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Requesting prayers for my brother


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Oh No! I am so sorry to read the update. Prayers for your whole family especially your nephew during this time.


Please know that your brother touched all who read it. I am sure all of us will think twice before we send our husbands out to hang lights. It is a shame that it takes something like this to get us to think like this, but your brother just may save many lives in his death. I know my DH has said that he has no desire to hang lights (which we had not done yet) this year after hearing your brother's story. I am sure we are not alone. 


Many hugs today! 


One of the many blessings the family received was that someone hired a service to come in yesterday and remove all the Christmas lights on the house so that the family didn't have to see them any more.


My dad is a farmer with a silo (or two) which have ladders that go up the outside.  Last night I heard my mom and dad having a conversation about converting the ladder to steps before the next harvest season.  


My dh has the habit of forgetting the gutter cleaning until it starts raining and then goes up on the ladder during the rainstorm to take care of it.  He won't be doing that any more.   He also going to replace our old rickety ladder as soon as possible.

Edited by JanOH
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The decision was made last night to disconnect the ventilator. He's gone. Please pray especially for their 19 yo son. He is having a rough time.


I think my parents have aged 10 years in the past four days. Yesterday was my father's 82nd birthday. I think they'll be ok but it was a long day yesterday.


Good things happened though. My sister-in-law was very calm and we were able to help her plan most of the funeral stuff in the afternoon. The original plan was that the vent would be disconnected this morning but his condition deteriorated quickly and it became very obvious that last night was the right time.


Thank you all.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  My daughter is 19 yo and I know how she would be if I were to pass away suddenly. It would be rough going for her. I will definitely be in prayer for their son, and for all of you!

There really are no 'right' words to say at this time. Just know so many of us will be and are praying for you and the Lord truly does understand that pain of loss. He is with you. Lean on Him.

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my mother died suddenly 9 days before christmas.  we turned off her ventilator and she was gone within five minutes.

it will be harder on kids - if there are children's grief support groups, for their sake, please help find them.


One other thing regarding your SIL, I was the calm one (I'm the baby in the family) and everyone else was a mess.  I was in SHOCK!!!  I planned the funeral and took care of my dad, older sister, and niece.  I made it through what I needed to keep things going.  It really HIT ME down the road when I had dealt with everything that had to be done ASAP and my REAL grief started maybe a month after her death.  Keep close to her -- even when she looks like she is calm and strong.


this.  there was so much to do (which included dealing with my brother's "charming" self.  not.)  - it kept everything focused. the funeral was delayed until after christmas, so students could come.  I was in charge of everything - and when it was all over, I demanded dh take me away and get me out of here.  mentally I was done.


a dear friend, whose husband died suddenly at 38, kept everything together until after the funeral.  people who spoke to her on the phone, had no clue because she just wanted things to be normal.


so - do watch for how she is doing after the funeral, and things go towards the "new normal".  grief is likely to really hit them then.

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Oh I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers for your entire family especially your nephew and SIL.  May the Lord wrap his arms around you all.  And yes, grief can really hit hard later and in unexpected ways. Not saying it will be like this in your family but I know in mine, when my mom died, it sent my  bipolar sister into a horrible manic phase where she went through her inheritance in a year and with me, my RA first started about a month after my mom's death.  Stress is such a devastating health issue.  


Also wanted to say that not only do hospice places offer grief therapy but churches also have grief groups.  I know that my church has a long standing grief support group that is open to all and totally non-judgemental and not aiming to convert anyone but just offer help.  But grief support groups and grief counseling is for a later time. Now just  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I’m so sorry and will be praying for your and your brother’s family.


This may not be appropriate, but I was thinking you may want to ask your brother’s family about if they want help regarding the Christmas lights. I can’t imagine seeing them on or taking them down without overwhelming panic, but, of course, it may just be me.


I’m so sorry for your loss :(

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I’m so sorry and will be praying for your and your brother’s family.


This may not be appropriate, but I was thinking you may want to ask your brother’s family about if they want help regarding the Christmas lights. I can’t imagine seeing them on or taking them down without overwhelming panic, but, of course, it may just be me.


I’m so sorry for your loss :(


she updated. someone hired someone to take them down.

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The decision was made last night to disconnect the ventilator. He's gone. Please pray especially for their 19 yo son. He is having a rough time.


I think my parents have aged 10 years in the past four days. Yesterday was my father's 82nd birthday. I think they'll be ok but it was a long day yesterday.


Good things happened though. My sister-in-law was very calm and we were able to help her plan most of the funeral stuff in the afternoon. The original plan was that the vent would be disconnected this morning but his condition deteriorated quickly and it became very obvious that last night was the right time.


Thank you all.


I'm so very sorry for your loss. Prayers for your family.

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