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chocolate-chip chooky

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Everything posted by chocolate-chip chooky

  1. I'll also add that I'm not specifically after newer authors. I'll happily buy books from any author if they meet our needs. It's just that the lack of suitable books in stores made us wonder if there aren't many new authors of children's books, which led us to wonder if reading to young children was declining. A sad thought.
  2. We're basically looking for two different types of books. Firstly, picture story books, and secondly, touch and feel books. While elements like rhyme and repetition are preferred, we certainly love plenty of books without these.
  3. As I said to my daughter, one of the key elements of a good children's book is that adults actually want to read them. There's no point having a book no-one reads. I personally love repetition done well in stories for children. I love that the child can anticipate and join in, and the repetition solidifies the nature of the rhyme or alliteration or onomatopoeia or content. Have you ever read any of Lynley Dodd's books? My current favourite is Hairy Maclary and Zackery Quack. It ticks all my boxes 🥰
  4. My eldest daughter and I are frustrated at the lack of good picture books in stores here. We're actually starting to wonder if young children aren't being read to much any more, so there are no new children's authors coming into the industry. We can find some of the classics - Mem Fox, Lynley Dodd, Eric Carle etc. But these are the same authors of the books I read to my children. Where are the new authors? As an early childhood and Montessori teacher, I acknowledge that my opinion of what makes a picture book 'good' may be different. I am quite particular about what I'm looking for, as is my daughter. We're after books based in reality, with rhyme and repetition, and not too many words per page, and with beautiful illustrations. And goodness, we'd love to find some decent touch and feel books. There's a series here, where the titles are things like 'Never Touch a Shark'. But then there's a picture of a shark with a sensory patch to touch. Don't touch it, but touch it. 🤔 What are we teaching the children here? Do you have any suggestions of authors for us to look for?
  5. I think it's also important to know that certain medications can impact the metabolism of alcohol. Just one drink over dinner can be too much. And how is a child or teen to know this? I think your policy is sensible, and I think that it's great that these children have such a strong support system.
  6. Have you called all the local vets? Here, all animals have to be microchipped, so most lost pets are taken to a vet for the chip to the read. I hope you find your Obama 🌻
  7. I can't work out time zones. Even ones that I have to convert between very regularly, I still have to Google and check. 'Two hours behind'. What does that mean?? Two hours before me in the day? Two hours past me in the day? If it is 2pm here, does that mean midday or 4pm in that 'two hours behind' place? Even when I work it out in that moment, I'll have to look it up again the next time.
  8. @mindinggaps I'm so pleased to hear that you are at a place of stability. I agree with others that this is a marathon, and there will have bumps and turns and adjustments. I may have mentioned this in previous posts, so apologies if I'm repeating myself, but for my daughter, understanding the basics of the physiology of the condition (and the action of the SSRI) was really helpful for med acceptance. I wish all of you all the best. It's such a journey. Please feel free to PM anytime if you want to chat/vent/brainstorm/debrief etc. 🌻
  9. Thinking of you all and sending best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
  10. This would be me. It would be an incentive to come and stay 😊 I hope it all goes well 🌻
  11. As a recipient of one of these bookmarks, I can say that they are truly beautiful. I absolutely treasure mine. Thank you so much @Kareni 🥰
  12. @SHP This thread is fabulous. I'm so glad you're finding humour in your situation. Any hints on what the ugly wheeled brown thing is?
  13. @Indigo Blue Is this the sort of thing you mean? https://www.caremax.com.au/personal-care/foot-care/toe-spacers
  14. Ooh, I haven't tried that. I'll have a look for some. Do you just get them from a chemist, or do you need to get them from a podiatrist? Thanks heaps for the tip.
  15. I think that I have the deformity/dislocation of the bone at the base of my big toe, and then bursitis flares up every now and then. No idea about high arches. I'm assuming not, because the podiatrist didn't mention that. I thought the MTP was the joint at the site of the bunion? If so, yes, it gets inflamed, but I'm not sure if it is actually swollen. I do sometimes get pain that radiates from the bunion spot down the inner curve of the side of my foot. Thanks so much for your help 🌻
  16. I've had bunions my whole adult life. One foot in particular can cause considerable pain. I can go literally years and not think about it at all, but then for some reason the joint seems to get inflamed, and I'll have weeks of pain. It's a mix of throbbing and like a burn on the inside. Not pleasant. I went to a podiatrist years ago and was told that surgery was an option, but it's a last resort and doesn't even guarantee relief, so I haven't even considered that. And I don't want to be off my feet for 6-8 weeks. I'm balancing my time between caring for elderly parents and caring for my grandbaby, plus the rest of all the things. I go barefoot about 95% of the time, and when I do wear shoes, they are flat and wide. Any ideas for home remedies to help? I use a wheat hot pack occasionally, and that feels nice at the time but doesn't actually do anything beyond that. This isn't a huge deal, and I know it will pass, because it always does, but I'm open to hearing any ideas. Thank you 🌻
  17. Nm Worked it out 🙂
  18. No, the standard size blocks are about 160-190g, depending on the flavour. The single-serve bars (eg Mars bar) are about 40-60g and are usually about $2.20 each.
  19. A Cadbury block in Brisbane is $6 from either Coles or Woolies. They were on sale today at Coles, two for $9, and that still just feels too much.
  20. I'd feel the same as you @regentrude BUT I know that I've sent super-short, super-curt texts which did not convey my true intent. These were moments when I needed to drop a child at the bus stop, the plumber has just arrived, and the cat just spewed on the rug. But I'd already read the text and knew the sender would see it as 'read', so I wanted to reply asap. Not ideal at all. So, I think in your situation, I'd feel a bit of a sting, but also try not to assume anything too negative.
  21. In our extended family, we all have odd nicknames, and the majority date back to when an older sibling couldn't pronounce the new baby's name. Our nicknames are so set in stone that calling each other by our real names would seem formal. Probably the oddest is what my sister and her family call me: Men. This dates back to when she was little and couldn't pronounce my name and called me Menna. This shortened to Men and I've been Men for 50 years. It must sound really weird to everyone else, but to our family, that's my name. My mum is Megsy, and that is nothing like her real name. It dates back 80+ years to when she was a young child with red hair, and her family called her Ginger Megs. My aunty, uncle and cousins (in their 50s-80s now) all call her Megsy or Aunty Meg. My 17yr old has a nickname that dates back to how her sister pronounced the word 'baby'. We all call her this word, and it is nothing like her real name.
  22. I'm so sorry. Deciding when it's time is so so hard. I agree with everyone else that sooner is better than later. I had a vet tell me once that drawing out my cat's life would be for me and not for her. He wasn't being judgemental; just very matter of fact. And it really helped with the decision to euthanise. It was 100% the right decision, even though it broke my heart. Is there a home visit vet that could come and euthanise peacefully at your home? thinking of you 🌻
  23. Oh wow. Thank you @Dmmetler for posting this! What a trip down memory lane. As a child, I had albums for my sticker collection. I remember taking great joy in sorting them into different categories eg animals, hearts, glittery, food, flowers, scratch 'n' sniff, puffy etc. But what to do with the glittery heart or the scratch 'n' sniff flower or the puffy puppy?? Oh the dilemmas that came with being 8yr old *sigh*
  24. I don't think I'm particularly memorable or interesting or anything, but I've realised that I'm likely pretty predictable.
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