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What is the first thing you ate after you gave birth?

Drama Llama

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I’m not sure it was the first thing, but my cousin brought me Godiva chocolate cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory and it was definitely better than anything I could have thought to ask for 😂  21 years later and I still tell people about it 

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I had an emergency C-section after many hours of labor.  When they finally wheeled me into a room, there was a breakfast plate - bacon, eggs, pancakes.  I'm not sure I was supposed to have eaten so soon after surgery, but I did, and it was good.  For the second, it was a semi-scheduled C-section (one of those 'if you haven't had a baby by 10 days past your due date' situations).  They didn't bring breakfast that time - it was a different hospital.  I'm not sure if my first real meal was lunch or if they gave me jello and didn't let me eat a real meal until dinner.  At any rate, that hospital was big on feeding women beef post-birth - steak for dinner, steak sandwiches for lunch, so whatever meal it was, I had beef.  

Baby and I were in the hospital 5 days the first time, and the best meal was when my mom brought chicken salad sandwiches.  They are a multipurpose food for my family - we eat the on the beach, at weddings, at funerals, at showers and luncheons - and it was the ultimate comfort food.  

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1 minute ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I threw up for 14 hours straight during labor. I couldn’t really eat for the first week after 

I hope this doesn’t happen!  I am sorry it happened to you.

But I feel like having food and not eating it is better thing to risk than not having food and being starving.  

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1. Turkey and stuffing. It was awesome!

2. Remembering the turkey and stuffing, I was optimistic. They brought me….raw broccoli and raw cauliflower.  No dip even! Don’t do that! 😂 

3. Remembering the broccoli and bc I had had gestational diabetes, we ordered pizza to the delivery room. That was good. 
4. The first thing I remember eating was the ice cream my best friend brought. That was also good. 
So, my favorite and most satisfying was turkey and stuffing. The above mentioned chicken salad sandwiches would also be good. I wouldn’t worry too much about dropping on baby. I was so hungry, I happily let dh hold baby while I stuffed my face. 

Edited by freesia
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DS18 was born in Asia and the maternity hospital menu for patients has chinese confinement (postnatal) food so that was what I had for my two days of hospital stay. DS17 was born here and I don’t remember eating anything at the hospital because he was born just past midnight and we went home around lunchtime. My MIL cooked what she wanted to eat, and later what FIL wanted to eat when he came, so I didn’t really eat for the month that they were staying with us. 

What I would rather eat would be tiramisu, ice cream, salmon teriyaki and sashimi. I did ate all that when my in-laws left and my mom came to help. 

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The hospital that I was in had a room service ordering system.  I have no idea what I ordered, but I ordered a lot.  The patient service rep on the other end of the phone said, "Ma'am, this service is only for the patient, not for other people in the room." And I said, "Ma'am, I just had a baby." And she said, "We'll send it right up!"


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First - Eggs and toast

Second, fourth - Breakfast burritos (eggs, potatoes, black beans, cheese)

Third - My mother-in-law brought loaded nachos from a local restaurant.

Fifth - In-laws brought Chick-fil-A's market salad and fries. 

Sixth - My C-section was at 7:30 am. At about 8:45 I tried eating a few saltines and threw up like crazy. It took until after 6 pm to be able to hold anything down. One bite of saltine or sip of water would make me throw up repeatedly. Finally at dinnertime I was able to eat some oatmeal very slowly... It took over an hour to eat it. But I got it down!

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#1 - I got a cold leftover dinner service tray because dinner was over. Fried chicken, collard greens (which I hate), mashed potatoes, a roll, southern sweet tea. I don't know what I would have wanted but not that lol. Plus the stadol they gave me during labor was messing with me and I was having trouble swallowing so that probably didn't help.

#2 - I don't remember but probably breakfast. He was born just before midnight and I don't remember much other than I was hemorrhaging.

#3 & #4 Don't remember but probably breakfast again since they were both born in the early morning.

#5 - Homebirth and the midwife had my dad make me eggs and toast lol.

#6 - Born in the late afternoon so probably a dinner tray but I really don't remember what.

#7 - Chick-fil-a sandwich, waffle fries and Dr. Pepper lol

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For my son, post c-section the doctor required all liquids for a couple days. I had Campbells  chicken broth and orange soda. It was horrible. I was sooooooo hungry. But!!!! I was back to full duty at work in 2 weeks post surgery, taking care of a new born and feeling great. Dr was from Bolivia and didn’t do most things the traditional US way. I did hear from hospital staff that his patients healed faster so maybe there was something to it. 

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#1 too late for breakfast and too early for lunch, but my doula made me the thickest PB&J sandwich I'd ever had. It might be one of the most satisfying things I'd ever eaten. When I got home, my parents made us a steak dinner (tradition in the family).

#2 I think I had a breakfast tray, but I really only remember the muffin. I was starting to feel really miserable, and I was super disappointed that I couldn't eat the muffin, especially because I should've been starving. Someone finally realized that was one of many symptoms that I was having a problem--it turned out to be delayed postpartum hemorrhage. My symptoms were all spread out and not happening together, and when the finally started cycling closer together, a nurse caught on. Same doula as with #1--she saved me the muffin for later, lol! 

Both births were at 7th Day Adventist hospitals (we have a fairly sizable Adventist health system locally, and they are pretty well-known as a great place to give birth), and many Adventists are vegetarian, so they had a lot of quality food options in their cafeteria. They had really good food! Even there, they tended to feed post-partum moms a ton of beef. I had some amazing roast beef and beef and broccoli meals after #2. Also, DH brought me a cobblestone muffin from Panera that was really good.


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I promise this post isn't sponsored by McDonalds but my first two births it was thr only thing open because I gave birth in the middle of the night and then it became tradition 

1st kid: Egg Mcmuffin

2nd kid: Mcdonalds strawberry milkshake and French fries

3rd & 4th kid: chocolate milkshake

5th kid: strawberry milkshake and French fries

6th kid: Egg mcmuffin made with two hashbrowns instead of the English muffin 

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I have several funny stories surrounding my first meal after baby. 

My first son was born at 3 am ish. My dh and my mom at breakfast time were talking about how hungry they were. They went to get breakfast and they brought nothing back for me. They told me the hospital would send my breakfast soon. I think I got breakfast around 8 or so. It’s ridiculous looking back because if I had asked, either one of them would’ve got breakfast for me. I was too focused on my boy to notice though, but looking back I just can’t believe the nerve of those two. lol The hospital finally brought pancakes, sausage, eggs and fruit. It probably tasted like cardboard, but I was so hungry, I didn’t notice m. It stands out as a delicious meal in my memory. Especially because I spent that whole pregnancy sick. Food was all of a sudden delicious.

With son #2, I learned my lesson from last time. I packed snacks. lol He was born at 4 am ish so I knew it would be a while until breakfast, so I had a granola bar as I was breastfeeding him. As he opened his mouth wide to latch on, a granola bar crumb fell in his mouth. I tried to get it, but couldn’t. I mean it was a TINY flake of something, but really. I dropped food into my newborn baby!! I still feel embarrassed by that one. He was ok though.

Also, embarrassed that I can’t remember with dd #3 and #4. My labor wasn’t long past my last meal with #3 so I wasn’t overly hungry or exhausted is probably why it doesn’t stand out. With #4 I had a csection, so between the pain and emotions I have no memory of food.

With my last little guy, I got a burrito bowl from Chipotle and it was everything!! I sent dh to get it, I wasn’t shy this time. 

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1 hour ago, Junie said:


The hospital that I was in had a room service ordering system.  I have no idea what I ordered, but I ordered a lot.  The patient service rep on the other end of the phone said, "Ma'am, this service is only for the patient, not for other people in the room." And I said, "Ma'am, I just had a baby." And she said, "We'll send it right up!"


I love it!! That’s how the hospital was with my first 4, but the hospital I was at with my 5th just sent a tray. It wasn’t very good. I ordered all the things with my first 4.

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I don't remember what I ate.  With baby #1, I do remember being ravenous and terribly impressed with whatever the hospital sent up for me to eat.  I doubt it was as good as I thought at the time, but I was very grateful.  

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4 hours ago, BandH said:

And if it wasn’t what you wanted, what do you wish you had? 


The first 2 were c section so I'm sure it wasn't something bland and boring.  Out of the other 4, one was subway as it was the only thing still open close to the hospital and the other 3 was the generic sandwiches stocked in the labor/delivery fridge because the cafeteria and all the restaurants were closed by that time. (Till now I hadn't thought about all them being born late at night and they are still are night owls to this day).

But I will say I was ravenously hungry and ate far more than is normal for an entire day for me in just that one meal.  I don't love sandwiches but frankly even they tasted good at that point.  If you packed nice bread/cheese/meat, a nice sauce/spread and some veggies, I would have been in heaven.  Oh some fresh fruit that wasn't your standard apple/orange/bananas would have been amazing too. 

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My community does an incredible job of feeding post-birth moms and families.  My dear friend's quote: "I love to be the first to bring food after a baby is born because even if I boiled my leather boots she would think it was the best meal ever!"

#1: steak dinner

#2: chicken and snow pea stir fry

#3: gingery roast pork rolled around prunes and apricots (brought by dear friend quoted above)

#4: born the day after Thanksgiving, I stuffed myself with turkey dinner leftovers 


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Lorna Doone cookies - they were in a little snack basket on the table in my room. I had been in labor the previous night and all that day with nothing to eat and it was about 7pm. I opened that pack of cookies and I swear they were the best thing I had ever tasted!! 

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1 hour ago, Eos said:

My community does an incredible job of feeding post-birth moms and families.  My dear friend's quote: "I love to be the first to bring food after a baby is born because even if I boiled my leather boots she would think it was the best meal ever!"

#1: steak dinner

#2: chicken and snow pea stir fry

#3: gingery roast pork rolled around prunes and apricots (brought by dear friend quoted above)

#4: born the day after Thanksgiving, I stuffed myself with turkey dinner leftovers 


I love that quote. So true.

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With our first, it was a bag of potato chips. She was born at 12:18 am, and I had not eaten since 8 am the day before. The hospital kitchen was closed, and the nurses said they could not provide any food before it opened at 7 am. Mark had a bag of chips with him that he had not eaten. There were no restaurants in the area open at that time of night.

2-4th, totally different hospital, different state. The maternity floor had a full size fridge stocked with all kinds of healthy, lovely things for moms. The CNM's were in charge of deciding what to keep. During labor, I was given all kinds of juice,  broths, popsicles, and toast. After birth, I had a chicken broth and rice soup, toast, and applesauce. When it was clear that my digestive track was online and okay with that, they produced some string cheese, baked potato with sour cream, and microwave steamed vegetable. After that, I ordered from the hospital menu. That hospital also gave parents a nice, well prepared celebratory dinner when we were ready. So we had rack of lamb, roasted carrots, mushroom rissoto, and salads.

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1. Breakfast! Scrambled eggs and bacon and fresh fruit and toast.

The next day, Dh’s aunt brought us lasagna and garlic bread and it was SO good. The nurses all drifted into my room, lured by the delicious aroma.

2. Gyro and fries from a nearby middle eastern restaurant. And a milkshake!

The hospital kept me well-supplied with snacks: juice, yogurt, fruit, pb, crackers, applesauce, pudding etc. 


Edited by ScoutTN
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1st--I don't remember what I ate, but I had an immediate d&c after the birth, and when I woke up in the recovery room, they brought me some orange juice. It tasted so good that I was trying not to slurp the last drops too loudly, because there were also c-section patients recovering nearby who couldn't have anything yet.

2nd--Was born in the morning, and I had breakfast soon afterward. It was wonderful!

3rd & 4th--We were overseas. The hospital cafeteria was closed by then. For some reason, I was absolutely craving grapefruit juice. It was all I could think of. Dh went out looking for some. He found a bar that had some, but the only thing take-away they had to put it in was a wine bottle. It still tasted like regular delicious grapefruit juice, and hit the spot! I guess I waited to actually eat until breakfast time. 🤷‍♀️ 

5th--No idea.

So I guess from all this, I would put a bottle of orange juice in with the food!

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I don't remember exactly, but it was something dumb like jello and apple sauce because I'd had a c-section. 

My co-worker was pregnant around the same time as me and bragged about how the hospital brought her steak, fresh strawberries, asparagus...like, this full gourmet meal after giving birth.

And I got stupid jello. 

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Not the first thing I ate, but at the hospital in North London when 'Calvin' was born, the food was really bad, institutional cooking.  I noticed that Halal food was brought in for those who needed it, so I asked for that instead.  Much better.

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First baby was a C section after 28 hour labor. All I wanted was a Dr Pepper. I don't remember what I ate after that. The nurse came in and saw me with soda and screamed that the carbonation was going to ruin my recovery. 

Second baby was a scheduled C section and I had someone bring me my regular McAlisters Deli order: club sandwich, Baked Lays, extra pickle spears, and a half and half tea. But I only ate a little before I got nauseated. 

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Sandwiches usually. Most L&D wards seem to have those on hand regardless of the hour. I was always ravenous and demanded food as soon as baby was settled.

I never followed the "don't eat anything while in labor" guidelines but there comes a point where eating just isn't in the cards and I always had looooooooong labors. I did my care what the food was once baby had successfully made his/her appearance,  I just needed something. 

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It was 4 am and I was starving. All the hospital had available was jello or a sandwich of some sort, don't remember. I took the sandwich. 3 bites in I almost threw up, so that was the end of that. I couldn't tolerate anything for a few more hours but I was absolutely ravenous!! I had a full breakfast when I could finally handle food - eggs, ham, toast, hash browns, tea, OJ. 

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Grapes! Hand fed to me by my best friend, as I nursed my newborn. Midwife wanted me to have some kind of simple sugar after birth, as I get a bit shocky after giving birth, every dang time. Not from blood loss, I have minimal blood loss - my uterus clamps down like no bodies business. More adrenaline crash, and a bit of sugar helps. 

Oh, and not a food, but the first thing in my mouth after my 10lb baby was born was a shot of scotch! Again, a bit shocky and I knew from previous times I felt that way that a bit of Scotch would help. So a friend I had there at the birth used an eye dropper to give me a bit while I lay on the bed with my newborn on my chest, catching my breath. 

After that initial few minutes or so, I had pizza after at least one of them. I remember it tasted amazing, lol. 

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