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What are you missing most from life before the lock down?


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What are you missing most from your life before the lock down? 

What are you not missing at all? 



I miss seeing my kids involved in their passion activities.  It is always amazing to see their progress.  I missing face to face human contact.   I used to spend hours everyday just hanging with other parents at activities.  

A thing I don't miss at all is all the driving that I used to do.  2 plus hours a day. 

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Our governor issued the stay at home order yesterday so I am really going to miss seeing the set of grandchildren that don't live with me. Since we only have one person who works outside the home and we have all been good at sheltering we have continued getting together as a family. We were planning on dinner together last night but after the gov. issued the order we all decided to cancel so not only am I bummed that I didn;t get to see them last night but also that I have no idea when I will see them again. The one person working outside the house is really worried that she is going to contaminate everyone else. 

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I'm missing the daily structure that helps motivate me to do the things that matter. I'm sinking into "I don't care" mode.

I'm missing my kids being active and thriving.

I'm missing the way being around others helps bring out my personal spiritual life -- which seems to be pretty absent right now.

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My kiddos. 

I teach a once/week Kindergarten and a once/week 1st grade at a homeschool enrichment/co-op in our area. We haven't met in person since the 1st week of March (we had spring break March 9-15 and things went all to heck during that time, and we just got state orders to remain closed through what, for us, is the end of school). 

I miss my kiddos so much. I had our first attempt at a Zoom meeting yesterday -- we did Show & Tell. It was super fun, but did remind me that no, we really can't do more for my class via Zoom (oh, the chaos....) I wish we could. I wish we could still meet in person. 

Also, just in general any kind of social interaction. 

What do I don't miss at all.......? Maybe the driving...? Although that was in hyper-mode right before this, b/c of oldest having out patient services, so once things are ever "back to normal" it will be a level of driving that doesn't bug me (before all of this, I was doing Mondays at school, Tuesdays to/from DS22's therapy & then to/from DS15's fencing, Weds therapy/classes, Thurs therapy, Friday therapy; that dropped to only T/Th/F therapy, and then now is over, but it was a TON of driving. I don't miss that.). 

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I miss my family and dh's family. We usually have dinner with my siblings and their families twice a week. And dinner with dh's family once a week. I miss seeing all the cousins playing together.

I don't miss anything else. I'm really enjoying my life right now

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25 minutes ago, MrsMommy said:

Church. Choir. Wandering around Target for no real reason at all.

ha! yes to that. I just told DH last weekend "I *really* want to go to Target. I mean, I won't, I know better, but...I really want to. :sigh:" 

He didn't get it. 

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* $6.00 movie night every Tuesday with two of my friends.  We’d watch a movie, good or bad, talk about what we liked or didn’t like about it, and then we’d head to Taco Bell for chicken soft tacos.  I really miss that time with them.  I miss the time in the theater with no interruptions, the conversation with friends, and those yummy tacos.  It’s been 3.5 years of movie night and I miss it.

* Driving in my car.  I bought a brand new car for the first time in over 20 years.  All the others were used and I bought them because I needed them (think mini-van), but not because I wanted them.  I haaaaated driving the last van we had. It was impossible to park and it turned weird. I bought a brand new car for me about 6 months ago. For the first time in my life, I’m actually enjoying driving—loving it, actually.  

But my governor (PA) just put more stay at home restrictions in place. No driving around! A woman who was driving around just to get out of the house was fined $200.  This is a problem because my son is learning to drive. He’ll be 18 in September and for reasons, I *need* him to be able to drive before then.  He still has 20 hours of required driving to get in and I don’t know how we’ll do it if he can’t drive. 😞

* One-on-one lunches with friends.  I used to try to set one up about every 6 weeks with someone and I’m really wanting one now.  I want the little ritual of arriving at the place and wondering if you’re there first or if she’s already there.  I want that little excitement of seeing the friend (“It’s so good to see you!”).  I want the conversation to start out light and then get a little more meaty.  I want the feeling that you wish you could talk longer, but the conversation has sort of naturally wound down, and you need to go anyway. I want the fun of looking forward to the next time you can meet when there will be new things to talk about.

Don’t miss:

* Leaving the house for any other reason than the above 3. I love being home. I’m happy at home.  I’m not happy when I have to go out for errands or other boring things like that.

* Going to family functions. We didn’t have a lot, but I’m feeling kinda free knowing that we won’t be having anytime soon. A nephew was going to visit us next week, but he’s kinda clingy and needy and I am very drained when he visits.  I haven’t felt drained in weeks and it’s lovely.


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20 minutes ago, bolt. said:

I'm missing the daily structure that helps motivate me to do the things that matter. I'm sinking into "I don't care" mode.


Yeah...me, too. 

I thought with the extra time on my hands I’d jump up and Get Things Done around the house.  Now’s my chance, right?  Nope. I just don’t care about anything right now.  Blissfully frittering away the hours doing...nothing.

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My parents.  The library.  Being able to dash out to the store without having to plan around dh's work schedule to avoiding taking the kids to the store.  Who would ever think I'd miss taking 4 kids under 8 to the grocery store, but I do.

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I used to spend a lot of time looking at plants in nurseries all over my area. I miss that a lot, especially since I am planting for spring now and think about how much of a better selection I could have had if only I could shop without worrying about infection!

Strangely, I miss being amidst people even though I move around in crowded places and don't know anyone there in particular (as in a sports practice area).

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Being able to jump in the car and go wherever, whenever. And especially being able to do that without worrying about pandemic illnesses.

(And weirdly enough, I'm an introvert and homebody who doesn't go out much at all by most standards.)

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Not much to be honest.  I’m an introvert.  I am missing seeing my parents but I actually can do that it’s just that we’re being really careful.  I’m missing going to the fruit and veg market today but again I could do that it’s just a level of risk we’ve decided not to take right now.

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Future plans. I spoke on here before about being very future-oriented and it couldn’t be more evident to me at the moment. With the future currently being one huge uncertainty, I feel as though I can’t make future plans.

I miss the quietness of everyone going off to do their things. It’s pretty annoying to me for everyone to be here all the time instead. 

What I don’t miss at all is externally-imposed schedules. I really have always bucked against that anyway. I love that I can decide to tune in to a church service on Sunday morning, without having to actively decide to get dressed, ready and drive to a church. I can even decide moments before live-streaming that I want to “visit” a different church. Click! Visiting a different church, just decided a minute ago! 

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Church and choir. Oh, HOW I MISS CHURCH!

Coffee and lunch with friends.

Just being able to go places in a carefree manner. Going anywhere is just tense right now. And there's all this prep you have to do, and clean up upon returning home and then I'm just tired from the mental "Don't touch that. Sorry, your nose is itching, too bad. Is that person up there coughing?"

And like others, future plans. I'm very goal oriented. I struggle when I don't have something to work towar/plan for.

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I miss most...a Paycheck.

I don't miss the lack of sleep, from dealing with dd13s issues and then still having to work 48 hours each week.

Today I was up from 5am to 8am helping her through a crisis. then I went back too sleep for a few hours. 

What I enjoy most....sleep.

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Freedom. The sense that while things might change, that I knew what the world was and what it would be like more or less.

My sense of world uncertainty has blotted out anything I might not be missing. Like, there are lots of things I'm not missing or thinking about, but I think that's because I am so hyperfocused on a lack of understanding of what the new reality will really be.

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I miss going to church.  Ours has a livestream on Sundays done by a few men and a Wednesday Bible class, but it’s just not the same.

I also miss going grocery shopping knowing I can buy everything on my list.  I’m ok until I see so many empty shelves, then I want to just sit down and cry in the middle of the store.  It’s so not like me.

I totally do not miss driving my kids all over for various activities all the time.  I realized yesterday that I’m much more relaxed than usual.  Not have such a busy schedule has been wonderful. 

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I miss the sense of freedom and seeing other people, but what I miss the most is my kids interacting with friends.  My oldest was clawing her way out of depression, and this has not been good for her.  I really hope they have school in the fall.  She desperately wants to go to the little private school with peers, and my younger one desperately wants to play D&D and sing in a choir at the high school and take ASL.  I'm really bummed that we're missing Easter Vigil.  It's my favorite service of the year.

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My students. Teaching online takes away what I loved about my job.

The small daily interactions with a variety of people, colleagues at work, random friends.

Live poetry readings. Reading via zoom is missing the energy of the audience

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I miss my studio and seeing my students there. It was just so nice to have my own classroom again, to have a job to go to, and to be able to have that separation. Now, I'm teaching via zoom, at my home piano, and there is no separation, no dedicated space. 


And I miss just talking to people about nothing. I used to get social time regularly because of DD's activities. Not anymore. Even if we call or set up a meeting, it just makes it more formal. I actually hadn't missed the time at the cheer gym and waiting for DD for those hours most of this season, but I do now. 



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I miss Mass. in and of itself, but the ‘getting all of us including young adults together for Sunday supper & games’ part that happened most weeks.  We’re still together, but we talk about no other topics. It’s so unknown. 

Like many have said, I miss people acting normally. Probably my greatest concern is: how will people act when the orders are lifted?  Will we be forever acting suspiciously towards our neighbor?  That thought makes me so very sad 😿

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7 hours ago, Garga said:


* $6.00 movie night every Tuesday with two of my friends.  We’d watch a movie, good or bad, talk about what we liked or didn’t like about it, and then we’d head to Taco Bell for chicken soft tacos.  I really miss that time with them.  I miss the time in the theater with no interruptions, the conversation with friends, and those yummy tacos.  It’s been 3.5 years of movie night and I miss it.


My daughter watches movies with her friends over discord...you can chat about them while watching over discord, and also talk after.  You can also all cook your own tacos and eat them together.  

Directions for watching a movie on discord:


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10 hours ago, HeighHo said:

Common courtesy.  There is no need to reach over people in the store to grab something off the shelf or from the bin.

No one here gets close enough to do that.

I miss talking to an adult.  I have been stuck at home 10 days with ds10 and 13.  They are lovely but .... I miss the short break from ds10 that going to work gave me.  I don't miss rushing about like a headless chicken trying to get everything done.

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My DD7 is super social and very physically active and an only child.  We live in an apartment. No yard. We take walks and try to find empty areas she can run and frolic. She misses people so much.

I miss feeling safe. I am high risk due to being older and having asthma and High blood pressure. 

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Going on errands on my bicycle to pay bills and to shop. Everyone here in Colombia is temporarily restricted, but for those under 70 that will probably end in approximately 10-14 days. I am over 70 and for those of us who are elderly, we are restricted to the house until June   1st.  I am extremely grateful to the Colombian government for that, because I know it is for my protection, but I do miss going out and the exercise from riding my bike. And being able to shop in a little store where I like many of their products (low prices and excellent quality). Strangely, today is Saturday, one of 2 days a week when the trash truck comes to our street. I have always taken out the trash and garbage and then checked for mail. Now, with the temporary law for the protection of elderly people from Covid-19 Coronavirus, my wife told me not to open the gate to take our trash to the street, because if I do that, I am subject to a $246 USD fine. So, she will take out the trash and garbage and check for correspondence...



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