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About wisdomandtreasures

  • Birthday 04/10/1988

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    Mom of 6
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  1. We're all secretly like the Turpins, you know. πŸ™„
  2. A headache and a dead van that keeps dying and costing so much to repair that we can't save up for a replacement. FML.
  3. Worst: We were visiting with my in-laws on Skype yesterday. My son asked one of my brothers-in-law to come along when Grandma & Grandpa visit in a few weeks. After I've asked him not to do that. Knowing that when this BIL visits, I feel like a prisoner in my own house. I can't get a single word in. He has been writing a series of books and spends his entire time reading from the latest draft, commenting on and correcting each sentence aloud to the whole room. "She gripped her sword. Hmm... Should I say 'her sword' or 'the sword' there? 'Her' let's you know it's not just some random sword... 'The' sounds better to me... I don't know... Oh, and do you know why I'm having them fight with swords in this scene? (Insert story referencing some old anime that inspired it)" HOURS AND HOURS AND HOOOOOUUUURRRRRSSSSSS of this!!!!!!!!" No one tells him to drop it or let anyone else talk. My FIL is the same way. He has literally spent over half an hour lecturing my kids about q-tips (Q-TIPS!!!!!) but will just cut me off or barely grunt in response if I say anything. Good grief. Has anyone seen the "Travel Agent Sketch" from Monty Python, where Eric Idle just keeps talking and talking and Michael Palin has to call the police and he STILL keeps talking as he's being arrested? It's like that for hours! My MIL will be falling asleep and falling over in her chair from the endless drone of their voices. There have been times where I said "I need to use the bathroom" and waited for either of them to finish talking at me, stood up, slowly stepped toward the doorway, did the legs-crossed "gotta go" dance, and still! Thy! Did! Not! Stop! Talking! πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜› So now I get to spend the next few weeks dreading their visit. Thanks, son...
  4. Wow, I had no idea! I choke down one a day most days for selenium. Hmm...
  5. I will avoid the freeway at all costs. People here (SW Idaho) speed, tailgate, and are all on their phones. "Only" going 10 miles over the speed limit? Clearly, being honked at and flipped off is the solution. Not, y'know, going into any of the other three freaking lanes available. I want to have a giant bumper sticker made that says "safety > speed"
  6. I don't have a TV but my parents do. You can no longer simply turn on the TV like when I was a kid. They have some special box with a remote. The TV has a remote. It takes 2 remotes and multiple clicks in a certain order to just turn it on. Many more clicks to turn the channel. What the heck?!
  7. I want to know how many times you said it and what led up to being able to use it. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
  8. My hands gave out after the knitting marathon from September to November (in that time I knit 6 hats, finished the last 3/4 of a baby sweater, knit 3 more sweaters, and started a sweater for my mom 3 times but gave up because I kept messing up, and am about 1/3 finished with another sweater for my 9yo). So no knitting for me for a while. 😬 The hall closet doors were always left open and being crashed into so my husband took them down and I am making curtains for them. I made one and hung it but need to fix it. It's too short and too wide so it sags. I'll rotate it 90Β° and fold over the top so it's a pocket curtain. Speaking of the hall closets... One used to house all our homeschool supplies (each kid had a basket with their books, notebooks, pencils, etc). Over summer my husband and sons turned the garage into a homeschool room so the closet was mostly empty. I just cleaned it out, painted it, added a swivelly stool so my back doesn't knot up (it spins like a normal stool but I can also do the Spongebob "Bring it around town!" move on it πŸ˜„ edit: Here's a video of it) and turned it into a little art nook. You can see the curtain on the side. πŸ™‚
  9. "When you're ready to talk to me respectfully, I'll listen."
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