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  1. He gets them printed by Lulu. https://www.lulu.com/shop/derek-owens/prealgebra-semester-1-student-workbook/paperback/product-1e7zdmk4.html?q=derek+owens&page=1&pageSize=4 That said, I think you can also download while enrolled. The cost of printing it at home is likely to be higher.
  2. Our taxes are filed. I am on Second Coffee. Go, ITT! 📣
  3. We got an upright freezer! Now I have to make and freeze all the things. This is going to be standardized testing week at our house, and then the following week is spring break with DH's parents. (They will come to visit us.) I should see if they want to go to the beach on the Thursday when they're here, weather permitting.
  4. Femurs are clunky and quickly get heavy. For a delicate, feminine look, why not try metacarpals instead? #fashion
  5. [to "The Wellerman"] 🎵 There once was a school-- twas run by me with plenty of math and chemistry. The calendar was full year-round, but bookshelves soon were low. Soon may the packages come and bring us our history and some-- One day, when the youngest is done he'll take these books and go. 🎵
  6. Can you eat soy? Breakfast burritos at my house tonight will probably be made with tofu.
  7. Baby is off to the lake with the scouty people. Why, he wondered, did the scoutmaster require each scout to walk up to him with a life jacket on to show that it fits tonight before leaving, and then put all the life jackets in one big bag on the trailer? I explained the sort of math problem of crossing the river with foxes, chickens, and corn. To get across the lake, each human needs to be in a canoe; each canoe needs exactly two humans and at least one paddle; each scout needs a life jacket that fits; no leader can be left alone with a scout who is not a household member. The scoutmaster does not want to be pondering this tomorrow beside the lake. The weather for looks great for camping. Re: the history edpo - We are team lots of history and little output.
  8. I choose wool for some of my socks and sweaters (and a secondhand coat) even though my diet is mostly plants. That's because... - Beans and other plant foods are generally more sustainable than the animal equivalent; but alternatives to wool are typically petroleum products, which are problematic for their whole lifespan; - If my clothing in cool weather isn't warm enough--and IME several layers of cotton can't be, in this damp climate--I tend to turn up the heat in our house, also a solution with negative consequences; - I eat multiple times a day, so the impact of food choices adds up quickly, but I can and do wear the same socks/sweater/coat for years; - Since I don't see any really great choices, I think the most ethical & sustainable thing I can do with regard to clothes and shoes is to limit the quantity I buy. Does that mean I think wool production is ideal? Nope. I just don't have a better way to stay warm and dry. I wear my wool socks probably ~100 days a year.
  9. Me: coffee (and sugar and plant milk for it) DS: frozen desserts like sorbet DH: candy/treats We have to be strictly gf, and it's expensive, but I consider "splurges" voluntary. Switching from animal products to more beans has helped me offset the price increases of the last few years (and has probably helped keep my weight steady in my 40s).
  10. Good morning. We dentisted. Keeping an eye on the weather today. DS has a campout tomorrow.
  11. Good morning. The eclipse was not noteworthy here. Our schedule calms down a bit at the end of the month. That will be nice.
  12. 73349

    H5N1 news

    Going along with kbutton's suggestions, I'd have him keep a roll of trash bags in his vehicle, and ensure that PPE includes disposable shoe coverings and/or a tub with bleach and water to step into for a few seconds before getting back into the vehicle.
  13. Flap Your Wings is a parenting book disguised as a children's book. Poems to Learn by Heart
  14. Slache, have you started looking at your other local options? Trustworthiness in leadership is no small matter. Today I shall Do Many Things!
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