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I can see Thestrals now (death of parent TW)


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(A Harry Potter reference, if you don’t know.) 

My mother died. I was with her; she died very shortly after I arrived. I have known in my heart for several months that I would be with her when she crosses over, which is a curious thing, since it wasn’t the likeliest scenario.

It was sad. But I am glad she is released from the immense suffering of her past several months. 

A week ago, she was looking around  in a bedroom and my dad asked her where she was going. She referenced my sister who died in 2008 and said she was calling my mother. I wonder if that really is a thing. I am open to the possibility that it is. I hope she is back with my sister in the Beyond. 

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I'm so sorry.

As far as her seeing your sister--I was recently reading an article written by a hospice nurse about the stages of dying and it mentioned that patients often report "visits" from deceased loved ones in the days or weeks prior to their own death.


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I'm sorry for the loss of your mother. I've heard more than a few stories from people I know that dying relatives seem to be visited by deceased family. My own MIL had cancer for years and was in and out of hospice. On the night she actually died, they were getting ready for bed when she sat up in bed, looked at the end of the bed, and said "I think I'm going to die". She laid back down and died. I've always believed she saw something or someone (angels? her parents?) and knew it was time to go.

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35 minutes ago, Ginevra said:

(A Harry Potter reference, if you don’t know.) 

My mother died. I was with her; she died very shortly after I arrived. I have known in my heart for several months that I would be with her when she crosses over, which is a curious thing, since it wasn’t the likeliest scenario.

It was sad. But I am glad she is released from the immense suffering of her past several months. 

A week ago, she was looking around  in a bedroom and my dad asked her where she was going. She referenced my sister who died in 2008 and said she was calling my mother. I wonder if that really is a thing. I am open to the possibility that it is. I hope she is back with my sister in the Beyond. 

I'm sorry for your loss.

Yes it is a thing. I certainly believe it is a thing.  I was with my mom when she died, and my (long deceased) father was there. I've heard any number of stories.  A good friend's father demanded he be stood upright to meet those who'd come for him (I don't recall who his father said was there for him). As soon as my friend and his brother got him in an upright position, he passed.

I was recently listening to a hospice nurse share a story of when was speaking with a patient who was close to death. She said they were having a "lovely conversation". The patient said "___(her deceased husband) is here, I have to go" right before she died.


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44 minutes ago, Ginevra said:

I wonder if that really is a thing. I am open to the possibility that it is.

In chinese traditional culture there is the saying that when the time comes, departed love ones would visit and escort the person to the blessed land. I do not know the origins is from taoism, chinese buddhism or folklore because it has been pass down through multiple generations. 

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I'm so sorry for your loss.

39 minutes ago, Pawz4me said:

As far as her seeing your sister--I was recently reading an article written by a hospice nurse about the stages of dying and it mentioned that patients often report "visits" from deceased loved ones in the days or weeks prior to their own death.

I read a fascinating book by Hospice Nurse Maggie Calanan called Final Journeys. She wrote of several examples of this same thing.  I believe it to be true.  When my mom was nearing the end of life, she would sometimes 'see' other people and asked what they were doing there. She was going through some medical issues, but did get better for another year or 2 before she had a final stroke and passed.  But I was comforted knowing that perhaps my dad or grandmother had 'come' for her. 

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I'm sorry, Ginevra. The loss is hard even when expected, even when it's a relief. 💗

My mother once had a dream about her sister-in-law (wife of my mother's deceased brother). In the dream, the SIL visited my mother and said "[my deceased husband] came for me." The next day, my mother was told that the SIL had died that night.


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