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Can you be naked in your house/flat/apartment?

Laura Corin

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Assuming that you are not covering up for the sake of other inhabitants.

The house we used to live in was thirty metres from the road.  The bedroom windows looked out onto the neighbouring farmer's field, but people only came close around five times a year.  I could be naked throughout the house and in a large part of the garden/yard.

Our new house fronts directly onto the pavement/sidewalk with no intervening garden (picture below).  The bedrooms face the street, but I can wander around in the back of the house without being overlooked.  I can't go naked from bathroom to bedroom any more though when the shutters are open.  And the back garden isn't private enough for nakedness.  I'm happy with the house, but this was not an aspect that I had considered.

Can you wander around naked and does it matter to you?


Edited by Laura Corin
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no We have floor to celling windows. we cleared an extensive amount of shrubbery from behind our house. so there isn't really much screening form our house to the powerline track which people walk along all day long.

I guess you could sunbath naked in front of the house. but there are so many mozzies that you would be eaten alive


plus I have young children still living at home

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Yes, we live in a wooded area with no neighbors behind us for miles and I don't think anyone could see through the front windows due to the woods.  Maybe not in the winter at night when the leaves are gone and it's dark out but the lights are on?  There's hardly anyone on our road and we live on a cul de sac so the only people who could really see us at that time would be the people across the street.

I'm cold all the time so it doesn't matter.  I am always bundled up for comfort and the thought of being naked is painful for me!


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We've got nothing but dense woods across the street, but . . there is a street. It's residential, and a smallish neighborhood, but still cars do go by. And a handful of neighbors walk their dogs. Our back neighbor likely can, if conditions are just right, see in the back of our house from their kitchen window. So I guess my answer is no. But it's not in my nature to want to walk around naked anyway. I rarely even go barefoot. đŸ˜‰Â 

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Yes.  I love the way my house is.  It's set in a small woods, with neighbors behind groves of trees.  It's a court, so no houses are directly next to each other and there is a large grove of trees in the center.

The front of the house looks like a quaint cottage, with only a single floor visible and skylights above it on the roof.  The back of the house looks more like the picture you posted, but longer.  Still only see trees out the windows in all directions.

The first thing I did when I had a day with my kids gone was to wander the house naked. đŸ˜„ Our last house had neighbors 5 feet away on each side and faced a busy road.  Being able to feel free and undisturbed in my own home was wonderful.

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Except during a few weeks of spring and fall for planting and harvest when the farmers are going up and down the roads and are in the fields nearby, yes.

But I'm not sure why I'd want to be ...

All I could do is walk around the house because it would be weird and gross to sit on the furniture! (Or am I missing something wonderful about being naked by myself???)

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Yes, we could.  We live in a dead end neighborhood on a dead end street.  We do have neighbors that walk their dogs but we have a garage between the house and the street so you'd only be able to see in the windows if you walked a little bit up the driveway and worked at it.   Plus the windows facing the street are for the kids bedrooms.    

We only have a visible neighbor on one side and their house is about 100 yards away and at an angle so they would have to be in a particular place in their driveway looking through trees and around the stuff in direct line of our windows to see further into the house (a big elephant ear plant in one window, a huge snake tank in the other).  The back of our house (where the "front" door actually is) faces a river where people kayak and canoe but it's about 200 yards away down a steep hill.  The other side the house next door is completely below the level of our house and their are large bushes in between as well.  We can't look down at that house and see anything either.  

We only have one bathroom and dh has been known to use the "outside bathroom" if desperate.  

Dh sleeps naked so could walk to the bathroom or something naked, but I never do.  We have teenagers so generally don't during daytime hours, although I've been known to need to dash to our bedroom (through the living room from the bathroom) when I forget clothes.

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We're really packed in here in my neighborhood, so no nudity. I posted here about my bedroom window being perfectly lined up with my neighbors' window over their kitchen table before. My yard has no fence and backs up to a store, so definitely not in the yard.

I really am not comfortable naked, so I wouldn't ever just walk around nude anyway. 

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35 minutes ago, Momto6inIN said:

Except during a few weeks of spring and fall for planting and harvest when the farmers are going up and down the roads and are in the fields nearby, yes.

But I'm not sure why I'd want to be ...

All I could do is walk around the house because it would be weird and gross to sit on the furniture! (Or am I missing something wonderful about being naked by myself???)

I don't do it that much but, to me, it feels nice to not have to immediately bundle up. This morning I walked from the study where I undress to the shower then to the utility room to drop off some dirty clothes, then back to my study to dress. We are having quite warm weather for the season.

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My bedroom races the road, so when I open the curtains I have to be a lot more careful when I change clothes or walk to and from the shower (especially at night if the lights are on). Dh doesn't seem to care much, though. đŸ˜‰Â The backyard is worse as we have 3 neighbours who can look down into our yard. 

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1 hour ago, Momto6inIN said:

Except during a few weeks of spring and fall for planting and harvest when the farmers are going up and down the roads and are in the fields nearby, yes.

But I'm not sure why I'd want to be ...

All I could do is walk around the house because it would be weird and gross to sit on the furniture! (Or am I missing something wonderful about being naked by myself???)

LOL.  I wouldn't go sit on the living room furniture naked....but I certainly love to be able to walk to the laundry room to reboot or retrieve an article of clothing.....or go fetch us coffee.....I am really looking forward to that again when dss 20 moves out.

As to the original question, we moved into town 2 years ago but we have the most private 'in town' house.  The front which has a little yard before the street, has almost no windows...just one each out the guest bedrooms.  The rest of our 1/2 acre has an apartment on one side and the pool house and privacy fence on the other....and the elderly couple that live behind us have fabulous shrubs and trees in their yard which shields their house.  They could walk to their fence line, which is chain link and stare into our house.  So far they have not done that.   So yes, we can walk around naked.  

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I would never, but the OPTION is a big deal, lol.

For quite a few years, it was very much an option here, including all of my backyard. Then people built a house next door, but it wasn’t too terrible. Then new people moved into that house and cut down a ton of trees and scrub and built their shed as close as they’re allowed to the property line. So, no.

I can’t be sure with the new house yet, but there are 0 windows on the side of our house that will directly face the neighbor’s backyard. There are only 3 other houses from where our house will be seen at all, and it’s not a thru-street.

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If I were so inclined, and my kids weren't at home, I could. 

If we had 2-story houses next to us, that could see down into our backyard (back garden) from their windows, I would not be able to be outside that way; as we have single story houses next to us, that cannot see down into our yard from their windows (and the fences are too tall to see over), I could be outside w/o clothes if I wanted. (out back, not out front). 

It's not a thing that I'd probably do, personally, but the option is there if the mood should strike.  If I had front facing windows, and wanted more privacy, I'd figure out window coverings that would allow that. 

If I wanted privacy in my back garden, and didn't have it, I'd plant privacy shrubs or plants in the areas needing it. A tall trellis with plants to block whatever view.....there are ways to make changes, if needed, usually. I hope you can find some way to make the house/garden work for you on this. I'd have a hard time settling into a home if something important to me were missing/unavailable. 

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I have absolutely no patience with a nudity taboo in my own home. If other people looking in my window see me as I go from the shower to my bedroom, well, I don't know them and don't care anyway. Likewise, I didn't care one whit if my kids saw me when I they were small - if anything, I thought it was *good* for them to see the human body in a non-sexual context. Honestly, they still bathed together with each other at that age. (If they objected, of course, that was different. And at various times in their lives they did care more about themselves and others being covered up. But at other times, nobody in the house has cared at all. If nobody who lives here cares, and I certainly think it's silly, why should we cover up for the sake of hypothetical peepers?)

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During the day, mostly, though I’ve probably given a delivery man a shock once or twice. At night, when the rooms are illuminated, I have to draw the blinds. I draw the blinds anyway, because I dislike the idea of being seen by someone I can’t see back. 

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5 minutes ago, Amira said:

I love your house, Laura.

Thanks.  I had my eye on these houses for years before we actually decided to move house and were lucky enough to snag one.  We need to make a few alterations to make it perfect, but that will get done at some point in the next year or two.

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36 minutes ago, Amira said:

I love your house, Laura.

Me too! I’m glad you said it because I was too shy to do so. It’s lovely and has such pleasing proportions. I’m quite envious. I’d walk around that house naked any day. đŸ˜‰Â 

Edited by bibiche
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2 minutes ago, bibiche said:

Me too! I’m glad you said it because I was too shy to do so. It’s lovely and has such pleasing proportions. I’m quite envious. I’d walk around that house naked any day. đŸ˜‰Â 

Maybe not on weekdays. All the schoolkids walk by my door.

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We could run around naked in our house or anywhere on our 50 acres and no one would see. No neighbors for miles and our house is 1/2 mile back from the road. 

There are a lot of small planes and the occasional hot air balloon that pass overhead, so they might get an eyeful.

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My neighbor occasionally walks around his house naked; I truly wish he wouldn’t.

They don’t bother with blinds, including their bathroom which faces and is very close to our house. I'm unsure why they don’t realize we can see directly in.

I keep my blinds closed a lot.

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We can in much of our house.  We do not have any window coverings across the back windows, but no one can see in those windows unless they are in the back yar.  There is one corner of our backyard that can be seen from the neighbor's house, but I just stepped outside and realized that they had workers on the roof who can see our backyard (I wasn't naked, in case you are wondering).  

The bedroom of the house next door sits a couple of feet from our driveway.  The previous owners had their bed placed directly below a window.  We have two second story rooms that look right down into that window.  They complained about noise level in our driveway disturbing them, but they had NO window coverings on their bedroom window.  It was odd becuse they were very private people, never outside, never speaking to anyone (except to complain about noise), never had the front drapes or shutters open; the house was all quiet and shut up--except for this one window which we had a direct view into.  Of all windows, it seems as if that is the one they would want to be able to cover.


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It's San Diego. You could walk naked along the boardwalk at the beach and most people wouldn't care. My boys are 12 and 8 and we are all still a bunch of nudists. I keep waiting for that to change, but hasn't happened yet. We live on the top floor of our apartment. Sure, there's another apartment building across the block, but I doubt they are spending their time staring into our apartment. And if they are, we really don't care!

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My mother did.   I had to knock loudly so I didn't get an eye full. . . . 

I'd strongly sheers over the windows for privacy.  It will still allow light, and some will even allow you to look out - but make it harder for people to see inside if they're on the street.

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Only with excellent shades pulled all the way down, and backyard nudity would completely scandalize the neighbors.

Actually I've become known as the Woman Who Wears Pants to some of the kids in the neighborhood. We have a sizable Orthodox Jewish community. 

I'd like to find someplace nearby to go skinny dippingÂ đŸ™‚

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With the exception of the formal living room and entry hall, which face the street, yes. There are only a few windows on the sides of the house, which you can't really see into from the houses next door, and the back of the house faces a small wooded area and most of the windows in the house (including bedrooms) face that way. So someone could walk around naked in all of the upstairs and most of the downstairs without anyone seeing in.

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4 hours ago, bibiche said:

During the day, mostly, though I’ve probably given a delivery man a shock once or twice. At night, when the rooms are illuminated, I have to draw the blinds. I draw the blinds anyway, because I dislike the idea of being seen by someone I can’t see back. 

This makes me nervous, too.   I draw the blinds at night, but the ones in my living and dining room are open all day.  The blinds above my kitchen window stay up 24/7 though.   I figure if anyone sneaks onto my back deck and looks in my kitchen window, they deserve what they get. Â đŸ˜†

2 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:

Yes, because we own curtains.Â đŸ¤£

Seriously, that's what I was thinking this whole thread!  Like, do you people not own blinds or curtains! đŸ˜†  I can do anything I want to in my house (except the kitchen!) anytime I want to, if the blinds are closed. Â đŸ˜†  


and just so y'all know, I am totally one of those people who is trying to get a look into people's open curtains when we drive by at night.   Sorry, not sorry.  I love looking at people's houses.  So....beware. đŸ˜†đŸ˜†đŸ˜†

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51 minutes ago, PeterPan said:


Maybe @Laura Corin could build a privacy fence around a certain area to allow her to sunbathe? 

Given the climate I live in, it would rarely be warm enough to be naked and immobile outside.

36 minutes ago, WildflowerMom said:

Seriously, that's what I was thinking this whole thread!  Like, do you people not own blinds or curtains! đŸ˜†  I can do anything I want to in my house (except the kitchen!) anytime I want to, if the blinds are closed. Â đŸ˜†  

I have solid wooden shutters and blackout curtains. Having to prepare for a naked stroll kind of removes the feeling of freedom, however. I'm sure that's just me.

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No, our house has lots of large windows. A few in particular have unhelpful placement for privacy. I have protective film in the bedroom windows and I have another large window I would cover but I would hate to give up the view. 

I love the light this far north, especially in winter, but my neighbors and we have all seen more than we ought at times.

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We have tons of windows. This is my building. But, we have an exterior-facing unit; not one of the ones looking out onto the pool. 


The building wasn't built when Google last did its street view, but my apartment looks out onto a quiet traffic circle, so it really doesn't feel like people are looking into our windows from across the street, especially since we are on the top (5th) floor.


I don't know. Especially, during the day, it really doesn't feel like you can see inside. I suppose you could at night, if the whole place was lit up like a Christmas tree, but we usually have dimmers on, and generally clothes by then too.Â đŸ˜„


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9 hours ago, Acadie said:

I'd like to find someplace nearby to go skinny dippingÂ đŸ™‚

Our house in FL had a semi secluded pool. It was wonderful to skinny dip! I miss it where we are now.

Our house is in the middle of a subdivision. Our house sits on a hill and we have a big tree that makes seeing in the windows difficult. Our back fence is wrought iron bars, so it's really easy to see in. However, we have an overgrown green space that no one walks through, so I've decided that if I need to walk through the house naked, I will. I can't go out in the back yard, though, as my neighbors build a deck that overlooks it. 

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I love your house, so symmetrical. I would sacrifice nakedness for that. I can do what you propose đŸ˜œin every part of my house except I could not cook au naturel in winter because the wooded area between our lone neighbor thins out and she can vaguely see into my kitchen. This is my back yard, I think this random cat would be offended.and the chickens. (I don’t like my house. But I like the land around it and it’s where my roses live so I’m stuck here). Last house I sold they ripped out my roses and I’m still in pain over it. 


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