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Are you cancelling your summer travel plans?


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Are you cancelling your summer travel plans?

Are you cancelling June plans?

Are you cancelling July travel plans? 

Are you cancelling your August travel plans? 

The whole summer travel plans? 

Or are you not cancelling any of your plans? 

If you are cancelling your travel, where were you headed? 

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Yeah, we were going to NYC but not anymore. We will reschedule whenever things are better.

Ds' summer abroad in London was just canceled by his University last week and dd received an email this week that her freshman orientation this summer would be online instead of at the University. We're all now just waiting to see if there will actually be in person classes for the fall semester.

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So we had a 10 day cruise out of Quebec scheduled in June. The port is now closed until July 1. So our cruise is cancelled but our flights are outside the current "waivers" for changing without fees (through May 31). So we are waiting for the waivers to be expanded before we can cancel flights. 


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Yes, we cancelled all of our travel plans through September.

We MIGHT section hike parts of a Scenic National Trail anyway but are avoiding hotels and won't decide until we see if everyone is going to make this the year they take up backpacking because everything else is closed.  Most afternoons we cancel our walks because the street is so crowded.

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We always take a small trip (GWL) in late May. I'm thinking we'll postpone it until the fall/winter. (We've done Christmas at GWL, but never Howl-oween...maybe that'll be fun.)

We paid deposits (in Feb) for three summer camps for the kids in June. I'm waiting to hear what the camp's plans are...then we'll see.

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Who knew I was an incurable optimist ...

We didn't actually buy tickets - and if we had, they were supposed to be to East Asia, so nope.

But the kids have a whole summer of paid summer camps (mostly day camps) lined up.  I am still hoping they won't be cancelled.  If they are not cancelled, my kids will attend.

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We were planning on Disneyworld in early May; that is cancelled indefinitely. 

We didn't have any other specific plans, as of yet. We likely won't do anything, though, just due to finances. Between Covid and the oil crash, we're in belt tightening mode. 

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Most of ours have been cancelled for us-there were three possible conferences for DD to attend this summer, and all three have now been cancelled or postponed to next summer.  DD has one short field course that has not been cancelled yet. I'm not expecting that she'll end up going, and I have not made travel arrangements for it, but I'm waiting for them to cancel in the hopes of getting at least some tuition back. We also had planned some college visits that obviously aren't going to happen this Spring/Summer.


I was supposed to have a class reunion in early August. It has not been cancelled, but probably won't happen-the state is currently shut down until mid-June, and is being heavily hit.


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We had no official, set-in-stone plans. But we had discussed a few days trips, with possibly one or two overnights thrown in. I might be willing to do some of them this fall (depending on how things look, if they things we want are open, etc...), except adding a member to our family in Sept. kind of overrides that.

So I guess we've cancelled all plans, which will disappoint DD. One of those trips was supposed to be part of her bday present (which is in spring), but the place she wants to go is only open May through October. We have just been telling her "we'll see." She will be disappointed to learn it won't happen until next year.

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Our big trip this year was supposed to be to tour universities in the U.K. in April, but obviously that was cancelled. That left summer for various college tours closer to home, but I doubt any tours will be held. So yeah, all our road trips are probably cancelled as well. 

I’m guessing our other plans are off, too. Running camp and summer lifeguarding job for DS, the big 10k, the Taylor Swift concert for me and DH (sniff!!!!)... Ugh. I don’t want to think that far ahead yet. :( 



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We have plans for Ireland in June. I'm doubtful it will happen, but dh is full of magical thinking. I feel for him. He's not ready to give up this dream that's been YEARS in the making. And with our oldest likely heading off to college in the fall, it's probably giving up the dream of a real family vacation (of which we've only ever taken one).  

Any Hive thoughts on whether Ireland during the second week in June is realistic?

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We are planning a long weekend in DC over the 4th of July to visit DS during his summer internship and a weeklong camping trip in the Smoky Mountains in mid August. 

I haven't cancelled any thing yet .. but I realize I should hold those plans lightly for now. Especially the DC trip as it's a much more congested area.

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Dh and I had been discussing a 10 year anniversary trip this fall.  I would love to go to New England in October.  I have never been to a lot of the NE states and I really want to.  But I don't know....anyone have an opinion as to whether that is going to be advisable or not?

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Our planned trip was for Europe in May. That is canceled. I will have a year to use the airline  travel voucher.

We normally stay with my mom for a summer vacation. She lives at the beach in NC. That might still happen.

We had expensive concert tickets to a show in DC late July but the tour has been postponed.

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30 minutes ago, Happymomof1 said:

More like we never made them.  Hubby has a tradition of taking each of the kids to San Francisco their senior year.  That isn't happening.  We were going to do something special for our 30th anniversary.   We normally go by ourselves for a planning retreat to a local RV park on a lake, but even though we would not see anyone and just be us and just us on the boat, we figured shelter in place means shelter in place, so that is out as well.  I'm praying we will be able to take our daughter to Indiana mid-August for her theory camp and orientation.  Please, stupid virus die out or help researchers make a vaccine or something.  She lost her senior year ( even before Covid) and now to not be able to do musical theater at college...  

What happened to her senior year before Covid?


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Weirdly, I had trouble committing to anything for spring break or summer this year, even though dd17 is a senior and I kept thinking we should do something special since it's her last year at home. We did have tentative road trips planned to NYC and Lake Chautauqua, but hadn't booked accommodations. I didn't even sign dd13 up for any summer camps, though she will probably do an online writing camp. And I was hoping to meet my sisters in Louisiana for my 50th, but never booked that either. 

Maybe my hesitance to plan anything isn't that weird, since I was paying attention to Wuhan in January. But it's entirely unlike me. Normally I love travel planning and tend to book well in advance. 

Dh had 6 work trips scheduled this spring, all of which were cancelled. He has two trips scheduled in June and July and I'm guessing they won't happen either.

Our state public health director, Dr. Amy Acton, just said yesterday that she expects the curve in my state to go down gradually, and that we will likely see some social distancing measures this summer. She didn't detail what it would look like, but barring some miraculous advancements in testing or treatment I don't see travel on our horizon for quite some time.  

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DS has a couple late-summer events that aren't canceled (yet). 

With airline tickets SO cheap right now (and we have a couple thousand $$ in credits at SW Airlines from canceled trips...😰), I'm half-tempted to plan out a getaway and book the darn tickets. If we have to cancel, so be it. But it would sure be nice to have something fun on the calendar again to look forward to!!

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Wanted to do a short family vacation trip to Alaska or Japan in September, after community college summer quarter ends but before fall quarter starts.

Most likely would be doing house hunting online. This shelter in place has made me add on more criteria when house hunting. Four of us on different video conferences in a one room condo is kind of difficult. People are doing work/health related conference calls in their cars or garage for privacy. 

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12 minutes ago, Penguin said:

Our planned trip was for Europe in May. That is canceled. I will have a year to use the airline  travel voucher.

We normally stay with my mom for a summer vacation. She lives at the beach in NC. That might still happen.

We had expensive concert tickets to a show in DC late July but the tour has been postponed.

We have concert tickets for a show in September, and I'm just blindly hoping maybe that will still happen. Probably not. But maybe. 

We already had (thankfully inexpensive, and refunded) one concert cancelled on us (the Rodeo Houston concert we were going to attend this year). 

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we made no summer travel plans this year.

I do have plans to go visit my dd in May - she was supposed to be in Switzerland for most of my time in Texas . . . I don't think I'll be going, but I haven't looked into cancelling yet, as the airline was only cancelling through april.

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Summer camps - found out yesterday that the camp DD#1 wanted to attend in early July is canceled. (I had procrastinated on the application, waiting for them to say it was canceled...the day after I filled it out, they sent out that announcement!) DD#2 is registered for a different camp that same week and I haven't heard anything one way or the other, but I expect it'll be canceled.

Travel - DH and I were notified yesterday that the cruise we'd planned to go on in mid-September has been canceled. I think it's because they have plans to update the ship between now and then and those plans have been delayed - they aren't canceling ALL scheduled cruises that far out, but the ones on that ship and one other ship are canceled.

We also usually go to visit my parents at least once during the summer, and that's not likely to happen. They had planned to visit us in March and obviously that was scrapped. 

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the only trip we had planned was camping at pretty local state park beach at the end of June.  If beaches are opened up again by then we will still go and just go to the part of the beach that people don't generally go to.  If they aren't opened back up, we will cancel the camping trip and just camp on my fil's property and swim in his pool for a nice change of scenery 

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We were planning a trip in May to see my ailing 83 yr old MIL in the UK, followed by 2 weeks in Spain. That's obviously cancelled, although if things open up by the 1st of August, we might try to at least fit in a short trip to the UK before DS has to be back at university. We also had multiple trips scheduled for competitions, but all spring competitions were cancelled and I'm pretty sure that Nationals will also be cancelled in July, so I guess we'll be staying put until mid-August when DS returns to school. 

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So, every time I see one of these posts from you now, I wonder if you are writing an article or something.

Dd16 is supposed to work at a camp for 4 weeks this summer. Although I have cautioned her that it may be canceled. She remains optimistic. Her trip to Spain was canceled already, so I hope camp doesn't have to close even though I know it probably will. I will visit my family a couple states away at least once this summer, maybe at the tail end. It will either be a long visit or several short ones, depending on the situation. The most important thing about it is that I keep my parents safe. I can get there on one tank of gas and we won't do anything in town while there.

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We had tentative plans for a family vacation in June or July.  Doesn't look likely now.  I had not made reservations, so nothing to cancel.

We prepaid for out-of-state camps in June and July.  We are waiting to see whether the venues cancel.  One of them involves air travel.  I have not booked flights.  

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Back in December I started looking at cruises for spring break.  Then I got the flu and life got busy again.  Now this.  So I'm glad I didn't plan one of those or we would have been cancelling.  My other option was going to be in May when homeschool classes were over, but before Memorial Day when summer swim team starts - was thinking of driving down to Marco Island or St. Augustine.  Not planning to go anywhere now in the foreseeable future now.  Not the rest of this year for sure.  And...I will never set foot on a cruise ever!!!   

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We had a couple trips planned, one with tickets already.  The one with tickets we've cancelled.  (That one was obvious -- it was for this month.)  The other one will be postponed indefinitely.  My dh's family has a cabin which we might go to at some point this summer.

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DS had a study abroad trip to Costa Rica planned for May that has been cancelled.  

DH and I are scheduled to take a Baltic cruise in May--haven't officially cancelled yet, but we know we won't be going on it.   Our plans are actually turned totally upside down because I was in Austria with my daughter when everything escalated and have sheltered in place here rather than putting up with crowded airports and chance getting stuck somewhere mid-route without good options.  So, now my travel plans will be to go back to the US at some point rather than traveling from the US to Europe this summer.

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DH and I were going to Flower & Garden at EPCOT in May.  That is certainly cancelled. 

Still plan to take a short family road trip to the mountains this summer - already booked the Airbnb.  If we simply play pool, read, cook, and enjoy the view while being all together, my heart will be happy.   No need to sightsee.

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All of our plans were canceled for us - dd's summer research program and her freshman orientation on campus.  😞  I know I need to keep it in perspective, but I'm so sad.  

DH and I were going to travel to see our adult sons while dd was at the research program, that probably won't happen either.


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We have a trip planned for late July, same time the boys are supposed to be going to summer camp.  We are waiting to see what happens.

If our trip is cancelled, we have insurance to get our money back, but I am worried that too many cancellations it they might not have the money to cover it.  Summer camp should be a full refund if cancelled.  They are still expecting the final payment in early May and I am not sure I want to do that if things are looking like it won't happen.

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Canceled summer trip plans to Lithuania. Glad we hadn't bought tickets yet. 

Waiting to plan something for August. We need time out of the big city to survive the rest of the year. But we will wait to see how things are much closer to August. 

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I was planning a trip with my mom in June.  It was just to my brother's in Colorado, but I won't be getting those plane tickets for a while.  We'll try again when it's safe to travel.  My mom is in her 70s and my son is high risk, so it's not worth risking their health.

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2 hours ago, Harpymom said:

Well, I'm sort of on the other side of this - we are cancelling other people's summer plans!  Dh and I own and operate a seasonal lodging business in a resort town that abuts Acadia National Park.  We've spent the last week using actual game theory on how to approach this coming season.  Most of the innkeepers are getting wholesale cancellations, and we've just cancelled the few bookings we had for May.  We both realize that there is no realistic way to sanitize each room every day without tracking DNA between guest rooms, common areas, and kitchen.  I'm planning with the assumptions (that I've formulated from reading the data culled in the big thread, primarily) that the virus will be leveling out in this country mid-summer but the vaccine is maybe early next year.  Knowing that other parts of the world are still ramping up and that any travel at all will continue the spread, we don't see that even waiting to welcome guests in October will be really safe.  Every seasonal business in town is flipping the heck out and frantically applying for disaster loans.  

Couple this outlook with the fact that many people will still be unemployed and/or have lost their retirement and other investments, I would predict that you will find fabulous deals for travel to New England in October, but I would suggest you wait until next year to feel safe.


Very interesting to hear this side of it.   I am sorry you are in that position, but I am glad you are so responsible about the thought of having people there. 

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2 hours ago, Bootsie said:

DS had a study abroad trip to Costa Rica planned for May that has been cancelled.  

DH and I are scheduled to take a Baltic cruise in May--haven't officially cancelled yet, but we know we won't be going on it.   Our plans are actually turned totally upside down because I was in Austria with my daughter when everything escalated and have sheltered in place here rather than putting up with crowded airports and chance getting stuck somewhere mid-route without good options.  So, now my travel plans will be to go back to the US at some point rather than traveling from the US to Europe this summer.


Oh wow, I am so sorry you are stuck there right.  Such a hard place to be in, trying to figure out if you should go home or not.  Stay safe. 

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1 hour ago, Medicmom2.0 said:

We don’t have any, since we mostly just camp, but even if we did I wouldn’t cancel yet.  I think the theoretical trend is that the virus will be seasonal.  Summer is looking good; I suspect we’ll be back to social distancing in the fall. My 39th birthday is in October and I really wanted to go to Maine this year for it, but those are the plans I’m sketchy about making yet. 
We’ll still at least go camping over the summer.  We were planning a trip for this week since it would have been my kid’s spring break, but obviously that’s odd now. 


What do you think the summer is going to look like here?  

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Spring break trip to Tokyo- We decided before we were not going and a few weeks later the airlines stopped flying there.  We got all our money back. 

Summer was going to be made up a dance intensives for our 3 older kids.   We would have been heading to NYC, Miami, and the East Coast.   They have not (as of today) been cancelled yet.  We have put down deposits and they are still taking payments due on May 1st.   But I don't see it happening.  There has started to be some movement in the dance world of the dance intensives cancelling and 1 that I know of offering a online intensive instead.   So I expect that is going to be the trend slowly.   In a normal time I would have had the flights and hotels booked, but I don't now. I am just waiting for the ballets to say what they are going to do to move forward. 

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3 hours ago, Meriwether said:

So, every time I see one of these posts from you now, I wonder if you are writing an article or something.

Dd16 is supposed to work at a camp for 4 weeks this summer. Although I have cautioned her that it may be canceled. She remains optimistic. Her trip to Spain was canceled already, so I hope camp doesn't have to close even though I know it probably will. I will visit my family a couple states away at least once this summer, maybe at the tail end. It will either be a long visit or several short ones, depending on the situation. The most important thing about it is that I keep my parents safe. I can get there on one tank of gas and we won't do anything in town while there.


Nope, not a writer.   Just bored being home all day for weeks with not a lot of conversation with other adults.    🙂

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I have flights scheduled to NH for the end of May and the middle of August. I haven't cancelled either. I know pretty much for a certainty that the May visit will have to be cancelled but I'm dragging my feet because I really, really don't want to. This will be my last chance to spend one on one time with my granddaughter before her brother is born. It will suck for sure but it will be devastating if I have to cancel the August visit. Not to be there to greet my grandson on his entrance into the world will hurt. Hurt a lot. I fear that it may be a year before I get to see my grandchildren again. So yeah, I'm dragging my feet on those cancellations because once I do then it becomes a reality.

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Yes and maybe. Our first trip was to be for dd's graduation (master's degree), but the graduation isn't happening now, so we cancelled flights; still hoping to visit later in the year, but not a good area at present. The next trip was a road trip to visit family, but that involves high-risk people due to age, nursing home (so no visit allowed), a cancer patient, a pregnancy, etc., so it's not looking very promising either. If we can't see all of those people, we'd rather wait, and we most definitely do not want to increase their potential of getting it. Another trip in July for part of the family (with a group) is still on the books, but I'm expecting it to be cancelled. So yeah, things are looking a bit dreary, and I'm missing family a LOT. 

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