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kbutton last won the day on September 1 2022

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  1. Sometimes achy/throbbing like it was going to storm—that felt more like it was in my bones. Sometimes I had lots of tiny muscle spasms that I didn’t realize were spasming. I felt old and arthritic and like a human barometer.
  2. I take Vitacost. Chelated. Not mag citrate, but I can’t think of what it is right now. I have the best results with Allegra, but I also take a leukotriene (sp?) inhibitor, H2 blocker, and azelastine spray. Claritin is underpowered for me, and Zyrtec does nothing for any reaction while making me crazy sleepy. But I will also be really sleepy if my MCAS is flaring. I had a lot of pain with MCAS—getting it under control made the majority go away.
  3. There aren’t just Types 1 and 2. There is LADA/Type 1.5, maybe other patterns.
  4. Pernicious anemia and type 1 can go together, IIRC. They are both autoimmune.
  5. Did you get anywhere with the individual company? I had an issue one with getting one item that was supposed to be a ten pack. It was from a Mom and Pop shop on the west coast that I suspect had people working who weren’t fluent in English (the context at the time suggested this—I don’t remember the details). They made it right and were very happy that I contacted them. It worked out fine. I think people mix eucalyptuses oil with epsom salts for a nice open-the-sinuses bath when you have a cold.
  6. That’s a long wait. Is the GP going to monitor the iron in the meantime? Do you have instructions about what to look for that would be ER worthy? I hope they can get the ball rolling during the waiting period! Is an allergist another way to get this interpreted? That might also be a wait, but maybe it would be quicker.
  7. I meant to reply to the OP, lol! Sorry!
  8. Just know that there is conflicting information among lists of low histamine, so it just a jumping off point—it’s more important to find her triggers. Also, after removing triggers and getting on stabilizing meds for MCAS, she might be able to add some foods back in or rotate through foods that are maybe only a problem when things are already off kilter. For the muscle spasms, she might try magnesium.
  9. I’ve been wondering how you’ve been doing, and I’m so glad to find out that you’ve been so busy still being you. Prayers for your DH and for continued adaptability for you and everyone in your world.
  10. I’m so sorry. The stark contrast is so hard, and it’s normal to feel ugly about it.
  11. No one wants to check because I’m fat. Being fat is automatic heavy work for building bone mass. Nevermind that I have had points I’ve needed to supplement stuff and could have malabsorption issues, lol! I have ridges in my nails, but I can’t do gelatin or collagen type stuff. I know they have mostly disappeared in the past with supplements, but we’re still talking mostly a multi. It was shortlived—I had ridges all my childhood too, and we ate pretty well.
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