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Random question - tissues?


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I go through a TON of tissues in the winter especially. My nose gets soooo cold and as it gets cold and then thaws throughout the day, my nose runs.  Like, don’t most people, when they come in from a very cold outside, need to clear their nose a little bit when they warm up?  This happens to me constantly throughout the day, because my nose is always being cold, then being warm, then cold....

The rest of the family doesn’t use them as much. And I don’t use them as much in the summer, though I still use about 10 a day in the summer.  In the winter, it’s much more.

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Let’s see, we use TP most often, in general, for non-ill issues.  DH using handkerchiefs.  I keep a small pop-up box on the back of the loo for company/fam needs.  Then there are usually two large boxes of super-soft premium ones in the linen closet for potential illnesses.  

So, I would say, when we were raising our family, the equivalent of 2-3 large boxes per year.

Now, only 1-2.

Edited by Familia
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We have 10 boxes of tissues actively being used throughout the house plus 1 in each car.

On average, one of the boxes needs to be replaced about every other week.  Though, obviously, some of the frequently used boxes come up in the rotation much more often than the lesser used ones.

So, I estimate we use about 26ish boxes a year. Which feels right since we always buy the 12 packs from Sams, and 6ish months seems like a reasonable estimate for how often we buy one.

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We went through tissues much more when the kids were young.  I can't remember the last time I bought them--we moved a year ago and moved the boxes I had bought some time before that and haven't bought any since then.  DH uses a bandana/handkerchief often.  I have allergies, but usually more sinus congestion and back-of-throat drainage rather than a drippy nose.  

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We use handkerchiefs cut from old jersey sheets.  Each person has their own color.  I wash them once a week with sheets and towels.  I bought a box of tissues about ten years ago that we drag out whenever we have overnight guests to put in the guest room.  I always have to toss the top tissue as it gets dusty over time.  It is still over half full.

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We rarely use them. I have two boxes in the open living room/dining room but they are the same ones from when we moved in over a year ago. I think we just don't have runny noses very often.  I keep a mini pack in my purse and that tends to get used more, but mostly because my eye get a little weepy in the car - I think it's the wind from the ac. No real allergies. 

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In a bad year, we might go through a box per month, but I think that's an overestimate.

If one of us is having bad allergies, we break out the cloth handkerchiefs. We rarely get colds, and when we do, they are mild.

I have allergy issues, but no longer the seasonal issues where my nose runs like a faucet (and when it did, I just made a tissue into a rhino rocket and walked around with my nose plugged up, lol). 

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I don't think we even kept tissues in the house when I was growing up. It was TP, I suppose, although I don't really remember. I think my grandmother might have used an actual hankie.

We are snotty people. Well, maybe it's just me, lol. I'm allergic to dust mites, and so I'm snotty all the time (I do use a nasal spray daily now, which does help). I have a box of tissues next to my computer, in the bathroom, next to my chair in the family room, and one in the car. And not just any tissue: it's always Kleenex, either Ultra Soft or with Aloe. Also, I'm a snob, so using TP is just so, IDK, gauche, lol. Also, given the number of times I have to use something, TP would make my nose raw in no time, so there's that.

ETA: There's also a box in the kitchen. Also, the kitchen and bathroom have cute Longeberger tissue baskets. 🙂

Edited by Ellie
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We might use one a year if someone is sick enough to need tissues. The other day when I couldn't stop crying I had to keep a roll of toilet paper next to me since I don't usually have tissues on hand.

While watching The Crown, there was an episode where she called tissues, "paper handkerchiefs". Is that what they are normally called across the pond?

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59 minutes ago, stephanier.1765 said:

We might use one a year if someone is sick enough to need tissues. The other day when I couldn't stop crying I had to keep a roll of toilet paper next to me since I don't usually have tissues on hand.

While watching The Crown, there was an episode where she called tissues, "paper handkerchiefs". Is that what they are normally called across the pond?

I think that was what we said when I  was a kid. Paper hankies.  We mostly say tissues now. Just as when I was a child, we would respond to 'Thank you' with 'Not at all', but now we say 'You're welcome.'

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We probably use a box/week in the fall and winter (especially winter), and maybe a box every two weeks the rest of the year.  (That's just when it's the two of us!)   My nose runs a lot in the winter, especially if I'm walking outside.  I probably go through 10 kleenexes/day in the winter.  (We say kleenexes here. 🙂)

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Adding: It's kind of hard for me to judge because we keep tissues handy all over the house so I just guessed at 1-2 a week. There's one in my bedroom, ds keeps one in his bedroom, we have one box in a main area accessible to everyone who walks through, and one in each car. 

When you blow your nose multiple times a day - sometimes multiple times an hour - toilet paper is just not soft enough. I don't care how "super soft" or "ultra soft" it claims to be, it's not soft enough. I say this as a 65yo who has dealt with seasonal allergies since the age of 9, tried every kind of tissues and tp available where I live, has done allergy shots on and off all those years, and has been on many, many, many types of allergy meds over the years, some of which are no longer even sold. 

Also, growing up with allergies, I don't know if tp was more expensive or if it was because tp to blow your nose is used more often than just using it for bathroom trips, but my mother bought tissues and insisted I use them for my allergies. Knowing how poor we were I'm sure it was an economical decision. I never actually tested the theory that too much/too expensive tp gets used if you have year round allergies but I did test what was softest and less irritating. It has to be tissues and it has to be soft tissues. 

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5 hours ago, skimomma said:

We use handkerchiefs cut from old jersey sheets.  Each person has their own color.  I wash them once a week with sheets and towels.  I bought a box of tissues about ten years ago that we drag out whenever we have overnight guests to put in the guest room.  I always have to toss the top tissue as it gets dusty over time.  It is still over half full.

Similar.  We use cut up old t-shirts and pj's.  Everyone takes what they need from the general family supply - no individually assigned hankies.  They get washed whenever the dirty rag bin is full (1-2 times per week?) .  We do have some fancy real handkerchiefs (hemmed cotton squares - some home-made, some factory-made) to use when out and feeling fashionable.

We also go through very few paper towels (kitchen rags and cloth napkins) and very little toilet paper (bidet).

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We have at least one box of tissues in every room - two in some (bedroom, living room). Allergies, plus when it's cold, my nose will run from coming inside, sometimes just from getting cold. 

I'd say we go through 15-30 year? I usually buy at least two of the big packs at Sam's twice a year. 

I do cheat and keep a few boxes of the super soft ones for if I get a cold. But I keep those hidden! 

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8 hours ago, kand said:

So interesting how much this varies. My nose is awful when sick and I go through 1-2 boxes when I have a cold, once or twice a year. Otherwise, we almost never use them. I’d say 4 boxes a year total? I bought a three pack in February, in preparation for Covid, and we haven’t gotten into it yet (no illnesses since then). 


We tend to be stuffy, not runny, nasal people though. And we get sinus congestion with post nasal drip more than even the type of stuffy where you can blow. So nothing to really use the tissues for, as far as our allergies. The way you can tell we are in a high pollen count is we all get "allergy shiners" from the sinus congestion, and headaches/ear aches, but we aren't snotting all over the place. Never really stopped to appreciate that, I guess?

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Question for cloth handkerchief people: So, are the used handkerchiefs barely used in your family? I like the idea of further cutting down on our paper use, but I don't like the mental image of laundering for my snotty (literally) family.

I don't know how many boxes of tissues we use a year. We buy the six-box packs several times a year.

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49 minutes ago, iamonlyone said:

Question for cloth handkerchief people: So, are the used handkerchiefs barely used in your family? I like the idea of further cutting down on our paper use, but I don't like the mental image of laundering for my snotty (literally) family.

They dry out, so it's not like you're sticking your fingers into anything goopy by mistake. Then you wash your hands because even dried snot is gross. 😆

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3 hours ago, iamonlyone said:

Question for cloth handkerchief people: So, are the used handkerchiefs barely used in your family? I like the idea of further cutting down on our paper use, but I don't like the mental image of laundering for my snotty (literally) family.

I don't know how many boxes of tissues we use a year. We buy the six-box packs several times a year.


so funny

 no different than washing the face washers of the whole family, or the underpants, or the wet socks. I just chuck it all into the washing machine and it comes out clean

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7 hours ago, iamonlyone said:

Question for cloth handkerchief people: So, are the used handkerchiefs barely used in your family? I like the idea of further cutting down on our paper use, but I don't like the mental image of laundering for my snotty (literally) family.

I don't know how many boxes of tissues we use a year. We buy the six-box packs several times a year.

I have an old pillow case hung up for collection of hankies and cleaning cloths.  I dump the whole thing in the washer, case and all.  No touching.

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