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readinmom last won the day on December 29 2012

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About readinmom

  • Birthday June 4

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    sunny california
  • Interests
    Reading, swimming, and cooking
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    zendoodles, seashells, reading

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  1. Good morning! Workout is done...did some YouTube videos for arm workout, did not come close to making it halfway through ab workout. I was getting ready to go for a walk but thunder, lightning, etc. I think I'll wait! groceries collab with friend on rubrics for upcoming year depending on weather, go out and explore or stay in and read new book dinner is steak, salad
  2. Good morning! Amy, that's great news about your dad! Dh and I are all settled in, looking forward to some downtime. We may play some golf later today. Our only to do is pick up some groceries for dinners. I may go check out the local library, see if I can check out some books. I brought a stack with me but still love to see what's out.
  3. We've stopped for the evening, relaxing a bit before going to dinner. Everything is so green. Sensory overload.
  4. Good morning! Amy, so sorry about your dad. Praying for a mild case... Dh and l are on the road. My mom insisted we go somewhere, feels she's being well taken care of. Her care team told us the same thing. We guiltily accepted. I have roughly four weeks before meetings, etc. start for the new year. Not much on the to do list except drive today, stop for late lunch/early dinner before we reach our stop for the night.
  5. Good morning! I didn't realize it was Friday... I haven't slept much in the past few days. We are still waiting on a call regarding mom, estimated time she'll be at her current placement. She was very tired when we visited yesterday. ScoutTn, enjoy your getaway! To do today: coffee, breakfast shake weights go through bookshelf, pick my next few reads find a small spill proof cup w/straw for mom's water...needs to be small and manageable, drop it off finish laundry room cleaning read, relax pizza and salad for dinner
  6. Good morning! I started off in the laundry room this morning, now a full scale organization project! Sigh... To do: coffee, breakfast shake weights finish laundry room organization, cleaning Costco (didn't make it there yesterday) start reading book with dd, work on discussion-type questions check in with mom's doctor, email paperwork work on learning rubrics for 1st quarter grilling steaks for dinner, salad read, relax, work on journal page
  7. Well, I was definitely in a purging state of mind. We dropped off a lot of stuff at Goodwill! I was going to donate all of our used curriculum to library, but now second-guessing whether or not to post it on the curriculum board. Sometimes it's easier to be done with it but some extra cash would be nice. I just remember being thankful at finding some treasures at the library bookstore that were mentioned in the Well Trained Mind. I'm off to visit my mom, make sure transfer goes smoothly.
  8. Good morning! Math Teacher, Congrats! What a great feeling... SKL, I hope you feel better soon. Amy, curious about what you use to record your video lessons? We are waiting on word about mom...they are going to transfer her to a skilled nursing facility to monitor IV antibiotics for an extended time. Apparently this bacterial infection is quite involved considering her age, etc. She has to be monitored 24/7 in case of reactions. She is able to go back to the same place she was at after her surgery in November, so the staff knows her, has already called us to discuss her care. Done so far: coffee, breakfast shake, kitchen clean up To do: mail boxes off to siblings, make more space in garage banking Costco for basics workout, weights work on reading journal, finish last bit of current book waiting on visiting information for mom so we can take clothes, snacks, etc. not sure about dinner, probably grill something, salad Have a great day!
  9. Morning all! I was up with mom several times last night, tired this morning. Except for laundry, house is clean! I just need to start organizing some drawers, cupboards. To do today: coffee, breakfast shake finish reading book We may/may not go out to lunch, depending on how things are work on reading pile, reading journal watch some tv or movie read, relax Have a great day!
  10. Good morning! TGIF! Summer school is done, and I want to get the house in order before I relax a bit. Dd wants to learn how to make bread, waiting for her to wake up. Oldest ds got a puppy so we may go over to see our fur-grandbaby later this afternoon. To do: bathrooms floors, blinds coffee, breakfast shake hospice nurse is visiting this morning for mom UPS to send off paperwork, packages lemon oil, polish dining room straighten pantry set up reading journal...it's a work in progress. I've watched way too many YouTube videos on this, can't make up my mind. pizza and salad for dinner read, relax, watch a movie Have a great day!
  11. SKL, what a strong pup! I thought my daughter's corgi was strong 🙄
  12. Good morning! Another scorching day today... I went to start turkey legs in crockpot for dd's soup, discovered that was the awful smell in the fridge. They are not even near end sale date, and wow! Bagged them up and put in deep freezer until trash day. 🤮 Done: coffee, weights, kitchen clean up, floors To do with the help of more coffee: pick up Rxs for mom Costco run Target run lunch out, bring back something soft and squishy for dd (wisdom teeth taken out) grade assignments, send notification to students (this will be last week of summer school) something light for dinner laundry read and relax Have a blessed day!
  13. Amy, that pic of your dad...priceless and adorable!
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