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What’s the vaccination rate in your county?


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This varies so widely.  Does it impact your decisions about what to do and how to do it with your family?

Our county is 42% vaccinated.  Any further vaccinations are going very slowly, so we may have topped out unless something changes.

We do things unmasked outside, hang out with vaccinated friends inside private homes, unmasked.  We mask in public spaces, and unvaccinated DD stays out of crowded public spaces.

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In my county in Scotland, 89% of adults have had one vaccination and 70% have had two (we don't have J&J here).  In the over-forties, it's 96% and 92% respectively.  I don't have a whole-population figure; children are not yet being vaccinated.

We are venturing out, but masking indoors.  The case load is enormous at present 297 per 100, 000.

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21.6% completing both doses, 19.6% completing one. We have a 14.55% positivity rate. 

Those numbers haven't shifted much in the last two months. I'm f-ing annoyed and it's really coloring the perception of where I live. We're running 45-50 hospitalizations for the last few weeks and 2 deaths in the last week. 


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I can't find great data but it looks like 60-75% with at least one dose.    We are one of only 2 counties in my state with it this high.  You can understand easily why my county with its highly educated population but the other county is one of the most rural counties in my state with a super low socio-economic status.  I mean in my county- I would guess even somewhat reluctant people want to get the vaccines for travel or some such benefit.  The other county may have been very hard hit, I guess.  It is such a much smaller county.

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58% of total population completely vaccinated

61% at least one dose.

We’re socializing indoors with vaccinated friends and attending church (masks required if you’re unvaccinated and for everyone while singing, but on the honor system).  We’ve eaten indoors at restaurants twice this summer, but might pull back from that.  

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Of the total population, about 59.6% have gotten at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and about 47% (17,526 people) have been fully vaccinated.

Of the population over 12, 69.7% have gotten at least one dose and 55% have been fully vaccinated.

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41.6 full (total population including ineligible under 12s.) Nearly 49% first dose. Doesn’t seem as if that 6+ point gap cares to complete the series.

Our (mostly vaccinated) friends have been traveling a lot with their ineligible children, and I think that colors my choices for my 10yo more than the local rate does.

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54% of the entire county population.  About 66% of people old enough to be vaccinated.  At the current rate of vaxing, it will increase roughly 1% every 3 weeks.

I'm gonna say that at least another 10% achieved immunity by having had Covid already.  I don't have proof, just logic.

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~80% of eligible people 12+ in my county as of a couple weeks ago.


We feel comfortable socializing and eating outdoors and doing outdoor activities without a mask. We don’t eat or socialize indoors, and won’t for the foreseeable future (I am forced to make an exception for my in-laws soon, which worries me greatly. They are vaxed but coming in from a low vax area and take zero other precautions. MIL opted for the J&J so I’d consider her only partially vaxed since it doesn’t seem as effective against Delta). 

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32% with at least one dose. I don’t think it’s going to move. It has been around that with vaccines widely available for months. 

We are going about our business. There is no waiting for higher vaccination rates or better mitigation. This is as good as it is going to get and we are tired of watching everyone else live their lives as normal like they have since March 2020. We sat life out until we were vaccinated but we can’t keep waiting for other people to get it together.

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From Dallas County (Texas) Health and Human Service yesterday:

58% of residents over the age of twelve have had at least one dose.

43% are fully vaccinated.  

We really don't go out much.  We mask at church, and mostly do that outdoors, anyway.  I subsitute taught this past year and may take a full-time position this coming year.  The school district will encourage, but not require masks.  

I'm not crazy about our low numbers, but I try to do what I can to protect my family and let the rest go.



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My county has the highest vaccination rate in our state. The state portal lists it at 62%. I think I saw a message from our county health department that we were over 70%, but perhaps that was using different metrics (whole population versus adults only, for example). Our county website does not have an easy way to check, for some inexplicable reason.

Even though that sounds great, the fact is that most of what we do outside the house (other than school) is in other counties. Shopping, church, medical appointments, etc. And the counties we frequent are in the 40-50 percent range.

Which is discouraging for many reasons, but especially because I see very few people masking any more. Maybe 10%. But 50-60% of people should still be masking if not vaccinated. Our state doesn't have that as a mandate any more, so people just don't mask. I worry about what will happen when the Delta variant spikes up here.

I also worry, because my hometown county, where my dad and siblings still live, is only at 35%. It's striking what a difference there is, county to county within my state.

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My state is over 70%, my county health department is at 47%, but somewhere around 1/4 of my county are inhabitants of the local military base which keeps its own records. About 5% of the county (per the health department) has had a positive covid test, and I am sure that many more have antibodies. The local university is predicting a huge spike in cases in late summer/fall. 😞

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I can't find good records for my county except news articles saying we have the highest rate for NJ and that we achieved the over 70% goal over 18 full vaccinated.  Looks like 70% over 18, 82.7% over 65 and 65% over 12.    56% total population.  

It hasn't really changed what we are doing but it does make me feel a little bit better about the lifting of mask mandates.  I wish they hadn't removed the mandates until the younger kids could be vaccinated but since we do have high vaccination and there's not much circulating (at least as near as we can tell from testing), I'm trying to not over worry about it.  

Edit to add:  Looks like those numbers are the official numbers.  I found them again on my county website.   

The counties closest to us look like they have good percentages for 65+ but around 50% for 18+ and 12+.

It actually surprises me a little bit that my county is doing so well.  It's pretty purple/red leaning here but very educated so maybe that makes the difference.  

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51 minutes ago, HeartString said:

Is there a good place to go punch in my zip code and find out? 

Does your state have? For example, California has a dataset we can download or just view online https://data.chhs.ca.gov/dataset/covid-19-vaccine-progress-dashboard-data-by-zip-code

These are Friday figures. (ETA: for the 12 and up)

zipcode 85.9% (17830) fully vaccinated 

county 82.8% partial (1,420,313)

76.6% fully (1,313,297)


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54% fully vaxed Cook County, Illinois

51% fully vaxed Chicago, which is in Cook County

I live just north of Chicago, also in Cook County, and most people have been vaxed.

Ages 12+   83% one dose

Ages 12+   77% fully vaxed

Ages 65+  100% one dose

Ages 65+  94% fully vaxed


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We're at 50% but it's kind of skewed because we have a very large elderly population and most of them have been vaccinated while the percentage is low for younger people - especially starting with under 50 years old.


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39% fully vaccinated, 46% at least one dose.  

But I went to Chickasaw Nation, and they report to the state but not by county, and a lot of people from here did go to an Indian Health Service, because they opened up their tiers before the state department of health.  

So -- I have some hope maybe it's really 5% higher.

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In my county -

34 percent fully vaccinated, 37 percent partially vaccinated

The county adjacent to us (we're very close to the line) where we do everything (shopping, medical care, etc.) is a little better. 46 percent fully vaccinated, 49 percent partially

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80.7% 16 and up who have received one dose.

75% 16 and up who have completed their vaccination series

If you change the demographic to 12 and up (which is allowed here):

79.8% 12 and up who have received one dose

73.9% 12 and up who have completed the vaccination series.

Total population lowers the numbers, of course.

68.9% one dose

63.8% completed.


Statewide is much lower than my county:

62.9% one dose

56.6% completed

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County 66 have one, 60 fully.  It’s higher around me than south but I can’t find those numbers right now. 

I am comfortable having my vaccinated kids not wear masks at work or when socializing with a mixed vax/unvaccinated group.  I think their risk is low. 

I have started masking inside most places again, but not while socializing with vaccinated people. 

My unvaccinated youngest wears masks inside, but not outside. 

Vaccinated dh may have had a breakthrough case a couple of weeks ago. It made me more cautious in that we had to cancel some things and I don’t want to do that to my kids anymore. His case was “mild” but still uncomfortable enough that I wonder what a full on case would have been like.  I have even more confidence in the vaccine now. No one else caught it from him.

If numbers of hospitalization, deaths start rising around here again, I will reassess.

eta: percents are total population. Adult rates are much higher—mid 70’s I think. 

Eta:found the adult rate—it’s 78.3 have one dose 

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Wow. Looks like mine wins hands down the race for most unreasonable. 

(Now we could correlate this with election results and I think we all know what the outcome would be, but of course we can't do this because board rules)

Sometimes I just want to cry

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7 minutes ago, regentrude said:

Wow. Looks like mine wins hands down the race for most unreasonable. 

(Now we could correlate this with election results and I think we all know what the outcome would be, but of course we can't do this because board rules)

Sometimes I just want to cry

Yes, reading these numbers has been very disheartening. I'm not surprised by my county, not really. 


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1 hour ago, regentrude said:

30.9% fully, 34.5% partially.

Neighboring County is 25%.


15 minutes ago, regentrude said:

Wow. Looks like mine wins hands down the race for most unreasonable. 

(Now we could correlate this with election results and I think we all know what the outcome would be, but of course we can't do this because board rules)

I live in the same state in a more rural area-in my county it is 21.4% complete- and 24.8 completed. 

Wish I was surprised. Conspiracy theories and anti-science is rampant here and our POS governor could care less.

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I think when we talk about these numbers, we aren't always comparing apples to apples.  Some places are reporting % of total population, some are reporting age 12+, or 16+, or 18+.   I also have noticed the big sites posting often lag our local data by quite a bit.  

We live in an urban county and live within easy walking distance of another urban county (we actually tend to shop and do more stuff in that county)

Age 65+ - 95% and 95%

Age 16+ - 76% and 73%

Age 12+ - 75% and 72%

Total population - 65% and 60%

Positivity currently about 1.5% though case counts are coming up a little, hospitalization numbers still very low.  As a fully vaccinated family, still feeling ok about living our late covid summer.  We are out but mostly outdoor stuff.  Still haven't sat IN a restaurant but have sat on a couple patios.  My husband is still working at home.

My teen is doing an outdoor theater production and I KNOW that all 24 cast members and the families involved are vaccinated.  I can't tell you how much summer joy and ease that has brought to all of us!  


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I can't find current data, but at the end of last month, 67% of residents over age 12 were fully vaccinated, and 74% had at least one shot.  The most recent data shows that for a single town here, almost 100% over-12s were fully vaccinated by the middle of this month.  I'd be willing to bet similar numbers for my town of mostly elderly.

Unfortunately, we have the Floridiots that overrun the county for the summer.  They bring their disease with them instead of getting vaccinated or wearing masks, and the town with nearly 100% vaccination rate also is now dealing with an outbreak of the Delta virus.

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Our county has been at 46% for all age groups for a very long time.  

Different zip codes are better than others, but we don't have exact numbers.  The community outreach in the main hub for the county has been very successful, even with the lower income areas, and has the highest vaccination rate.  Smaller outlaying cities, like mine, vary.  

The biggest problem is that testing has dropped down to <100 tests a day for a county of 170,000 so there really isn't an accurate count anymore, with a 3.4% positivity.

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61% fully vaccinated. So, of the people milling around Costco this weekend, roughly 1 in 3 eligible adults were not vaccinated.  It's a bit horrific. We shouldn't be celebrating and resting on our laurels.

Does this impact what I do with my family? Yes, absolutely.  We are all fully masked indoors.  We are only socializing outdoors.  We haven't eaten inside of a restaurant since February 2020. Dh returns to in-person work and the older 3 return to in-person school and university in September.  It all needs to happen, but even with them masked, I'm a bit nervous. We're still discussing how to handle lunchtime.  Dh will likely eat in his car. Ds has permission from school to leave the cafeteria to unmask and eat alone.  I need to call the district nurse and see what options are for dd. We're also working on cleaning out the mini fridge and re-prepping our quarantine space this week because all of our exposure levels are about to go way, way up.  It looks like my school district may not require masks for the fall (despite American Academy of Pediatric's recommendations today) and that also has me somewhat frustrated as they are also doing away with social distancing and some of the other protective things that were in place last year. Like nothing has changed for the under 12s, folks. They still aren't vaccinated. *sigh*

I'm on immunosuppressants so I acknowledge that we are a bit beyond the range of a typical family.....but there are so, so many people who are in similar situations and I wish our vaccination rates were much higher.  

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47.4% of eligible adults are vaccinated in my county. 42.9% in the county we are moving to. It’s honestly higher than I expected.

I haven’t seen anyone with a mask on outside of a health care facility in weeks.  I just went to Walmart and was looking around. Zero.  Nobody is masking kids, even though we know they aren’t vaccinated. My youngest two are at camp this week and NYS said no masks necessary at camp, even for kids. 

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1 hour ago, regentrude said:

Wow. Looks like mine wins hands down the race for most unreasonable. 

(Now we could correlate this with election results and I think we all know what the outcome would be, but of course we can't do this because board rules)

Sometimes I just want to cry

Hey my county went for Trump and has the best record for vaccines in my state so there is no relationship.

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1 hour ago, Soror said:


I live in the same state in a more rural area-in my county it is 21.4% complete- and 24.8 completed. 

Wish I was surprised. Conspiracy theories and anti-science is rampant here and our POS governor could care less.

See my gov is a R as in my mayor and both have urged vaccinations.  Now the Lt Gov, who I did not like for other reasons (also an R but a super black/white thinker) is anti-vac.  I didn't vote for him (just didn't vote for that race at all) and won't vote for him.  

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Just now, TravelingChris said:

Hey my county went for Trump and has the best record for vaccines in my state so there is no relationship.

Statistically,  there is. Just as there are statisically significant differences in vaccine willingness based on political leanings. 

But hey, I am glad your county is vaccinated! Good for you. 

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4 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

See my gov is a R as in my mayor and both have urged vaccinations.  

Our governor is a particular moron.  We never had any state wide restrictions,  no mask mandate, nothing. 

And our idiot state legislature won't let public colleges require vaccines, yet expect full in person classes. They don't give a crap.

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11 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

Hey my county went for Trump and has the best record for vaccines in my state so there is no relationship.

There are only two republican counties in my state. One has the second highest vaxx rate; the other is the lowest. So no clear relationship there either. 

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