around with her dose.
  8. Yes, amoxicillin can do that — toward the end of the Rx. Call the doc. Take pics of the hives for documentation. Benadryl for relief.
  9. I was just coming to suggest Ivar. I love ours. We have had various combos for 30 years. I bought my first set in 1993, still going strong! They are great in pantries, storage areas, etc. You can change configurations as needed, there are different depths, heights, widths. You can add cabinets or wine racks, baskets, etc. ETA: I see others have said the same thing. Great minds!
  10. I already replied, but wanted to come back and say that your DH sounds like a really great guy who clearly loves you! I remember a couple other threads with things he’s done for you or ideas that he wants to do, and he’s so obviously invested in finding/giving gifts that you will love. 💕 Something about an auction purchase (that was kind of a miss, but what a thoughtful try, IIRC!) and the Christmas convention idea, and I think there were some others. What a keeper! So happy that you have someone like that in your life. I love reading your threads about his ideas, they are heartwarming and creative, and obviously he pays attention. (Random thoughts from another person with someone like that in her life, and is grateful every day. I wish I could be as thoughtful and creative as my own DH with gift giving! It is really a talent.)
  11. My only issues are with third party sellers.
  12. Our Macs last forever and ever and ever. And I run things into the ground, drive them till they die, at least with regard to electronics and cars. The issue is that eventually you will no longer be able to get the latest OS onto a very old device. Things will run along fine after that, except there could be new apps that you’d like to use or updates to your current apps that need a newer OS. At that point, generally our Macs here are still usable and fine for most functions, but we replace them anyway. 10 years is pretty old, so I would definitely grab the educational discount and replace it.
  13. I would keep an eye on the temp, esp since she seemed to improve and then worsened. Can you call the ENT office and speak directly to a nurse today? Getting direct info seems like a good plan, but I know from co-parenting that it’s not easy and there can be some awkwardness. You need to be able to ask them questions. Do you have the discharge paperwork to reference, at least? On the urgent care idea — I would encourage you to speak to a nurse or see the ENT before going that route, since your funds are limited. If they suggest UC, that’s one thing, but more likely they will want to see her, or call in abx. Anecdotally, DS had oral surgery and developed an infection about five days later. The doc was traveling to another office and the local office told us to go to urgent care if we didn’t want to travel to his other office. Ha! UC looked at us like we had three heads and sent us to the oral surgeon’s office two hours away. It just added time and expense needlessly.
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