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Do you still have your wedding dress?


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I do!  It's just on the same hanger that my mother probably hung it on after the wedding, protected from dust in one of those disposable plastic dry-cleaning bags, hanging in my closet... and I've never looked at it again.  I guess I kept it originally because...well, it was my wedding dress!  And now I keep it simply because I've had it for so long, and the style is so 1980's that I'm sure no one else would ever want it.  😄  It's pretty simple though and doesn't take up much room at all.  Maybe my future granddaughters will get a kick out of it someday!

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Just now, Syllieann said:

I had mine made into a baptismal gown and suit for my kids. I still have those.

I love that tradition.  My grandmother had her mother's wedding dress made into a baptismal gown, and all of my kids (even my ds) wore it when they were baptized.  So did all of their cousins.  It's very old, probably over a hundred years old, and I'm pretty sure it has fallen apart by now.  

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I still have mine.  My mom made it for me, and I would have a hard time letting it go.  It is in a box with two of my bridesmaid dresses, which I have hung onto because I never bothered to get rid of them.

My mom still has hers also.  She gets it out every once in a while to look at it.  It was beautiful and I wish I could have worn it, but we are totally different sizes.

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Yes. It was heirloomed the week after we got married.  Idk if any of my kids will want it. If they don’t, I’d like to have baptism gowns made for each of the kids from it. Or maybe first communion dresses for the girls? Idk. But it’s no big deal to have it in the back of the closet in its “cake box” as we call it. Worst case scenario - bury me in it. 

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I have three. The one for the solemisation ceremony was a simple pale blue sheath dress that can be an everyday summer dress. Then I had an ivory yellow gown for the wedding reception and a red gown for the customary ceremony. These two gowns are more suitable for attending orchestral concerts or wedding dinners or convocations.

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I do. I had it preserved in an heirloom box because that's the thing to do. Except now I wonder why I spent the money. The people who made the dress turned the whole experience into a nightmare for me. My dd did not want to wear it for her wedding--styles have changed quite a lot since then. I am hanging on to it now in case our former foster daughter wants it when she is older, either as is or altered. If she does not want it, I will pass it on somehow rather than hang on to it. 

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Yes, it’s on the hanger in a plastic bag, where it’s been since 1987.  Sigh.  

None of my nieces or cousins have been small enough to use it, and now it’s terribly dated—Very very big shoulders, and then a slim dress with a nice train that had to be double bustled because I’m kind of short.  It was gorgeous but I have absolutely no idea what to do with it.

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Mine is just a regular dress in a '90s style gauzy fabric. It is on a hanger under a dry cleaner bag. Nothing special done to it, other than a cleaning. Since it is easy to keep, I still have it, but it isn't sentimental to me. I didn't even pick it out. My sister brought it because I was planning to wear a cream colored outfit and she thought that was horrible. I had a JP wedding that was planned in less than a week. I didn't really care for the dress, but back then, I didn't know how to stand up for myself. It remains a reminder of who I used to be.  My dress, ring and wedding were all decided for me. It was completely against what I wanted. 

When one of my kids has a child, I will let them decide if they want something made out of it. Either a baptismal gown/vest or something else. It does have very soft lace, and is gauzy/delicate looking. It would make a beautiful heirloom piece.

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49 minutes ago, MercyA said:

Yes, it's in its special box at my Mom's house. If it would be of use to anyone, I'd be happy to give it away. It's not what I would choose now and my daughter wants a black or pink wedding dress. 😁


17 minutes ago, Farrar said:

It's in a ziploc bag in a trunk in the basement. I dunno. Maybe one day someone will want it? It's red. Because I was weird like that.

Purple here. 

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I had a floral dress. with puffy sleeves. , mid calf. I have worn it as an ordinary dress several times since. I still have it. 


when my grandmother died last year and that obnoxious person she was married to had her cremated in the nighty she died in😲. I have commanded my children to make sure I am buried in my wedding dress.  No old nightdress for me

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Have? Yes. Why? The dumb feeling that I’m “supposed to”. I don’t even like it, but it doesn’t take up much room in its space bag, lol. It’s not a traditional wedding gown, just a dress from a department store that kinda gave me uniboob. 🤷‍♀️ It was cheap and available and prevented people from seeing me naked.

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While we were on our honeymoon my mom took it to the cleaners and had it boxed. I kept it for years and years. But we've got boys, it was just something gathering dust, and I'm not all that sentimental. So I donated it a few years back. I have a vague memory that Goodwill was accepting wedding dresses then, so it was easy peasy. I think I just put it on the car with a bunch of other stuff and dropped it off.

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Nope. Took it to a consignment store not long after the wedding. Got back over a third of what I'd paid for it.

I can be very, very unsentimental. I loved my dress. I wasn't ever going to wear it again. I had no clue at that point whether I would even have any daughters, much less whether the dress would still be in style for their weddings and whether those then-hypothetical daughters would be the right size and body shape for the dress - or would even like it.

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Yes, until last month!  I passed it along to my 6yo granddaughter, for dress-up.
Before giving it to her, I took a picture of myself wearing it (?!?) and THAT was more than sufficient for my reminicing!

My mom actually saved 5 wedding dresses of our ancestors.
We passed them along to a vintage costume seller when we emptied out their home.

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Yes but I have no idea why. It’s just a regular dress, totally and forever out of style. I guess I figure even Goodwill won’t want it— yikes those early ‘90s shoulder pads! It was the least offensive thing I could find at the time.

I have no attachment to it at all.

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I donated mine to a charity when we were moving. I never really liked my dress, and even though my daughter was only 7 at the time, I kinda had the sense that she would never wear it, it was just so completely not her style. Or maybe I was projecting because it wasn't my style, lol. There was some place that took wedding dresses for brides who had cancer, so I took it there in the box the dry cleaner had put it in. Hope someone used it and loved it.

Edited by marbel
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I bought my wedding dress off the clearance rack at Macy's. It was $10, not a wedding dress, and plum colored. I loved that dress so much and loved wearing it on special occasions after the wedding. Last time I wore it was ten years ago at a friend's wedding. Then I cut it apart for one of my kids Halloween costumes because I was just ready to be done with it.

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Yes, but I will never wear it again.  I'm sentimental AND have a vintage clothing collection.  I have my mother's wedding dress petticoat, my grandmother's "going away" outfit, my great grandmother's wedding dress.  Mine was made by my sister, green velvet bodice with a green lace overlay atop an ivory lower half.  My hair was flaming henna red so the green was great. I was flourishingly pregnant at the time and the sizing would be a challenge for anyone without those special dimensions.

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My wedding dress was my Grandma's from the late '30's or early '40's. I had it cleaned and preserved after the wedding, but the cleaners sealed it in a HUGE box, something a big, fancy dress with a very long train would need. My dress was very simple and needed maybe a quarter of the space in the box. Because we moved frequently and I needed the space, I took it out of the box, put it in a garment bag, and it's currently in a box in my closet. We took it out this summer when dd wanted to see it and try it on. It wouldn't surprise me if this dd chose to wear it for her wedding. It's the wrong style for my other dd. Grandma wanted me to keep the dress in case any of my cousins wanted to wear it.

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I still have it, but it's yellowing and I was thinking of getting rid of it during my next stuff purge, scheduled for later this month. No way I could rewear it-I weighed about 105# in 1993 when I got married.  I weigh 20#s more now. It was a simple, straight, fitted, cream lace strapless dress with a satin bolero style jacket.

I never assumed my kids or grandkids would want to wear it. Oldest got married in a dark green velvet 3/4 dress and middle got married it a short silk white wedding dress (1950s style.)

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10 hours ago, Ordinary Shoes said:

I have mine. It's in one of those boxes from the drycleaners and stuck in the back of my closet. I kept it because it's my wedding dress but I'm sure that I'll never find a use for it and that my DD will not use it herself. 

My story, too. Except I'm guessing I beat you all in years, 43! I do mean to get it out, take pics of my skinny daughter wearing it and get rid of it, but the moment doesn't come.

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My mother thought that since I left mine in the closet at her house, that I didn't want it. She gave it to a Goodwill type place. I had left it there because we lived in a tiny apartment and I didn't have space for it yet!!!

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