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That’s really rough. I’m so sorry.


I have been in your shoes more than a few times and have found that I personally preferred to ask for medication to start miscarriage at home, in private vs. having a D&C. I’ve done it both ways. Obviously it’s a personal choice but it’s one I mentioned because the first time around I thought I had to have the surgery and I wish someone would have told me there was possibly another option.

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I'm so sorry for your lost.


FWIW, I went through the same thing at 18 weeks. The ultrasound showed that growth had likely stopped at 15 weeks. After discussing it with my midwife, I decided to be admitted and induced instead of the d&c. We had a service with a priest at a funeral home, followed by cremation. I needed to process the loss that way. I also think it helped my oldest grieve, who was 15 at the time.


Be kind to yourself.

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Thank you everyone. It’s weird how comfort from strangers helps.


Right now there is some concern about inducing or letting the baby deliver naturally because of how the placenta is attached. I’ll be honest, I was only half hearing what the doctor said, I think she said it looks like the placenta is adhered to my c-section scar.


I don’t know the difference between a D&C and a D&E but she said I was too far along for a D&C. Tomorrow I’ll be seeing a high risk specialist to decide how things will go from here. Thankfully no one is trying to rush me into a decision.


My MIL is coming in the morning to watch the kids, a good friend will keep them overnight if needed.

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I'm very sorry for your loss.  I know how hard it is.  I am glad to hear that you are getting several opinions on how to proceed.  It is a huge shock and it's difficult to make the best decisions in this situation, so I'm thankful that you feel as if you're being given adequate time to think things over.

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