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    Christian since 1997, Volunteer Phonics Tutor since 1994, Homeschool Mom since 2007
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    Pacific Northwest
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    Reading, Teaching Phonics, Rollerblading
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  1. There are snippets from the teacher's manual in the powerpoint slides. If you've taught other phonics programs you should be fine. The manual is nice though, very handy and well organized.
  2. You need Calc based physics like people have said, either AP Calc C or at DE calc based engineering track physics. I don't think they will look that much different for the application, especially since they won't see exam scores until after application anyway.
  3. I just got a UFLI Foundations teachers manual, it’s a really well designed program. You could teach it all without the manual, there are a lot of great resources in their free toolbox. The roll and read games look especially fun and they have a ton of decodable stories, too. There are some resources on their PowerPoints to help teach and some mouth pictures cards for sounds. https://ufli.education.ufl.edu/foundations/toolbox/ They also have a virtual mat. https://ufli.education.ufl.edu/resources/
  4. You should email or call in and tell your girls' story! It's so powerful and motivational!! "We're thinking about making a bonus episode with your reactions to the podcast. If you have thoughts, questions, or a story to share, record a voice memo and email it to us at soldastory@americanpublicmedia.org. You can also leave a voicemail: (612) 888-READ (7323). Adults and children welcome."
  5. The last episode is out. They are looking for reactions, especially from children, for a bonus episode. Sold A Story Website with podcasts, other links
  6. My son was prone to guessing, I didn't teach him single sight word or anything even remotely whole language or balanced literacy. He would guess if there was a sentence to guess from until late 2nd or early 3rd grade, I had to limit his sentence reading until then.
  7. You'd do great! It's really easy with a good program and the background phonics knowledge. I have an article about the how and why of teaching older students, with good programs at the end. Older students are capable of 2+ syllable words early on, there are a lot of free and inexpensive resources that have those type of words while shoring up phonics basics missed in school. It's really random what phonics they know and don't know, best to review everything while working on upper level words. It's harder to undo the guessing habits than to teach the missing phonics, that takes time, nonsense words, and word lists. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/building-good-reading-habits-liz-brown/
  8. It's actually very simple, it takes a lot of work to screw it up. Pick a good phonics program and teach it, don't teach hundreds of sight words as wholes, don't use predictable readers that encourage guessing. There are a ton of great options. Phonics Pathways, OPG to Reading, CLE language Arts, all cheap and good options. Free to print Word Mastery: http://donpotter.net/pdf/word_mastery_typed.pdf There are other good homeschool friendly programs out there, most more expensive, some not. Most homeschool parents know about and choose good programs, ask around for more options. I have 2 pages to help. How to teach a beginner to read: http://thephonicspage.org/On Reading/newstudents.html How to teach blending: http://thephonicspage.org/On Reading/blendingwords.html For those taught with balanced literacy, you need to add nonsense words to help overcome the guessing habit, I have free lessons that include nonsense words and teach phonics to the 12th grade level: http://thephonicspage.org/On Reading/syllablesspellsu.html
  9. Today's episode is worth listening to. The $ spent on programs proven not to work. The indoctrination into the programs is strong, the science is ignored. I always get mad and sad for the children who suffer yet could have easily learned to read if taught well. It's so hard to overcome the guessing habits caused by the sight words and predictable readers, it takes a lot of word lists and nonsense words. It's easier to teach the phonics they are missing than to undo the guessing habits.
  10. The problem is that they get a bit of phonics instruction, but they get sight words, they get predictable readers, so they learn to guess. A bit of phonics but not enough to read well enough to sound out anything. Today's episode is enlightening and infuriating--the amount of taxpayer $ spent on systems that are proven not to work, kept being pushed by the people getting rich off of it. It's hard to undo the guessing habits--I use nonsense words. I have a free program with phonics to the 12th grade level, it is designed for older students who guess, in includes nonsense words. http://thephonicspage.org/On Reading/syllablesspellsu.html Also, many of the students are "functionally literate," they can read some things but guess and are below grade level, many parents do not realize their children are behind. I hand out reading grade level tests to parents with children in schools that use balanced literacy and then point them to my program and other phonics resources. Grade level test: http://www.thephonicspage.org/On Reading/Resources/40L Test.pdf
  11. I would do the overview lesson of my syllables program. It's from Greek, then a schwa, English has a lot of higher level words that schwa unaccented syllables. It explains this and more. http://thephonicspage.org/On Reading/syllablesspellsu.html
  12. I like to go back and forth between decimals and fractions and money and percent. 1/10 10 cents .1 10/100 10%. 1/4 25 cents .25 25/100 25% You can divide any fraction to get a decimal, do that too to compare for a while, long division with a few basic facts.
  13. I would try my syllables lessons, they incorporate spelling rules and patterns and also have nonsense words, nonsense words may help. http://thephonicspage.org/On Reading/syllablesspellsu.html I would focus on spelling only phonetically regular words while you try to figure it out. Spelling Plus has good lists, skip any irregular words for now. You can see the Spelling Plus lists here, the book has them with exceptions and explanations and rules for each list. https://www.susancanthony.com/ws/_pdf/splhnd.pdf Book: https://www.amazon.com/Spelling-Plus-Words-toward-Success/dp/187947820X Perhaps have a reference page of the common words she misses that she can refer to while writing, in alphabetical order. I would compare the reading rate and accuracy of similar words in 36 pt font vs. 12 point font and see if there is a difference as a gross vision screen. I've had students with speech problems that later showed up in their reading and spelling, it may resolve when that is fixed or may be something else; it could still take extra work and repetition after speech remediation but may be easier. I like sounds of speech for seeing the videos of how each sound should be pronounced, the app is cheap: https://soundsofspeech.uiowa.edu/home
  14. How to teach blending, basically, start with easiest to blend sounds, 2 letters or 2 sounds at a time. an, in, me, no, etc. Long vowels may be easier, start with no, Mo, lo, me, ray, lay. The lego picture explanation may help the child understand what's going on with blending. More, explained here: http://thephonicspage.org/On Reading/blendingwords.html How and why to teach the sight words with phonics: http://thephonicspage.org/On Reading/Resources/Sight Words by Sound1.pdf Bookmark form, same as above just cuter, may be too cutesy or may like it more, hard to tell at 8, depends on the chid. http://www.thephonicspage.org/On Reading/Resources/40LSightWordsBookmarks.pdf I print the black and white version and let the child color them in with colored pencil. I would also not assume anything, the schools do a terrible job, could just be ABT, ain't been taught. Go over the sounds across and down on my chart daily. Sounds are arranged for phonemic awareness, not alphabetically, use chart to look up sounds when working on sounding out and spelling sight words. Print out page 6, color in in colored pencil. http://www.thephonicspage.org/On Reading/Resources/40LChartsCombined.pdf Word Mastery starts with the easiest letters to blend. Free to print or Don Potter has an inexpensive book to order. http://donpotter.net/education_pages/WordMastery.html So, you can use my sight word document to figure out the best way to teach the sight words with phonics, go over their spelling and phonics while teaching them, group them by sound. They send them home alphabetically and across grade levels to hide how phonetic they really are. When you teach them, teach all the ones that follow the same pattern, eventually you'll be ahead. Can you get an advanced list for the whole year to show the mom and child that? Or just to say to the child--here, we have the same pattern and you just learned 2 of next weeks words with just a bit of extra work, we're saving time and effort in the long run!!
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