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User directory - for fun

Laura Corin

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Picking up @MercyA's categories and adding one - I hope that's okay, Mercy.

Eta feel free to add your own, everyone,  and to leave categories blank if you wish.


username: Laura Corin

pronounced: LAWruh COHrin

Origin: my own first name and a family surname - not my own

likes: walking, yoga, gardening, podcasts, books, dogs,  classical concerts

dislikes: fennel and bananas

frequents threads about: British/International issues, aged care, exercise, healthy eating

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username: BakersDozen

pronounced: kray-z mahm uv menny

Origin: number of kids I have

likes: the color white (yes, white is a color), homemade fudge, playing tennis, staying up insanely late (almost 1am right now)

dislikes: soda/pop, country music ("music" used loosely when used with "country"), and my weight on the scale (which is why I go by the weight my treadmill shows...unchanged since 2011 - yeah, me!)

frequents threads about: narcissistic mothers, teen/young adult issues, home decorating (not my strength so I live vicariously through those who can)

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Username: Pawz4me

Pronounced: Loves dogs (and cats, too)

Origin: Lifelong. My earliest memories are of dogs

Likes (besides dogs): Coffee, early mornings, peace and quiet, nature, reading, the Hive, learning about random things and what makes people tick

Dislikes: Noise, chaos and crowds. Evening meetings or events. Black-or-white thinking. Cilantro

Frequents threads about: Almost everything (see above about learning random things/what makes people tick)

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Username: Indigo Blue. It has no real meaning. Just something I made up. We have a quaint shop in our quaint town named Indigo Pearl. I did get inspiration from that, I suppose. 

Likes: Spoiling my cat and teaching her the meanings of words. Hiking, cycling (although pain is limiting that these days). 70’s music. Visiting my two adult sons. Mountain streams. My adult son’s cat. Things that are funny. Animals. Sketching. Looking for and making easy, healthy recipes. 

Dislikes: Noise. Crowds. Meat. Tailgaters. Theme parks. Country music (well, most of it.) Haunted houses.

Frequents threads about: Things that are funny, NPD, animals, reviews/recommendations for products. Not one to venture into controversial topics, most of the time. 

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Username: Carrie12345

Pronounced: They’re not little anymore

Origin: Me and my 5 kids

Likes: My own kids and a few select others, being in the woods, dogs, other people’s cats, personal space, planning and predictability

Dislikes: Building a house, self-centered people, most vegetables, the misuse of political terms, rebooting the modem, deer once they lose their baby spots

Frequents threads about: food, mental health and personality disorders, regionalisms, middle agedom, cleaning, current events,  tv/movies/music, but really just about anything if I have the time

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username: AngelaR

pronounced: An-geh-lah Arr

Origin: name

likes: coffee, weightlifting, chocolate, traveling overseas, all things British, international issues, history, Africa, plants, bird watching. 

dislikes: country music, Walmart, fad diet trends, cooking.  

frequents threads about:curriculum choices, reading problems, history, news stories.  

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User name:  Scarlett

Origin:  I favored Vivien Leigh when I was young

Likes:  My husband, my dog and to a lesser degree my cat.  

Dislikes:  Liars, conspiracy theories, mean and aggressive people, my weight

Frequents threats about:  almost anything.  I read many threads in which  I never post. I love to see what the thinking of people outside my world is.  I post topics about my kids (all grown), and random questions about various issues in my life. 

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User name: Soror

Origin: Dh and I were studying a bit of Latin (him much more than me) when we converted to the Catholic Church. Around that time I had joined a catholic message board so this name seem to fit. I also had another online name by the time I joined this place but since it was a classical education site I thought this one fit the best.

Pronunciation: in my head I say it as sorrow mostly 🙂 

Likes: Trees, quiet time at home with the family and also traveling, exercise, cooking

Dislikes: DRIVING, being too busy, people that hurt my kids, shopping, outside bugs that bite you, most men--- the way many have been raised and socialized makes them assholes that objectify women and I see so many women struggling with taking care of things around their house and their husband doesn't help-- If something happens to dh I'll be hard pressed to find another

Frequent threads about: lately various stressors with kids- especially teens, homeschooling-- kids going to ps-- mourning that loss, exercise (I've posted on the exercise threads for years so it feels like home), me trying to figure out social crap as we move into different phases and deal with lots of stress

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9 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Picking up @MercyA's categories and adding one - I hope that's okay, Mercy.

Eta feel free to add your own, everyone,  and to leave categories blank if you wish.


username: Laura Corin

pronounced: LAWruh COHrin

Origin: my own first name and a family surname - not my own

likes: walking, yoga, gardening, podcasts, books, dogs,  classical concerts

dislikes: fennel and bananas

frequents threads about: British/International issues, aged care, exercise, healthy eating

username: Harriet Vane

pronounced: HARE-ee-et VANE

origin: the Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries stories. Yes, I really could fancy myself as a wealthy writer in England pre-WW2. With a fabulously sensitive, intelligent, athletic, and wealthy husband.

likes: books, sewing and handcrafts, chocolate, gyrotonics, walks through the woods or on the beach

dislikes: olives, unfortunately have to live life without gluten or dairy

frequents threads about: aged care, healthy eating and exercise, jokes and memes, faith, politics, health, or whatever catches my eye

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username: happi duck

pronounced: ha pee duhk 

origin: ducks have always been my favorite animal and I like the snark of happy bunny (which was much more prevalent when I picked my name and a happy bunny note pad was sitting by the computer )

likes: ducks, !!!, ..., nature, cats, reading, Christmas

dislikes: meaness and cruelty,  the pandemic 

frequents threads about: I love how the Hive is like an ever changing magazine... always interesting and edifying!  I probably especially post on threads about anxiety, grief, ideas needed and jokes & memes 

❤️ The Hive ❤️




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username: SKL

pronounced: ess kay elle

Origin: [trying to hide from a stalker but needing to be able to remember my username]

likes: music, good books, walking/hiking, travel/culture/foreign languages, organizing, being alone. sleeping, my favorite coffee

dislikes: chaotic noise, unnecessary talking, clutter, drama, TV, restaurants, dressing up, stress

frequents threads about: anything that serves as a distraction from my work or stress

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Username: Sneezyone

Pronounced: SNEE-ZEE-ONE

Origin: Allergies and autoimmune issues

Likes: musical theater, trashy romance novels (historical and time travel only), global travel, day-trip scenic hikes, and naps

Dislikes: sashimi and negative peace (as a goal, happy place)

frequents threads about: teen/young adult issues, narcissistic abuse, military families, politics/public policy, racism, history, and food.

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Username: heartlikealion

Pronounced: Heart Like a Lion

Origin: reference to an old Oi! song

Likes: painting ceramics, sewing, boots, bargain shopping, punk and goth culture

Dislikes: Environments where feedback is reprimanded, the expression, "I turned out fine" to justify questionable practices, extensive driving, onions

Frequents threads about: car seat safety, (currently) well-trained bodies & frugalistas threads, mental health, misc 

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23 minutes ago, Sneezyone said:


Username: Sneezyone

Pronounced: SNEE-ZEE-ONE

Origin: Allergies and autoimmune issues

Likes: musical theater, trashy romance novels (historical and time travel only), global travel, day-trip scenic hikes, and naps

Dislikes: sashimi and negative peace

frequents threads about: teen/young adult issues, narcissistic abuse, military families, politics/public policy, racism, history, and food.

I’m sorry to admit that although my reading skills are typically up to par, every.single.time I see your user name I read it as Sneezy Zone. I have reminded myself many times over the years that's wrong, but I guess it’s firmly lodged in my brain now. So, sorry 🤦‍♀️🤣

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User name: MEmama

Pronounced: me mama and/or Maine mama

Origin: I am both a mama and I currently live in Maine, the initials for which are ME

Likes: naps with my kitties, the ocean, fog, Dr Martens, 80’s music, milk chocolate, cold desolate locations

Dislikes: heat and humidity, when people won’t apologize, excuses, dark chocolate, being talked down to

Frequent threads: a pretty random mix, whatever I have the mental energy for. I write more responses than I actually post 

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User name: Ausmumof3 

Pronounced: with an Australian accent 🙂

Origin: I’m in Australia and the female parent of three kids. Also not great at names. We literally have a cockatoo called cocky.

Likes: exploring my zone, looking at the small things, wildflowers, birds, moss, rocks, aquatic life

reading poetry and well written fiction

learning new stuff for fun but not for a purpose 

coffee and most foods

anything with fur or feathers, most things with scales. Things with fins only at a safe distance and never on my plate.

Sunshine and wood fires

Tennis- playing and watching 

Dislikes: conflict. Hot windy days. Social situations. Early mornings. Sewing and cooking, domestic chores most days. 

Frequent threads: anything covid or fire related the last couple of years. Used to be more education focused. 

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User name: mom31257

Pronounced: Mom and anyway you want to say the numbers (I say 3-1-2-5-7)

Origin: It's the dates I had my kids and became a mom.

Likes: math, bible study, playing games, taking walks, cooking, listening to my Liked list on Spotify, watching series on streaming, coffee

Dislikes:  seafood, barking dogs, not being able to wear sandals much because I'm allergic to fire ants, mayo on sandwiches, spicy food, a lot of scents

Frequent threads: the tackle thread every day, math questions, family, advice, prayer needs, things that catch my eye but it's random

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I am loving reading these! Here is mine: 

username: TheReader

pronounced: The Reader (alas, far less accurate these days)

Origin: when I blogged, someone started semi-stalking me, so I panicked and changed all our names to nicknames that described us, and so when I joined here, that's what I put. It's not so accurate these days....more fitting would "the quilter-fencer-kindergarten co-op teacher" as reading rarely finds its way into my days anymore. But the name came before the quilting or the fencing or the kindergarten teaching, so.....

likes: mostly all genres of music, most kinds of animals, art, birds, and beaches/salt water

dislikes: liver...? mean people...? being manipulated...? stuff like that

frequents threads about: I feel like most threads I start are "hey, what would you guys do/think about this situation...??" kinds of things....mostly you'll find me in the to-do list group, and reading along on things, whether or not I chime in as well...

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Username: Amethyst

Pronounced: Am-uh-thist (well, that’s how I pronounce  it, but from some pronunciation threads, apparently not everyone talks like me)

Origin: For years, I used a username which contained the name of a town we lived in for only 2 years  and I hated that town. So when we were given the chance to get a new username (was it here or on a different homeschool forum??), I jumped at the chance of getting rid of that town. But I wanted to have  something that could never ever possibly change. I might move again, I might have more kids, I might whatever. So it had to be impossible to change. I was born in February. Can’t change that. Amethyst is February birthstone. 

Likes: my husband and four kids, teeth and smiles (I’m a dentist), reading, walks, bike rides, the beach, food (chocolate, Mexican, Italian, good vegetarian)

Dislikes: mean people, liver, clothing shopping

Frequent threads: dental concerns, adult children, politics, fun regional pronunciation threads, anything with a poll

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17 minutes ago, TheReader said:

dislikes: liver...? mean people...? being manipulated...? stuff

I think it’s so funny that yours popped up right before I hit send, and we both have mean people and liver on our list of dislikes!

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username: Junie

pronunciation: June E.

origin: I wanted a name that was sort of similar to my real name, but not.  And I wanted a name that would feel like a real name when I used it.

likes: people, my church, reading (especially Scripture and literature), learning languages

dislikes: being gluten free, being in pain (I have RA and migraines), being misunderstood, being told what to do

frequents threads about: just about everything. I love this place. :)

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username: Keirin

pronunciation: KEYR-in. It's almost Karen but the beginning is more KEYR than CARE.

origin: I hate to admit it, but a random name generator on Classic Everquest, circa 1999 😅

likes: my children, being Catholic, teaching computer science, reading books, playing tabletop games like board games or dungeons and dragons

dislikes: seaweed, it was a personal failing as I was obsessed with all things Japan as a teenager but couldn't stand sushi.

frequents threads about: honestly, academics most of the time. But I dip my toes in the chat board sometimes and here is the evidence. I lurk more than I post.



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Username: Farrar

Pronounced: Rhymes with Sarah

Origin: It's my honest to goodness name. It's a family name.

Likes: reading, roller skating, history, cookies, DC statehood, fanfiction, indie rock, beetles, vintage Pyrex

Dislikes: mayonnaise, vinegar, broccoli, rodents, the general direction of the country and the planet 

Frequents threads about: totally random practical questions? I'm loud on some of the more political leaning threads but I don't tend to start them

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Username: Corraleno

Pronounced: Cora Layno

Origin: It's vaguely related to a place I used to live, which became my username on a vintage Airstream forum after I'd tried multiple other names that were already taken. I joined WTM soon after I joined the other forum, so I just used the same name.

Likes: dogs, elephants, tiramisu, my kids (most of the time), super ripe figs, chai, days that are sunny-but-not-too-hot, the Dordogne/Perigord region of France, Ancient Greek literature, really good graphic design

Dislikes: crowds, heights, hypocrisy, beets, small talk, willful stupidity

Frequents threads about: I read most threads on the Chat board, and a few on the College board, but I'm most likely to post in threads related to health, diet, current events, medical/social/political issues

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Loving this thread!

Username: Dirty Ethel Rackham

Pronounced: with a pirate accent.

Origin: Tried out a pirate name generator for "Talk Like a Pirate" day.  I liked the idea of a buxom, salty-tongued alter ego so I kept it.   I needed to ditch my real name because I was getting confused when another Ellen would post, thinking I was loosing my marbles.  (And I posted something on the old board that ended up being embarrassed about because I didn't realize until the next day that it could be taken the wrong way.  😱 )

Likes: reading, rock climbing (watching more than doing these days), puzzles (sudoku, crossword, jigsaw, wordle, etc), big dogs, British TV, a really good salad, and company on a walk (with a big dog!) Oh, and tea (the drink!)

Dislikes: mean people, people who love "ideas" more than their fellow humans, insomnia, having a shellfish allergy and being the PITA dinner companion, feeling incompetent ( a frequent thing as a newbie in my career), getting older and feeling more limited physically (no, I don't feel wiser - just more aware of all that I don't know or all that I was wrong about.) 

Frequents threads about: Polls, health threads especially Covid, mental illness, family drama (I heard someone call it outrage porn), political leaning threads (more outrage porn), whatever catches my eye under unread threads.  

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2 hours ago, Corraleno said:


Username: Corraleno

Pronounced: Cora Layno

Origin: It's vaguely related to a place I used to live, which became my username on a vintage Airstream forum after I'd tried multiple other names that were already taken. I joined WTM soon after I joined the other forum, so I just used the same name.

Likes: dogs, elephants, tiramisu, my kids (most of the time), super ripe figs, chai, days that are sunny-but-not-too-hot, the Dordogne/Perigord region of France, Ancient Greek literature, really good graphic design

Dislikes: crowds, heights, hypocrisy, beets, small talk, willful stupidity

Frequents threads about: I read most threads on the Chat board, and a few on the College board, but I'm most likely to post in threads related to health, diet, current events, medical/social/political issues

I lived in Perigueux a for a year as part of my degree from 1983-4. And my dad made a BBC documentary about the area in the late sixties that supposedly started the British expat community there.

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

I lived in Perigueux a for a year as part of my degree from 1983-4. And my dad made a BBC documentary about the area in the late sixties that supposedly started the British expat community there.

I love Perigueux! We had a house in a tiny hamlet between Perigueux and Bergerac, it was an old stone farmhouse built in the 1780s, with several barns, a pigeonnier, and about 20 acres of mixed meadow and woodland. We bought it as a second home when we lived in England, but with the idea that we might eventually move to France permanently, and I would have happily lived there forever but my ex wasn't on board with it and we ended up moving back to the US. But I love that area so much, and just the whole lifestyle there, it's one of my favorite places on earth.

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username: Elizabeth86

pronounced: Elizabeth  86

Origin: Just my name and some numbers 

likes: My kids, my my small circle of friends/family, hiking and anything outside, birds

dislikes: Being inside, having neighbors, having visitors, driving in busy traffic (I like the curvy mountain roads), mayonnaise, any kind of change, morning/all day sickness🤣, meeting new people, ticks, confrontation, filling out forms

frequents threads about: Unfortunately I'm here more for the help I need (usually am I being unreasonable type posts) I read others, but often don't go through with my reply because I am never sure I'm making myself clear enough. So I type up many replies I never go through with. 

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11 hours ago, mom31257 said:

User name: mom31257

Pronounced: Mom and anyway you want to say the numbers (I say 3-1-2-5-7)

Origin: It's the dates I had my kids and became a mom.

Likes: math, bible study, playing games, taking walks, cooking, listening to my Liked list on Spotify, watching series on streaming, coffee

Dislikes:  seafood, barking dogs, not being able to wear sandals much because I'm allergic to fire ants, mayo on sandwiches, spicy food, a lot of scents

Frequent threads: the tackle thread every day, math questions, family, advice, prayer needs, things that catch my eye but it's random

I love this! I always thought it was a zip code! 😂😂

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username: elegantlion

pronounced: el-e-gant-lion

Origin: Literally had a dream about this name. While I am not elegant, I do have a mane of thick, curly hair.

likes: medieval history, paper planners, books in general, and frozen blueberries for a snack

dislikes: Liars, broken promises, and many kinds of vegetables.

frequents threads about: homeschooling an only, low-budget homeschooling, divorce issues, decorating, higher ed.

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user name: Lady Florida

pronounced: lay dee floor ih duh

origin: I was floridamom for years but a long time poster couldn't recall it when she mentioned me in a thread. This was before we could tag. She called me Lady Florida. I liked the noble sound of it so I changed my username. 

likes: being with family, reading, gardening with native plants, walks in natural settings, hobby photography

dislikes: kale, cold weather, heights, internet commenters (not here) who forget there's a human behind every keyboard, things that are too political to say here.

frequent threads about: I'm more of a commenter on other people's threads. When I do start one it's usually to ask opinions about something I'm considering buying or doing. 





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2 hours ago, Scarlett said:

I love this! I always thought it was a zip code! 😂😂


59 minutes ago, mom31257 said:

That is funny because I never even thought about it looking like a zip code! 

It sounds like a Florida zip code because ours all start with 3. I looked it up and it's a South Korea postal code! 😀

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Thank you so much for starting this thread, @Laura Corin! I am loving it!

username: MercyA

pronounced: mer cee ay

origin: I need mercy myself and would like it shown to other creatures. The "A" stands for part of my real name. I kind of wish I had gone with my real name ten years ago but I think that ship has sailed. 😉 

likes: almost all animals (favorites: toads, canaries, Chihuahuas, cats), nice people, air conditioning, massages, napping, my husband's wit, carbs, Firefly, the 80's (especially the music), dolls and toys, miniature things, thrifting, garage sales, organizing other people's things, ghost stories, true crime

dislikes: shoes in the house, ladybugs (sorry little guys), science deniers, some social situations, Confederate flags, chained dogs, SeaWorld, mean people, close-mindedness, hotels, dusting

frequents threads about: animals, human rights, current events, any topic with a poll, product recommendations, strange happenings, etiquette, random topics

Love you guys. ❤️

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username: fraidycat

pronounced: fray-dee-kat

Origin: my feelings about homeschooling at the time, and my cats being inquisitive, yet scared of an inanimate object or shadow when I was trying to think of a username

likes: walking, deep conversations, learning, reading, laughing, cheese

dislikes: victim mentality, cooked peas, summer heat

frequents threads about: random stuff

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On 7/19/2022 at 8:45 AM, elegantlion said:

username: elegantlion

pronounced: el-e-gant-lion

Origin: Literally had a dream about this name. While I am not elegant, I do have a mane of thick, curly hair.

likes: medieval history, paper planners, books in general, and frozen blueberries for a snack

dislikes: Liars, broken promises, and many kinds of vegetables.

frequents threads about: homeschooling an only, low-budget homeschooling, divorce issues, decorating, higher ed.

Ok this is weird, but when I’m quickly scrolling through and see your user name, it’s pronounced something like “elegation”. 

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username: Hannah

pronounced: with a South African accent

origin: my name, although most people know me by a nickname

likes: quality time with family and friends, reading, genealogy; travel, good coffee, good chocolate, our house and garden in summer.

dislikes: corruption; insincerity; arrogant incompetence, our house in winter - its not built for this season and a fridge right now.

frequents threads: I lurk way more than posting, but have been a regular since 2000.

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username: wintermom

pronounced: winter mom

Origin: I'm from the Great White North (Canada), where it's winter at least 6 months of the year. I used to really like winter sports, but I'm not as enthusiastic as I get older. I still ski, snowshoe, skate and hike in the winter because I need to be outddors a lot.

likes: I love tennis, kayaking/canoeing, hiking, cycling, family, dogs, cats, comedy/good humour, learning foreign languages, travel

dislikes: rain, politics, closed-mindedness

frequents threads about: physical activity, humour/jokes, random stuff

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Username: Quill

Pronounced: kwil

Origin of UN: I like to write

Likes: writing, drawing, watercolor painting, baking, photography, this special place on the web, reading, learning things, traveling in Europe, everything French, spending time alone, spending time with my best people, Pains au Chocolat, nature, hiking, the mountains, the Bay, kayaking, cats. 

Dislikes: mayonnaise, corrupt politicians, fake news that is believed on a large scale, self-centered people, my varicose veins, ear gauges, people who call the law firm because they were served bad Chinese food, the current weather, removal of basic human rights, passwords.

Frequents threads about: adult kid issues/teens, human behavior, current events, books, decluttering, health and wellness, goals. I have also hosted the Hive Christmas Card Exchange for a few years, so if you’re a newer poster and want inclusion this year, get busy posting on here so you’re not a stranger come Oct/Nov. 🙂 

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Username: 73349

Pronounced: 7 3 3 4 9

Origin: It's the user number the forum randomly assigned to me. To find yours, visit your profile and look in the URL. (My ZIP code starts with a 2.) This is my third username on here.

Likes: nonfiction, forests, beaches

Dislikes: movies, noise, travel, the collapse of civilization

Frequents threads about: planning, grammar, cooking, religion, anything that looks interesting at the time

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Username: Tiberia

Pronounced: Tie beer ee yah

Origin: The feminized version of Tiber, the river that flows through Rome.

Likes: fitness, languages, watching sports, audio books, British crime tv, history, doing stuff with my family, cats and dogs

Dislikes: conspiracy theories, mean people, cruelty, dehumanizing others for religious or political reasons

Frequents threads about: NPD (I'm learning a lot from y'all, and it's been helpful), difficult relatives, literature, Spy Car's conversion to Cat Person, random funny threads and troll visits

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Username: Lauraw4321

Pronounced: Laura double u 4 3 2 1

Origin: Name and numbers

Likes: Time with family, travel, whole plant based food, podcasts, knitting, Scouting. 

Dislikes: IRL drama, people who have no mercy or humility, boob sweat, people giving up their agency. 

Frequent posts: most lurk, but controversial political ones that get locked, elder care, legal-related, Christian-related. 

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Username: Longtime Lurker

Pronounced: Longtime Lurker

Origin: I was here reading daily starting in 2009 even though I did not register until 2021

Likes: Long walks by myself, long walks with other people, cold diet coke, math, explaining math to students, taxes (not paying them, but learning about them and preparing tax forms), outdoor dining, hanging out with my family (both my DH/kids and my FOO), walking around/exploring big cities, traveling with DD, musical theatre (although I haven't been to a show since the end of 2019)

Dislikes: Annoying noises, tucked-in shirts (on myself, looks great on others), high-waisted pants (again on myself, looks great on others), warm diet coke, diet pepsi, white noise, dessert, wearing reading glasses (causes vertigo), bad grammar, customer service people who insist they are right when they are not

Frequents threads about: covid, elder care, special needs, education, finances, current events, controversial issues (I have learned a lot over the years by reading well-thought-out explanations of differing views), funny threads, anything that looks interesting at the time

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Username: Jann in TX

Pronounced: Jan in Texas (I spell my first name Jann)

Origin: I live in TX

Likes:  My Grandson, Math, German Shepherds, Cake Decorating, Quilting, K-dramas, Traveling to Uganda, crisp silky sheets...

Dislikes: Violent movies, brussels sprouts, beer, Drs who do not see their patients as actual people...

Frequents threads about: Math and just about anything else that looks interesting

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Username: Tree Frog

Pronounced: tree frog

Orgin: I liked listening to the tree frogs in FL

Likes: homemade bread, spending time with my adult kids, learning new things, dogs and cats, plants, especially watching them grow from a cutting, travel to new places, reading

Dislikes: perimenopause!, dogs that bark endlessly, hypocrites, people who judge others based only on their own experiences without taking into consideration that others have different experiences and viewpoints (I'm a work in progress irt this.)

Frequents threads about: anything that catches my eye. I like the ones that make me think or offer a different viewpoint that I hadn't considered.

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What an interesting and fun thread!

Username: I talk to the the trees 

Pronounced: Throatwobbler Mangrove 

Origin: One of the first musicals I played in the pit for was Paint Your Wagon, and this was one of my favorite songs from the musical. It also happens to be the title of one of my favorite episodes of The Good Life (1970's brit-com - I even have several plants named Douglas.) And it made a heck of a lot more sense when my avatar was Treebeard. 

Likes: Dogs, walking (with dogs whenever possible), plants, 80's music, brit-coms, cozy mysteries, and puns.

Dislikes: People who are mean to animals, people who lie, the rather depressing state of the world right now, and beets. 

Frequents threads about: Animals, organizing, podcasts, funny things, and  the rather depressing state of the world right now. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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I do love this thread.  The meta-data suggests we are a crowd of humor-loving travelers with deep needs to be outside, away from crowds, seeking chocolate and intellectual stimulation.

User name: Eos

Pronounced:  ɛːɔ̌ːs

Origin: I am always up at or before dawn.  I only have rosy fingers when I'm grating beets, but I do have a wind-child.

Likes: beets

Dislikes: technology, the internet, smart phones, surveillance capitalism

Frequent threads about: homeschooling to college, The Forum Game



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username: Where's Toto?

pronounced: /wɛə(ɹ)z/ tow tow

Origin: My real first name is Dorothy and it's a "joke" I heard a lot growing up.

likes: walking, yoga/Tai Chi, reading, doodling/coloring, science, teaching, classic rock, kayaking, hot tea

dislikes: bug bites, mean people, country music, perimenopause, my weight, allergies, coffee

frequents threads about:  ITT, politics, science, diet and exercise, books, adult children, teenagers.   I read a lot without posting

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