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S/O Makeup. Makeup=pantyhose?


S/O Makeup. Does makeup=pantyhose?   

103 members have voted

  1. 1. If you wear makeup, do you wear pantyhose? Or the converse?

    • Yes makeup, yes pantyhose
    • Yes makeup, no pantyhose
    • No makeup, yes pantyhose
    • No makeup, no pantyhose
    • Squirrel!

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Pantyhose were invented by the devil specifically to torture the female species.

I once had a job that drew up a new dress code requirement that all women HAD to wear pantyhose specifically because *I* did not wear pantyhose. I flipped out at my boss and HIS boss and wore pants only the rest of the time I worked there (well, except for the day soon after when one of the big bosses came into our office for the day and I wore a short skirt (there were no length restrictions, bahahaha) and thigh-high pantyhose with the lace at the top....  😁)

I do miss the L'eggs eggs, though. Remember all the kids' crafts you could do with those back in the day?!

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When I was working (before kids) I wore make-up, pantyhose, suits or dresses, and often heels. Rarely wore any of those after I stopped working, and never wear them now. My "dress-up outfit" these days would be nice black slacks, white linen shirt, black jacket, nice scarf, black flats, simple jewelry.

If I absolutely had to wear a dress for some reason (like one of my kids got married), then I'd consider wearing a dress with pantyhose and make up for one day — although I'd be happier if they did a barn wedding or beach wedding or some other casual setting.

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1 hour ago, easypeasy said:


I do miss the L'eggs eggs, though. Remember all the kids' crafts you could do with those back in the day?!

Plus they were kinda fun to fidget with, in the same way that flipping the top on/off a lip balm tube is, or clicking a pen. You could click the two halves together/apart, jiggle or toss the egg, etc.

ETA: No makeup or pantyhose for me. I don't own skirts or dresses or any kind of shoes that need hose.

Edited by Pawz4me
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Here’s my pantyhose soapbox I climb onto every so often: yes I wear pantyhose if Im wearing a dress/skirt. My legs look terrible. I have severely jacked up veins; I have had them worked on twice but they are something close to a lost cause now. I would *like* to be able to wear bare legs in the summer because I *know* almost nobody less than fifty years old wears them, but it’s either 1) wear pantyhose; or 2) never wear a dress or skirt. 

In the summer I will only wear shorts for the most casual of activities, because I do not want my million ugly veins on display. 

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Occasional make up. No pantyhose ever, not since high school.

I also haven’t dyed my hair in many years, I’ve never gotten professionally waxed, and I almost never paint my toe nails. I rarely wear jewelry, and my Apple Watch is on a scrunchie watch band, lol,

But I love relatively long nails and gel nail polish. I just had to undo my most recent (home) manicure, and I feel naked.


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LOL, my feelings about this are not as strong as some of y'all's! 😃

I  wear minimal makeup and would wear more if I could do it in a way that looks good. 

My hosiery situation is more complicated now that have to wear compression hose at all times. Mostly I wear dresses only in winter, with black tights over compression socks. But I prefer the look of hose if I am wearing a dress and closed shoes. Also, I think wearing closed shoes without any sort of hose is icky. But I just think in general, pantyhose/stockings give a more polished look to a professional or dressy outfit (dress/skirt).  (I haven't ventured into compression pantyhose because I've been told it's way harder to get into than regular pantyhose, plus $$, plus so hot in the summer.)

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Very rare makeup, no pantyhose.   I guess I would wear pantyhose with a very formal dress like for a kid's wedding, but I might just get a spray-on tan instead.    My legs are very pale and always look stubbly since my hair is dark.

The rare occasions when I wear a dress between September and April, I'll wear a long dress and knee high boots.    Often with leggings underneath (that you can't see).    In summer, I just wear a long dress and sandals.   

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OK this bring up something I wonder about.  People say they don't wear pantyhose any more.  Then what do they wear with a business suit?

I HATE pantyhose with a double capital H.  But I wear them when I have to wear a skirt, because I don't know of a viable alternative.  (Thankfully, it is pretty rare that I have to wear a skirt, and most of my skirts are below-the-knee length so I can wear knee high hose.  [But even knee highs strangle my legs.])

I don't wear make-up.  So I was one of the No-Yesses.

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I'm with the ones who is surprised hose even still exists.  I can't think of when I last saw them, on a person or for sale in a store.  I did have to wear them in high school and college a few times and they are so ridiculously uncomfortable that I can still make myself shudder thinking about wearing them.  If I absolutely must wear a skirt or dress in winter, which is so rare, I cannot think of the last time that occurred, I will begrudgingly wear tights.  Tights are also ridiculously uncomfortable but less so than hose.  In other seasons, I go bare legged even with pretty gross looking legs.  I just don't care.  At all.  I have a college age dd who has never once worn a pair of hose.  I also do not wear make-up, even for special occasions.

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Well, maybe now that the aging population (ahem…that’d be most of us) is forgoing pantyhose, “less-than-perfect” legs will be normalized! I mean, many (most?) ladies in their 30s+ have varicose veins and age spots and wrinkly knees and thigh cellulite! For generations, those features were hidden behind the silky sheen of pantyhose perfection.  No more! 😉  Proudly reclaim our old lady legs!

(Most of this is tongue in cheek, but there is a grain of truth to ponder here…)

Edited by alisoncooks
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Hose is good enough for Princess Kate, it’s good enough for me. 😂

Seriously though I prefer tights (black or navy). I have pale legs, they do not look good bare, and in the winter they get cold. I have on occasion gotten a spray tan but that doesn’t help keep warm. Besides I’m not going to do that for church every week.  I’ll wear leggings with more casual dresses. If I’m wearing a long dress I leave my legs bare. 

Make-up is daily mascara, my eyelashes are blonde and invisible otherwise. I’m self conscious about it because I think it makes me look like I’ve been crying when I leave my lashes bare. I also wear tinted sunscreen to even out my skin tone.

I think most woman look fine without makeup, but I have no problem with them wanting to wear more. 

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2 hours ago, SKL said:

(Also, what's the difference between tights and pantyhose?)

I don't think there is anything different in terms of fit/comfort, that I've noticed. But I've just always gotten a size larger than the chart on the package says I should wear and don't find them all that uncomfortable (either tights or sheer pantyhose). I don't like them in summer when it's humid but otherwise they are fine to me.

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7 hours ago, easypeasy said:

Pantyhose were invented by the devil specifically to torture the female species.

I once had a job that drew up a new dress code requirement that all women HAD to wear pantyhose specifically because *I* did not wear pantyhose. I flipped out at my boss and HIS boss and wore pants only the rest of the time I worked there (well, except for the day soon after when one of the big bosses came into our office for the day and I wore a short skirt (there were no length restrictions, bahahaha) and thigh-high pantyhose with the lace at the top....  😁)

I do miss the L'eggs eggs, though. Remember all the kids' crafts you could do with those back in the day?!

Malicious compliance. Love it!

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5 minutes ago, marbel said:

I don't think there is anything different in terms of fit/comfort, that I've noticed. But I've just always gotten a size larger than the chart on the package says I should wear and don't find them all that uncomfortable (either tights or sheer pantyhose). I don't like them in summer when it's humid but otherwise they are fine to me.

I agree. Unless it's blazing hot, and the dress long, I also just don't like feeling so...naked in a dress or skirt without something underneath. I realize some people wear shorts and things underneath, and I do that with super casual, long, comfy dresses, but it's not often and only when I can wear sandals as well.

By the time you get something for chub rub on the thighs, and something to go in the shoes so that they don't get gross and ruined, comfort no longer exists, at least for me. Pantyhose/tights are one smooth product vs. a million different starts and stops to layers that may or may not play nicely with one another, and no sock-like product except Darn Tough socks actually stay on my feet--they slowly (or not so slowly) slide down into my shoes because my heels are much narrower than other parts of my foot. 

I am also one of those weird people who like to wear a full-length slip with some types of skirts and dresses to smooth things over (I have had some exceptions to that, but it's rare).

My anatomy is such that a lot of individual things that stop and start and overlap in places bunch up, roll up, etc. Pantyhose and slips actually fix a ton of that.

I don't dress up often now though. 


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5 hours ago, SKL said:

(Also, what's the difference between tights and pantyhose?)

I go by what they are called on the packet.. Plus hose get ladders the second you touch them and tights last for a few wears. 

I wear dresses at least once a week sometimes more and in non winter months I wear black socks with my closed shoes. In winter I wear tights and black socks. I have special orthotics and cannot walk without great pain without them so closed shoes or boots it is all year round. 

The lack of tights or hose under a dress doesn't bother me but unless the skirt is lined I always wear a petticoat (slip).  I feel naked otherwise. I guess my grandma ingrained it into me. 

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I wear some makeup and not only do I wear pantyhose, I wear knee-highs!  Remember those?  Bet you all thought they didn't exist any more, but they do!

I hate the itchiness of pantyhose, so during the winter I wear leggings or tights under skirts, but in the summertime I will wear hose or knee-highs (if I can get away with them).  My legs are ghastly pale, covered in veins, and I'm not crazy about my feet either.


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10 hours ago, Quill said:

Here’s my pantyhose soapbox I climb onto every so often: yes I wear pantyhose if Im wearing a dress/skirt. My legs look terrible. I have severely jacked up veins; I have had them worked on twice but they are something close to a lost cause now. I would *like* to be able to wear bare legs in the summer because I *know* almost nobody less than fifty years old wears them, but it’s either 1) wear pantyhose; or 2) never wear a dress or skirt. 

In the summer I will only wear shorts for the most casual of activities, because I do not want my million ugly veins on display. 

Spider veins are the reason I would wear panty hose or tights if I ever had to wear a formal dress (like to a kid's wedding), and the reason I wear capris instead of shorts in the summer. 

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Now I'm confused. I definitely wear makeup and tights, somewhere between all the time and rarely. Well I guess I'm will probably wear all things as long as they are cute and/or comfy. I even own Spanx although I haven't quite figured out how to make those make me look good. I always end up looking 4 months pregnant or look like I'm smuggling bread rolls.  

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I used to wear pantyhose when I worked. I would die if I had to wear those now. They are suffocating. They squeeze my toes together. My toes feel like they are squinched and suffocating. I could never get them pulled all the way up. It always felt like I was walking around with them hanging an inch below where they should be. I hated hand washing them out in the sink. They were stifling in the summer. I’m so glad the probability of my ever wearing them again is close to zero. 

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12 hours ago, SKL said:

OK this bring up something I wonder about.  People say they don't wear pantyhose any more.  Then what do they wear with a business suit?

I HATE pantyhose with a double capital H.  But I wear them when I have to wear a skirt, because I don't know of a viable alternative.  (Thankfully, it is pretty rare that I have to wear a skirt, and most of my skirts are below-the-knee length so I can wear knee high hose.  [But even knee highs strangle my legs.])

I don't wear make-up.  So I was one of the No-Yesses.

Suits with pants only is my solution. 🙂 

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12 hours ago, SKL said:

(Also, what's the difference between tights and pantyhose?)

To me, pantyhose are sheer and often have a control top built in and are easily snagged whereas tights are opaque and typically much less restrictive. 

I do wear tights (love the ones with brushed fleece on the inside). They enable me to wear skirts or dresses and booties in the winter. 🙂

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15 hours ago, SKL said:

OK this bring up something I wonder about.  People say they don't wear pantyhose any more.  Then what do they wear with a business suit?

Legs do just fine in a skirt? If it's cold I'd wear pants or tights. I just don't think the transparent pantyhose does anything except rip. 

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15 hours ago, SKL said:

(Also, what's the difference between tights and pantyhose?)

Tights are heavier; they're what little girls wear in ballet class. 🙂 They are usually colored, as opposed to hose, which is usually sheer, and ideally, the wearer chooses hose that is close to her own skin color. I have worn black hose under certain circumstances.

I cannot bear to wear closed shoes without some sort of sock or hose. Bare feet in closed shoes is just gross. In the summer, I'll wear sandals with my dresses, which is what I usually wear to church (dresses). If wearing pants, depending on the weather, which affects what shoes I wear, I'll wear trouser hose, or a heavier sock, but never, ever a bare foot in a closed shoe. Blech.

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I don’t wear pantyhose or tights often and I don’t wear them with casual or sundresses but for a skirt suit or a fancy dress?  I find I feel better if my legs are covered.  Also, I get cold and they are a layer of warmth.  

Part of this for me is that I don’t shave (my admittedly scant and light) leg hair and the tights cover THAT up in formal situations. 

In the last five-ish years, I’ve worn pantyhose to:

2 confirmation services

2 gala fundraisers

1 performance of the Nutcracker

1 anniversary date

2 funerals

2 weddings

If I wore dresses and skirts more often, I would wear them more.  But I’m usually wearing pants. As established in the other thread, I’m a tomboy who doesn’t wear makeup.  



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On 12/5/2022 at 10:53 PM, YaelAldrich said:

I always think of women who wear makeup as more likely to wear pantyhose.  I don't wear makeup but I do wear pantyhose though.  Correlation? 

I think the opposite is true because more fashionable people are more likely to wear make-up and less likely to wear pantyhose. 

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