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I got my dream job

Mrs Tiggywinkle Again

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15 minutes ago, Amethyst said:

So excited for you! I am a program director at a community college too! (Not EMT). Give yourself a full year to learn the ropes. It took me quite some time to get used to a desk job. You’ll get there! So happy for you!

The ropes are pretty extensive since I’m also responsible for accreditation compliance for the program to remain accredited. And that is a behemoth. 

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16 minutes ago, Ausmumof3 said:

Congratulations! I hope this turns out to be the much-needed change you’ve been looking for.

 After 20 years of 24 hour shifts, I am really ready to sleep in my own bed every night, be home on every holiday and never miss a baseball game(to be fair, the company I’ve worked for the last decade is fantastic about getting parents time off for birthdays and Christmas morning but I am ready for sleep and a more normal life with my kids).  My cousin’s passing really hit me hard and she really arranged her life to never miss a moment of her kids’ childhoods.  And now she’s left them so young that I am glad she never just assumed there would be more tIme.

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47 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle Again said:

The ropes are pretty extensive since I’m also responsible for accreditation compliance for the program to remain accredited. And that is a behemoth. 

Yes! Our next accreditation visit happens in 2026 and I’m already starting to stress about it! I’m just hoping that there are others at the college who have been through this many times who will have advice for me. 

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Congratulations!   I also just took a new job at a community college.  Somehow I'm in charge of registering all the dual enrollment kids in a county where dual enrollment is completely free.  I am under water and trying to learn to swim really really quickly . . . and I'm only part time and this is NOTHING like running an actual program.  I feel for ya, but I also hope you love it.

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14 hours ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle Again said:

I am taking a program coordinator position at a hospital-community college education partnership. Essentially I will be in charge of EMT and paramedic classes in my region. There are only 20 of these positions in my state and competition is usually fierce.  I don’t have all the qualifications but the medical directors sought me out and worked around it.

i start Monday. I haven’t worked a five day a week office job in 20 years, so this will be an adjustment, but I am so excited and DH is willing to help out with homeschooling. Other than office hours for my students and the actual classroom teaching much of it is able to be flexed so i think we will be okay. This is what I’ve wanted to do since I became a paramedic and I am totally on cloud nine.

Wow, congrats & good luck! I hope it all works out the way you need it to.

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