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If your vaccine tier is open, have you been able to get the shot?


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Yes, I have been able to get my first dose. I qualify under the healthcare umbrella. My second dose is in a few weeks.

My mom got hers and my dad has an appointment scheduled, but they worked very hard to get appointments. Things seem to be loosening up in the last week or so, with more options available at pharmacies, clinics and mass vaccine sites. 

Other family members have gotten it through their employment. 

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Due to dumb luck in my personal connections, I get a heads up when places get a supply so I’ve been helping people get appointments.

If I didn’t know which store/clinic was getting a supply on which day, I can imagine it would be extremely difficult to find an appointment.  Even having advance knowledge, appointments book out very quickly.  

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I think it is going to be at least a few months before dh and I are eligible for vaccines (early 50s and healthy). Our state is only just starting to vaccinate people 65+. It has been very disorganized and the shots are in short supply, so it has been difficult for people to get appointments.

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I just received my second dose this week. 
I am in tier 1b, underlying health issues. 
My young adult son has received one dose, also tier 1b with underlying health issues. 
I was registered in my county, but then found out that UT Southwestern was giving out vaccines to their patients. I was able to schedule appt for next day. First vaccine was in and out in less then 20 minutes. Second shot had an hour wait. I had no issues with either shot, aside from a mild sore arm. (Pfizer.) 
My son was scheduled through our county, which has a mass vaccine site at Texas Motor Speedway. He was unable to go the day he was scheduled. I figured he would be moved to the back of the line, but was emailed the next week with another appt date which he was able to make. 

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SO far, it's been very easy here once your tier is open. The first tier was nursing homes and medical professionals. The Dept of Health called any medical office that didn't sign up to get them signed up and scheduled. The next tier was 75+ and they could call or sign up online. It took about 3 weeks to get that tier finished. They're moving to 70-74 this week. I haven't heard of any glitches yet. 

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Not yet. On the waiting list in 3 counties as of last week. I am not yet eligible in my county, but I don’t have to get it in my county.
I am in 1b because I tutor with a non-profit learning center. K-12 teachers are in 1b in TN. I would be 1c otherwise because I’m diabetic. 

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In the UK I'm not eligible yet.

My mother had her first jab before Christmas and her second in January - the vaccinators went to her care home. My 65yo brother was called by his GP one week after his birthday - when he entered the eligible tier - and invited to come for his first vaccination a week later. 

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I got my first shot, (Tier 1B in Texas). It isn't easy to get an appointment; I happened to check the website at exactly nthe right time. DH is in the appt list for a nearby town. He should be vaccinated with in the next 2-3 weeks, depending on how much vaccine they receive.  I live in a mostly rural county which does not received a lot of vaccines each week. We are encouraged to go to the big shot clinics in San Antonio, where they get much larger shipments of vaccine.

People have opinions about out of county residents receiving vaccines at the shot clinics. Some people think those shots should only be for San Antonio residents, even though the governor has said any Texas resident can get vaccinated at any location, period. I was scolded by a friend for "jumping the line" because I went out of county. 😕

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I am in group 1b, and haven’t been able to get an appointment. My 75 year old father with multiple underlying health conditions was finally able to get an appointment for his first shot on March 19th. At the rate my county is moving, I don’t anticipate being able to get vaccinated until late summer at the earliest. 😠Not sure what this will mean for dd20, who would like to go back to  in person college classes in the fall, but only if she has been vaccinated. (Not a fan of my health department right now, as you can probably tell.) 

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I just registered as a tutoring and research business and will pay the business tax here of $72.00 and am getting on every list as an educator because I am so very, very, very high risk and Alabama opened it up to 65+ and any age of so-called essential workers including teachers and all of my doctors have told me I need to get it way, way, way before non high risk grocery workers or even non - high risk 65 year olds, etc.  My risk, according to latest studies, is just so much worse.  

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36 minutes ago, math teacher said:

I teach in Texas (not eligible yet), but live in Arkansas (eligible). I got it at an Arkansas pharmacy.

So, my sister is a teacher in Texas and her district held a vaccine clinic this weekend. She got her first shot today. Her comments section has other TX teachers saying their districts were doing the same. I did look online and saw that teachers aren’t eligible yet in Texas so I’m wondering how they’re doing it. 

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1 hour ago, TravelingChris said:

I just registered as a tutoring and research business and will pay the business tax here of $72.00 and am getting on every list as an educator because I am so very, very, very high risk and Alabama opened it up to 65+ and any age of so-called essential workers including teachers and all of my doctors have told me I need to get it way, way, way before non high risk grocery workers or even non - high risk 65 year olds, etc.  My risk, according to latest studies, is just so much worse.  

I really hope that people are not actually able to jump in line using this tactic. 

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1 hour ago, TravelingChris said:

I just registered as a tutoring and research business and will pay the business tax here of $72.00 and am getting on every list as an educator because I am so very, very, very high risk and Alabama opened it up to 65+ and any age of so-called essential workers including teachers and all of my doctors have told me I need to get it way, way, way before non high risk grocery workers or even non - high risk 65 year olds, etc.  My risk, according to latest studies, is just so much worse.  

How unethical.  I really hope that you aren't advocating this kind of behavior. 

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I am in Texas.  The 1b group (which is over 65 or comorbidity) is being vaccinated right now.  DH is over 70 and is on lists but has not been able to schedule an appointment yet.  Older individuals who are in nursing homes have seemed to be able to get the vaccine.  But most of the people I know who are over 65 who are retired but still active have not been able to get a vaccine.  I know a number of people who have been able to get vaccines however through their work; people who are in their 20's and 30's who work for government or in the health care industry who have been able to get a vaccine through their employer--although they are able to work 100% from home and do not have any interaction with the public or patients.  I have also known some who have been able to get a vaccine because of comorbidities including one young person who was able to get one because there is a possibility that she might be pregnant (no positive pregnancy test).  

And now winter weather has caused even more problems for vaccination sites.

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I am in north Florida. No one in my household is eligible, but DH's parents and grandmother (same city as us) have all received both doses already. I can't think of anyone I know locally in the medical field who hasn't been able to get theirs. I know a few people who are caregivers for people over 65 and they've been able to get theirs as well.

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My 89 year old dad hasn’t been able to get one yet.  It’s frustrating.  Dh and I aren’t eligible yet but they allowed us to sign up and get ‘in line’ for when our tier opens. So I felt good about that until a few weeks later when they said they were sending weekly emails to everyone on the list to keep them informed of how the program is doing and updating us on estimated dates to get to our group. Yeah, neither dh nor I received any emails so I doubt our registrations went through. 

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I'm a teacher and our district arranged a clinic for any staff who wants to get the first vaccine next week. Students will get the day off since there aren't enough subs to cover us and staff have a planning day.

I've been trying hard to find an appointment on my own and today was the first day that I saw an opening I could have signed up for on my own. It would have required a day off of school.

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3 hours ago, Joker2 said:

So, my sister is a teacher in Texas and her district held a vaccine clinic this weekend. She got her first shot today. Her comments section has other TX teachers saying their districts were doing the same. I did look online and saw that teachers aren’t eligible yet in Texas so I’m wondering how they’re doing it. 

Hmm-no clue. At first teachers were one partial tier up, but we got demoted. I'm glad your sister and the other teachers in her district are able to go ahead and get one though.

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I'm in Maryland and it's a mess.  They're still on Tier 1 and it has nothing to do with health.  The first group is all sorted by age, occupation, and group living situation.  My daughter is scheduled to get her first dose next week because she's a teacher.  They're pretty much ordering the teachers back into buildings before they've been vaccinated.  My disabled son who needs it the most is in the second group where they start to consider health issues.  I'm in the last group because there is nothing wrong with me.  I have to remain a hermit until DS is protected.  Apparently WV is doing an excellent job distributing the vaccines, so I hope my mom gets one soon.  She's surrounded by too many people who don't take this seriously.

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My 70 year old mom with several high-risk health conditions is in FL and has not been able to get an appt yet. I have been trying to help her navigate the online system and it’s a mess. 

I am in VA and my county is in Tier 1b, which is my group. However, this is a huge group and they are prioritizing people. I will be one of the last ones in this Tier. 

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7 hours ago, GoVanGogh said:

I just received my second dose this week. 
I am in tier 1b, underlying health issues. 
My young adult son has received one dose, also tier 1b with underlying health issues. 
I was registered in my county, but then found out that UT Southwestern was giving out vaccines to their patients. I was able to schedule appt for next day. First vaccine was in and out in less then 20 minutes. Second shot had an hour wait. I had no issues with either shot, aside from a mild sore arm. (Pfizer.) 
My son was scheduled through our county, which has a mass vaccine site at Texas Motor Speedway. He was unable to go the day he was scheduled. I figured he would be moved to the back of the line, but was emailed the next week with another appt date which he was able to make. 

I'm in the northern part of Tarrant County. I read about the Motor Speedway site the day after I signed up in my county. I wish I would have waited and signed up in your county because we're just a few miles south of the speedway. It looks like your county in getting lots of doses, probably because you have such an efficient way to distribute them. 

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We are too young and healthy,  but most of my family who qualify got one a few weeks ago.  Ive got 1 more, we got a shot scheduled,  but then canceled due to weather.   She is still the top of the list next time. 

As for ease, its been hard to find a shot!  You have to see it on FB, sign up multiple places- the elderly struggle with doing all that.  I see people my age making the appts for their eligible family.

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6 hours ago, BusyMom5 said:

We are too young and healthy,  but most of my family who qualify got one a few weeks ago.  Ive got 1 more, we got a shot scheduled,  but then canceled due to weather.   She is still the top of the list next time. 

As for ease, its been hard to find a shot!  You have to see it on FB, sign up multiple places- the elderly struggle with doing all that.  I see people my age making the appts for their eligible family.

Yes, I signed up for my MIL she wouldn't been able to do it on her own. The slots for the first mass vaccination clinic lasted a day or so, mostly due to it being hard to sign up I'm sure. They did much better with the follow up shorts after some snafus. Our area had the first mass vaccination clinic in the state so of course there was my wrinkles to iron out. 

I went on the vaccine registration portal for my state but it wanted to put me in the next tier because I'm in Education. Now, I teach ESL online so I'm obviously not actually supposed to be in that tier so I exited out of the system and stopped the registration process. I won't be eligible until it is open to everyone. I expect that vaccine reluctance will be high here due to the leanings of the political majority so I don't think it will be hard to get it once eligible, but we'll see.

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I'm eligible (central Texas)-- no luck getting one.  Apparently you have to know the right people... There was a big vaccine 'hub' in our area last week--it was announced the day AFTER.  I did finally get on a registry (but no appointment yet) for the next county over... our current county is worthless--they pre-registered 12000 and have delivered 2000... they will not open for names until they distribute all of the 12000 (and possibly the 2nd dose of those too).  Pharmacies can now distribute it-- but I have not found one in my area even taking names yet.

I could drive 7 hours to get one (I'm Native American) but I'm not that desperate yet.

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Tiers are different even county to county here.  I'm registered with various lists and through all my specialists.  Various hospitals are prioritizing their own patients based on their criteria.  Locally, they opened the county pre-registration list to everyone, with priority by tiers, so I did register everyone in the family for eventual consideration.  My DH had his second Pfizer shot this last week as an essential worker, but his employer arranged that with the state, and they were given by the big hospital system on site.  I'm told they are sometimes calling with cancellations at the last minute.  We have a one hour response window, so who know how long it will take.

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It took my mother in FL a few weeks of trying to get an appt based on age.  She was on the computer every day checking pharmacy websites and county websites, and sharing info with Facebook friends. She knew when sign-ups opened for each location, and was on several stand-by lists for no-shows. 

When she finally found openings, by the time she registered her husband for his shot, all the rest of the appts were gone for that day, but she managed to get her own appt for the following day.

In my state, I have a few (huge) groups ahead of me. But I get the vaccine updates from my pcp's hospital network, and they just informed us that for the next few weeks, they will be able to honor existing appts, but cannot schedule new appts. The reason they give is that the state is consolidating all the vaccine temporarily to administer through a few high-priority state-run sites. This is supposed to change once the state gets more vaccines to distribute.

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My mother is eligible in our state.  She didn't have to fight for a spot because my BIL is a physician and said that she works in his office, so that she was eligible to get it under the guise of working in a health care setting.  I am not too upset about it because she is in an eligible category.  I am NOT happy about the fact that he used the same tactic for my sister (a healthy 49 year old that does not work in his office or in any health care setting) and especially about my 16 year old perfectly healthy niece who also doesn't work in his office.  I am livid about the two of them.  I have no respect for my sister and her family right now.

DH's 84 year old aunt lives in NJ.  She has not been able to secure an appointment yet.  😞

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I am in the UK and not expecting to be eligible for a while. However, every adult in the priority groups above me that I personally know will have had their first dose by the end of this week. The target was to have everyone age 70+ or with a serious underlying condition with their first injection in their arm by this point, and my area is now partway through the "60+ and adults with less serious underlying conditions" groups, which are the two groups lower in priority than the target one. (Technically, the 60+ category has priority, but my local practise has opted to combine both). It is good news.


Dad and my brother got a call when their care home was scheduled for mass vaccination (they're staff), and will get their second dose at some point before Easter. The elderly ex-neighbour I support got a call from his practise about a month ago, although there was a bit of a (socially-distanced) queue because of the "one in, one out" system in place, and expects his second dose by the end of April. Mum, my aunt and uncle received a call from their respective practises during the last 10 days to schedule an appointment; they were able to select a reasonable one at their practice, but could have gone to the local theatre for one of their mass vaccination sessions had that not worked out. I don't know how my aunt and uncle decided to arrange their appointment, but everyone in my family will take the vaccine as soon as it is offered. All three are likely to receive dose #2 in May. Nobody I know had to do any sort of chasing or know anything at all about the vaccination system to get a slot; the system assumes everyone will have a slot and calls people as soon as one is available for them. Receptionists are very, very busy...


The inequality in vaccine distribution worries me - I have a friend in a country that have had 25 doses sent to it total so far, which can't be good for their vaccine efforts.


Edit: Just read that my local GP practice/family doctor office is now accepting patients who are not part of its practice for its vaccination sessions, and a local hotel (supervised by a local pharmacy) will do so from this Thursday. The hotel has just switched over from being a mass flu vaccine site, so it's not a newcomer to the field. Booking is via the same system as booking at one's home GP office (or the local theatre) - wait to be called, then request to be vaccinated at the mass centre (or ask for an appointment time your home GP office cannot provide - likely to be more common in the working population because many of them need evening or weekend appointments).


82% of people over 80 in my home county have received their first dose of vaccine, a little above the national average of 80%, and 50% of people in the "over 70, in a frontline health job or with a serious underlying condition" category (noting that due to supply lag in some parts of the county, some eligible people are still waiting for a call while my area starts issuing them to younger people. Others may be working and therefore have a delay in when they can have the appointment - something the new mass vaccination centre seeks to remedy).

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My county (in TN) seems quite organized and is only opening relatively narrow tiers -- both age-based and profession/risk based -- in accordance with how much vaccine is actually available.  My parents were able to get vaccinated with not much trouble shortly after slots were released for those 75+, which was right after healthcare workers and first responders.  The county just moved to 70+ and K-12 teachers, the latter of whom will get vaccinated through a dedicated process; public school teachers will go to one hospital and private school teachers will be vaccinated at another.  DH and I won't be eligible until far later in the rollout, when our age groups come up.

In contrast, my elderly inlaws live in NJ, where the eligibility criteria is far broader, and we can't get them appointments anywhere.  


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On 2/13/2021 at 7:19 PM, purpleowl said:

I am in north Florida. No one in my household is eligible, but DH's parents and grandmother (same city as us) have all received both doses already. I can't think of anyone I know locally in the medical field who hasn't been able to get theirs. I know a few people who are caregivers for people over 65 and they've been able to get theirs as well.

This i have not seen - I've seen specifically things saying the opposite. Crazy how it varies even in the same state. 

On 2/13/2021 at 9:31 PM, KungFuPanda said:

I'm in Maryland and it's a mess.  They're still on Tier 1 and it has nothing to do with health.  The first group is all sorted by age, occupation, and group living situation.  My daughter is scheduled to get her first dose next week because she's a teacher.  They're pretty much ordering the teachers back into buildings before they've been vaccinated.  My disabled son who needs it the most is in the second group where they start to consider health issues.  I'm in the last group because there is nothing wrong with me.  I have to remain a hermit until DS is protected.  Apparently WV is doing an excellent job distributing the vaccines, so I hope my mom gets one soon.  She's surrounded by too many people who don't take this seriously.

We've been back in person since the beginning of the year 😞

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England is really keen on easy access, it seems. My brother has now been offered vaccination appointment times by his GP, the large vaccination hub at the football stadium and ...some other facility. All first shots. All because he turned 65 on his NHS record. They are enthusiastic but not entirely coordinated.

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