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Rejoice with me if you can


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I know there's still stress because it is not a permanent position yet, but how wonderful to have a job. I'm sure he'll be putting out extra effort these next few months and will impress his employers.


So happy for all of you.



Yes He will use the next week to brush up on his skills.  He was proficient for sure.....and to some extent it is like riding a bike...you really don't forget that much.  

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Congratulations! What a wonderful start to the new year.


I just went through this (I got the job, but needed to brush up on skills), and will throw out a few ideas: 

  • I found working and focusing for 8 hours after not working for a while to be a challenge, so take the week he has to "practice" sustaining attention for a full day.
  • If your DH needs to update his skills, check out Udemy.com, Lynda.com or any of the other online providers of classes to see if your DH can find something relevant. My DH did a number of Udemy.com courses and found them to be excellent (for the most part, there was one class that wasn't great). Our local library has a Lynda.com subscription, so we could access those courses for free. They also provide certificates of completion, which may be useful for your DH to show/prove to his new employer that he's serious about taking his skills to the next level. 
  • If your DH will be working outside of the home, practice getting to work during drive time (traffic is horrendous around here).

Congratulations, again! 

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That is great!


And kudos to him for getting a job in the dreaded 'dead period'.  That's not easy, so they must have really wanted him.  My guess is that the delay is not so much so that he will build up his skills, as it is to have him come onboard after the first of the year so he counts as a new hire then rather than a headcount for the last quarter of this year.  So, don't worry about that too much.

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Congratulations! What a wonderful start to the new year.


I just went through this (I got the job, but needed to brush up on skills), and will throw out a few ideas: 

  • I found working and focusing for 8 hours after not working for a while to be a challenge, so take the week he has to "practice" sustaining attention for a full day.
  • If your DH needs to update his skills, check out Udemy.com, Lynda.com or any of the other online providers of classes to see if your DH can find something relevant. My DH did a number of Udemy.com courses and found them to be excellent (for the most part, there was one class that wasn't great). Our local library has a Lynda.com subscription, so we could access those courses for free. They also provide certificates of completion, which may be useful for your DH to show/prove to his new employer that he's serious about taking his skills to the next level. 
  • If your DH will be working outside of the home, practice getting to work during drive time (traffic is horrendous around here).

Congratulations, again! 



Thank you for this.  I pulled Udemy.com for dh and he is pretty excited about it.  I can't believe how cheap that is.  He just needs a refresher and maybe a peak at the new bells and whistles on the newer version of the program.  


Dh has worked almost every single day since he got laid off.  But usually nothing where he had to be there at a certain time.  :)  So we have talked about this already.....we need a 10 p.m. bedtime and 5:00 a.m wake time so he can be out the door by 6:45.  

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