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S/O....how far away is your local public highschool?


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If your kids went to the local public highschool, how far away would they have to go?


I saw one poster on Kinsa's thread say her kids could WALK to 7 different highschools. Our county only has 7 public highschool and 2 or 3 private ones.


My kids went about 12 miles away. I went 17 miles away to highschool but I went to the Christian highschool. The local public for me was about 10 miles away. DH went about 13 miles to highschool.

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We have one about 2 miles from us, but we aren't slated for that school.  It is one of the top public high schools in the nation -- LOL.  The one we are slated for is about 10 miles away.  That one is not one of the top in the nation :-(.  We are allowed to apply to different high school programs in my county, but the top one near me is no longer taking kids outside the boundary line.

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We are zoned for a high school 3.9 miles away.  We actually have at least 3 charter high schools that are closer. 


That's actually a bit of a hike.  The middle school is a block from us and the elementary school my oldest started at is about 8 blocks from us. 

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It was me who said 7. One is our zoned school - it's a little farther away from another "regular" public school in the other direction. Both are less than a mile from us. Within that radius though, there's another school that's a "special" public school, two magnet schools - one arts and one IB program (though one is in the process of moving to another campus a little farther away), and two charter schools that include high school. Oh, actually... drat, there's three... no, wait, there's FOUR charter schools if you include the adult education one. I forgot about the Spanish charter we can walk to that has high school. So that's 8, 9 if you include the adult ed public charter school that's for high school.


We obviously live in a high density urban area. Inner city.


It's an environment like this that can make school choice work. Obviously it's not a solution to anything in Kinsa's area. But even in areas where there's only enough kids for one decent sized high school, it's not a very good solution then either.

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1.6 miles to the nearest. Our town of about 75k has 3 public high schools, 2 private K-12 schools (one protestant Christian, one Catholic). I have no idea about the number of middle or elementary schools, although one middle school is just about 5 blocks from the nearest high school. 

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it depends on whether or not you are catholic. Ontario has publicly funded catholic schools. It also depends if you want a French or English highschool. So, it depends on what you mean by closest. If my boys where to enter school they would likely go to the local, non catholic, English high-school. We do have a very close catholic highschool, but my boys aren't eligible to go there.

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High school and Middle School are on the same campus, although they don't mix.


1 mile away.


Other schools surrounding our area (high schools) are 3 miles away, 4.5 miles away, 7 miles away, and 10 miles away.  The ones 7 and 10 miles away are a different district.  The others are within the same district.

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Our house backs on to school district property, so we are 200 ft or so from the high school. The elem/middle school is a block away. That being said, our school district covers something like 5000 sq miles. There are a few kids who are on the bus 90 min each way to get to school.

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The public high school is 0.8 miles, door-to-door, from my house. DS21 used to walk and was *still* tardy almost every day of his senior year.


The grammar (k-8) school for my district (the city has 4) is next door to the HS, so it is 1.0 mile to the lower school (k-4) doors.


FWIW, we have 1 public high school, 4 public grammar schools, 1 Catholic grammar, 1 Catholic HS, and 1 Islamic grammar school in a city of @49k people.

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7ish miles to the county high school. Although there are plans to build a new building next the the middle school. That will be about 3 miles from our house.


Apparently a long time ago there was another high school in the county for another town because it wasn't feasible for all the kids in the county to attend the same school.

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Most NYC students do not have a zoned high school unless they live on Staten Island or in some parts of Queens. (ALL Staten Islanders have a zoned high school.) You're not mandated to go to your zoned high school, and even if you intend to go to the zoned guarantee program at your zoned high school (assuming you have one of those), you still have to do NYC high school admissions.


With that said, our zoned high school is 1.2 miles from my home, or about a 22 minute walk. NYC high school students get a half fare metrocard if they're between half a mile and 1.5 miles from their school, otherwise they get a full fare card. (This is patently ridiculous. The fare doesn't cost less if you're not going as far. They should give metrocards based on income. But for some silly reason, half-fare student cards can't be used on the train, despite the fact that half fare cards for elderly or disabled people can, so yeah.)


The older kiddo declined to go to any Staten Island high school, so she's going to school in Manhattan. I was very strict on this point: Any high school under consideration had to be within a 90 minute commute window. (Assuming she doesn't walk. She actually *can* walk to this school, or rather, she can walk to the boat, and then resume walking once she gets off. The boat is about a mile away, and this school is about a mile from the boat, so it's not that far.) The DoE allows transfers due to being more than 75 minutes away from your school, but we're 15 minutes from the boat, and then the boat ride is another 25 minutes, so that seemed a bit stringent for our needs. At any rate, it's fairly common for students to travel an hour or more to high school, especially if they get into a very prestigious school like LaGuardia, Hunter, or Stuy. But they do this despite the fact that outside of the Island it seems that most neighborhoods still have several high school campuses (each of which contains one or more high school, and possibly a middle or elementary school, which might or might not have any connection to any high school) within walking distance.

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Our assigned public high school is about 10 minutes (at least it is the way my dd18 drives LOL)

But, there are 2 private highschools within 5 minutes.



We have one city and a bunch of outlying towns that have all grown into one mass. There are 5 separate school districts in our area and the boundaries are very oddly shaped. Quite often the school closest to someone's home, is not their home school.  Due to this there is a lot of boundary exceptions in our area.


There are probably about 10-12 traditional public B&M high schools in our area, across 5 school districts.

There are an additional 30 different high school programs (Homeschool programs, charters, private, alternative, online, etc)

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Our SAU high school (9-12) is 8.5 miles.  Another SAU's high school (K-12) is 2.1 miles away; we have a choice to go to that school for middle and high school.  Both of these schools graduate between 15 and 30 students per year.  Our local K-6 is 3.9 miles and has approximately 50 students.

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Our city has one high school it is maybe 1.5 miles away. I can see our zoned grade school (1 of 6)from our front yard (1 block away) and the one middle school is 0.5 miles away.


However I send my kid to private high school that is an hour bus ride away.

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