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fraidycat last won the day on March 6

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About fraidycat

  • Birthday March 23

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    On the brink of Insanity

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  1. For an easy to understand "primer" on blood glucose/insulin/fasting/exercise, I recommend the book Fast. Feast. Repeat. by Gin Stephens.
  2. To be fair, we have a kitty who is such a gentleman and would sit still for all the things just because he is chill AF. Speaking kindly and light pets would be all that is required. Scruffing him would be unnecessarily rough and rude. So, start lightly and adjust as necessary seems like a decent approach. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  3. Check out the dimensions of the Vihals shelf at IKEA to see if they would work better. They are deeper than the Billy. I just learned of them last week at IKEA - they were set up right beside the Billy.
  4. I'm so sorry for your loss. She sounds like an amazing woman. Big hugs. Your vent... I get it. No judgement here. I've had similar thoughts when I see the evil in the world and contrast that with the good ones I've lost. It is so not fair!
  5. Thank you for the update. Your and your family are accomplishing great things in the face of great adversity. It is a testament of your strength of character and determination that shines through all of the accomplishments and adversities.
  6. Good job holding those boundaries. It sounds like your mom and siblings are starting to experience some well-deserved consequences. I agree that you should block your mom, get out of or ignore/delete the sibling group messages and enjoy your days, drama free.
  7. Heat makes me rage-y. I'm a Fall-Winter-Spring gal. I could live without summer.
  8. Throwing Tupperware containers in their kitchens? 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😄
  9. I would just go with your idea of mixing the two kinds for the free feeding. There's ideal, then there's reality. Ya gotta go with the one that works. One thing that you might try first if it makes you feel better to try another approach first is to try mixing wet, dry, and water for Nugget at meal times. This is the combination our 13 (2 mommas, 11 kittens) current fosters get. We mash the wet food about 50/50 with water so it's very liquidy, then add dry kibble to make a "cereal w/milk" consistency to start. If they don't finish it right away it will puff into more of a mashed potato consistency, but they still clean it all up before the next meal. The point being that Nugget might eat more with more soft/hard "texture" before they want out of kitty jail.
  10. Sub-floor is doable. Windows MUST open, though. At least in all sleeping areas.
  11. Sandwiches, veggie tray, fruit tray, cheese & cracker tray, salads.
  12. So, it wasn't just me. Phew!
  13. Instinctively, approaching from the driveway, I would go to the right from the driveway, too. I think the positioning of the garage with the lower roof line makes it look like the left side would be the back of the house and the right side would be the main entrance/front. Also, beautiful house! Your sign should say "Deliveries" with an arrow. And maybe another one with "Deliveries Here" at your designated spot. People will not read more than about 3 words.
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