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How far away do your two families live apart (if you are married.)


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My mom's side of the family is on the East Coast and my dad's side of the family is on the West Coast.


My husband's family is in Michigan and my family AZ/CA/OR/WA.  My parents are in AZ.  


For the first 12 years of our marriage, my parents were overseas, so over 9,500 miles.


What about you?



Edited by DawnM
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My mom's side of the family is on the East Coast and my dad's side of the family is on the West Coast.


My husband's family is in Michigan and my family AZ/CA/OR/WA. My parents are in AZ.


What about you?

My parents are in Maryland, and my husband's parents are in New Mexico and Texas. My mom has never met either of his parents, and my dad has met his mom but not his dad.


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My family lives about 20 miles from me in the same house I grew up in.  My siblings are all within 10-15 minutes drive from us.


DH's parents used to live about 10 minutes from us, but have now sold their house and travel around in an RV.  Right now they are a few hours away.  They are planning to spend the winter within about a 200-300 mile radius of us I think, but they sometimes just decide last  minute to head off places, so who knows.  DH's siblings are about 2-3 hours from us.

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My mother is 10 minutes away from us in Northern NJ, my dad is about 45 minutes from us in Northern NJ.  My brother is in Florida.

Dh's parents are about 3 hours from us in Southern NJ.  He has one brother in that same area, and one that just moved from there to Florida.


Once we get into cousins and aunts/uncles, they are scattered all over the country for both of us.

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Dh's parents are currently 200 miles away, but we're relocating and will soon be 1,000 miles away. I don't think they're very happy about it, but I am looking forward to having some distance between myself and fil.


Both my parents died before I married, and I'm an only child, so really no family to speak of on my side.

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We are mostly hyper-local. My mother and father were high school sweethearts and lived mere blocks from each other. Remaining family members on each side are all in MD. On my husband’s side, MIL was originally from the mid-west and FIL was born in D.C. MIL came to D.C. with her sisters in an amazingly forward-thinking arrangement by her father, who knew that being farmer’s wives was their only potential future back home. So he put them on a train to D.C., to live in a dormatory and learn business skills and work for the government. Her sisters all branched out to different places as they married, but her brothers remained in Missouri.

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My parents and siblings are all within an hour and a half of us, mostly in the same very large metropolitan area. Dh’s parents are five hours away, two of his siblings are about an hour closer on the way to his parents, the other two are in opposite directions, each 5-6 hours away.

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My parents are divorced, so we have three families, in three different states. I popped it into google and their three locations make a triangle with 1200-1500 miles on each side (Virginia, Minnesota, and Texas).


If we lived in southern Illinois or something we'd be right about equidistant from all three. But we don't! We live 500 miles outside the triangle. We don't see our families very often.

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My mom has passed, I rarely see my only sibling, and my extended family is pretty small. However, when my mom was alive she lived 20 minutes from my IL's. We lived near both. We both have extended family within three hours or less and we both have extended family out of state. My brother lives about 45 minutes from us. We aren't estranged, just not close. We only see each other a few times a year. We have a close relationship with my niece - my brother's only child - and her dh and 3 kids. They live about 5 minutes from FIL.

Edited by Lady Florida.
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My in laws all live just over 1.5 hours away. We moved to the country.


My sister is about the same distance away, as is my estranged mother.


My dad lives in another state, Google tells me it's about 450 miles away. He and my step mother are retired so they visit us, about once a year. Although they are getting older, I don't know how much longer they can do the trip...

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10 minutes away from my parents and 25 minutes from DH's parents.  And yet we hardly ever see MIL and FIL.  My parents we see 2-3 times a week usually.


My brother is on the west coast and we are prairies so we don't see him that often.  DH's sister is 20 minutes away.  My mother's family is also nearby but we don't see them much;  my dad's family is spread out more across the western half of Canada.

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My parents are in Seattle and Boise. My sister is in Sonoma. My in-laws live about an hour outside Montreal, but they spend all winter whereever we live, which is currently San Diego. I would love for all of us to be closer, especially the cousins, but my sister really loves living in Nor Cal, and my husband and I are allergic to rain and cold.

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I live on the west coast, my mother and siblings are in NJ/PA, my father & stepmother are in FL, my (ex) inlaws are in the UK, and ex-husband lives 1200 miles away in another state. It's been ~8 years since we visited the relatives in NJ/PA, 3 yrs since we saw my dad & stepmom in FL, 2 yrs since we visited my MIL and BIL in the UK, and 18 months since the kids have seen their dad (grrrr). My mother and MIL are both crazy (NPD), so the vast distances between us are not accidental.  ;)


Next fall DS will be 2500 miles away at college, though, and that may do me in.  :crying:

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Almost all of our family lives within 30 minutes of each other. MIL is the only one of our parents still living, and she's about fifteen minutes from us and about five minutes from DH's brother and SIL. When DS22 starts his full time job after graduation he'll be about 90 minutes from us.

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My two sets of in laws, my mom and us live in cross shaped pattern  centered around a main freeway that crosses the state in a straight line.  We are each about 3 hours apart. 


My mom and I both live about 5 minutes off the freeway (just a couple hundred miles apart), so to travel to eachothers houses is the greatest distance between two families, but due to it being almost entirely freeway driving, it makes it the same travel time as my inlaws who are much closer in miles, but live in little towns in the mountains so it is slow going to drive there.

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2500 miles away. And I’m not happy about it! I wish I could move to be near my family, but then I’d be breaking the hearts of my DH’s family.


My New Year’s Resolution is to stop indulging in my sadness that I’m so far from the family I love. Not sure how to do that...but I’m gonna try!

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My parents are 600 miles in one direction, and my MIL is 1100 miles in the other direction. When we first got married, our parents lived about an hour apart on opposite sides of Washington, DC, and we lived about 650 miles away. My parents retired to Florida and my MIL moved back to her hometown in Minnesota to take care of her mom after my FIL passed away.

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