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Who has a white Christmas?

Liz CA

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This is the one day of the year when I miss snow in my area. ;)

If I could control this, I'd have snow start about now through tonight till about 6am tomorrow morning and then magically all melt before we get on the road at noon or so. :lol:


It's foggy and there could be potentially rain (haven't checked forecast) but snow is definitely not in the cards for us.

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Definitely white in Maine!  Another 8-12" predicted for tomorrow.


I don't mind the snow, but yesterday after it snowed it was then covered with like .5 inch of ice.   EVERYTHING is covered with ice.  The trees look like icicles, and it's very picturesque.   BUT, it's dangerous when there is this much ice coating everything, and then another storm with wind comes in.  I really don't want to lose power!    


I am pretty nervous about tomorrow honestly.   It could be fine, and it could be a real nightmare.




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the weatherman is claiming we might get between  1/2 - 2 inches. we almost (I say almost, because in 2008 we had two FEET at our house.  I've lived in this house >30 years. never happened before.) never get snow. . . .

tomorrow- 1 & 2 dss are flying to texas.   at least most of the way is freeway, so if we do get snow, it shouldn't be more than an inconvenience as opposed to a serious issue.


(in 2008, 2dd was stuck in detroit because minneapolis was closed.  she was able to get a direct flight - by passing minneapolis.  we'd had another storm come through - and the freeways hadn't even been plowed - there < 1/2 dozen cars on the webcams the entire way.  on a freeway that can easily be a parking lot.  dh ended up driving all the way to the airport with chains - and he's an experienced snow driver. )

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We live in a Tropical Valley, so we cannot get Snow here. Currently a Thundershower and probably about 80 degrees. We have guests who are supposed to arrive about this time, for Xmas Lunch and I suspect they are waiting for the rain to stop.  Friends who are in DC for one year have, so far, had an incredibly mild Fall and now into Winter.  I hope they see some Snow, before they return to Colombia.  


Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, Safe and Prosperous New Year!

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I'm in STL too.  It's just "heavy flurries" now, but there's enough out there to be fun and not enough to be work.  Unless you drive a salt truck. 


The kids have had snow to play in for two days now.  Last time we had snow like this on Christmas Eve, we rode out a tornado a week later at a restaurant on New Year's Eve.  Let's not do that again.

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Definitely white in Maine!  Another 8-12" predicted for tomorrow.


I don't mind the snow, but yesterday after it snowed it was then covered with like .5 inch of ice.   EVERYTHING is covered with ice.  The trees look like icicles, and it's very picturesque.   BUT, it's dangerous when there is this much ice coating everything, and then another storm with wind comes in.  I really don't want to lose power!    


I am pretty nervous about tomorrow honestly.   It could be fine, and it could be a real nightmare.


Same in VT, except a bit less ice, thankfully. I'm also nervous about tomorrow's storm, it's supposed to be really windy. Wind + icy trees and power lines is a bad combo!

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Central Canada - yup. :)  I don't ever remember not having a white Christmas here.  We currently have about 8 inches or so.  But the temps...  Low tonight is -30C with a wind chill of -40C.  High for Christmas Day is -26C with a wind chill of -40C.  Low for Christmas night is -32C with a wind chill of -45C.  We usually try to do a cross-country ski on Christmas Day.  We'll see if I feel like braving that kind of cold. :)

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We are under a storm advisory for 3-6 inches tonight and tomorrow. That isn't a big deal here is West Michigan except they are also calling for up to 40mph wondering gusts. If that happens we will have a lot of areas with white outs which makes for dangerous driving.

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We have about an inch.  It started snowing while we were at a family gathering several hours from home.  We had to drive home in the snow and slush all the way home.  We saw a couple of wrecks, but none looked too bad.  Now I am home I am enjoying the white.  I think it may melt by morning though.

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We do, which is kind of a miracle (western WA).



My first winter in the US we had a white xmas in Corpus Christi. That was a bit of a miracle. 


ETA: even better was that a few days later it was warm enough again to have our outdoor wedding in a sleeveless dress. 

Edited by luuknam
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