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do you use makeup everyday?


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I don't.  I only wear makeup if I'm going out somewhere special or have an appointment I want to look my best.  If it is a "normal" day, "regular" errands (think grocery store, piano) and homeschool, I just use a moisturizer. 


Even when I wear makeup, often it is just lipstick, eyebrow pencil, maybe mascara.  Foundation and blush is reserved for "special" things.  I never wear eyeshadow. 


After looking at some holiday pictures, I'm beginning to rethink that idea.  Some concealer everyday would go a long way to make me look less tired. Some foundation every day would even things out a bit.  Maybe wearing makeup just for "special" things is not the best idea.  Isn't everyday a special day of some sort?  Shouldn't one try to look their best for those she cares about? 


What says the Hive??

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Nope.  Only a few days per year, and I have to borrow a few pieces from my daughter to do it.  I used to wear it every day, but I have an eye issue that makes my eyes water. Makeup doesn't stay in place, so I stopped wearing it.  


I have to say though, I look wayyyy younger with it on, less haggard and more refreshed. 

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Nope. Even when I do put on any makeup, it's usually only powder and blush. I honestly don't remember the last time I even bought lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, etc. Unless I'm sick I think look better without it anyway. Dh has always liked me better without it as well. I just really don't like makeup so it works well for me to not bother.

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I got a makeover at Prescriptives back in my college/early working days, and I think the lipstick and perfume were the only thing I bothered with, and that didn't last long. Slacking all the way for at least 20 years now. Probably my wedding, 24 years ago, was the last time I wore "full" make up. Dh said he thought I looked beautiful without it, and I never really thought it was needed it to be "dressed" the way some people I knew did. 



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I wear it just about everyday. Honestly, people will ask me if I'm feeling OK if they see me without it. :lol:


I wear primer, foundation, concealer, a light bronzer, blush, eyebrow pencil (just to fill in where they are thinning ;), eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick. It takes me about 10 - 12 minutes. I feel better about the way I look and my dh likes it.


I have a few beauty YouTubers (including a couple in the over 40 crowd) that I watch for tutorials, recommendations, and inspiration.

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I wear it just about everyday. Honestly, people will ask me if I'm feeling OK if they see me without it. :lol:


I wear primer, foundation, concealer, a light bronzer, blush, eyebrow pencil (just to fill in where they are thinning ;), eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick. It takes me about 10 - 12 minutes. I feel better about the way I look and my dh likes it.


I have a few beauty YouTubers (including a couple in the over 40 crowd) that I watch for tutorials, recommendations, and inspiration.

Will you share your youtubers who are in the over 40 crowd? Pretty please? :)

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Shouldn't one try to look their best for those she cares about? 


What says the Hive??


What do you mean by their best? I expect basic grooming from those I care about. But just like I don't expect my Dh and kids to wear makeup - they don't expect me to do the same. 


I look my best by; being as healthy and as happy as I reasonable can be. I also help my loved ones do the same. Those two things (healthy and happy) are way more important to looking good than makeup. 

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No.  My family is big into Mary Kay (I was even a consultant, about 8 years ago), so I know the products, how to put it on, etc.  My mom made me start wearing foundation to "protect my skin" when I was 14. It was just what I did in the morning, all the way through until my first kid.  Then, well, only when I went to work.  Then the second kid came, and maybe I'd forget on a few mornings, until I just stopped.  Been like this for maybe 5 years now, to the horror of my mom. 


This is something I've been thinking about a lot though. My husband asked me (politely) if I just don't like makeup anymore or if there is a reason I stopped wearing it. I didn't really have a good answer, because I do like how I look with makeup more, and it boosts my confidence (like nicer clothes), but I just don't do it, even though I guess I could just disappear for 5-10 minutes in the morning and the world wouldn't end. Also, since I stopped wearing it daily, my skin goes through breaking out whenever I start to wear it a few days in a row, and I never muscle through the breakout stage to getting my skin accustomed to it, I just fall off the wagon again.


I also don't know how to do my hair past a ponytail, a butterfly clip, or a bun.  I can leave it down, but don't know how to style it effectively, so it doesn't look smooth and pretty, just kind of..."combed at the beginning of the day."  This gets me looking at those fabric curl things every couple of months, wondering if I just did that, if my hair would be more stylish, or if I wouldn't end up doing them.  


All this to say: no, but I've been re-evaluating my commitment to my appearance recently and am considering making makeup (even just foundation) a priority again. I think my letting go of my appearance (from makeup to clothes to weight) has not been overall good for my self image.  It's not so much about what other people think, as much as how I am treating myself. 

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It varies for me.


Most days I wear eyeliner.


If I'm going anywhere other than the grocery store or running errands I'll use a tinted moisturizer, undereye coverup, eyeliner, and a highlighter eyeshadow just under my brows. Somewhere really special or if I'll be getting pictures taken I'll wear a bb cream foundation with a little powder and a light eyeshadow in addition to the above. For pictures I'll wear a light lipstick, more like tinted lip balm.


I love lipstick and I miss the days when I could feel "done" with lipstick, eyeliner, and mascara. But for some reason my lips break out and blister with lipstick, from th cheapo to the expensive. :( Also, my eyelashes are very short and mascara just emphasizes that- a heavy black eyeliner works for me.

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I wear it about once or twice a week when I feel like it. I may or may not leave the house. I do have different tiers of make-up application. From least to most:




BB cream, mascara, eyebrow powder, tinted lip balm


Decent foundation, eyeliner, mascara, brow powder, concealer, light eye shadow, lipstick


Primer (regular and green tinted), foundation, eyeliner, mascara, brow powder, concealer, false eyelashes, lotta eye shadow, blush, contouring stuff, lipstick liner, lipstick, gloss



That last one I learned under duress for stage performances. I'm not a natural and don't enjoy the process at all, but I have learned painfully slowly over the years with a lot of help from more talented friends and youtube.


ETA: I don't remotely have a problem with how I look with a naked face. It's my default and just the most minimal of my minimal looks. I'm no knockout, but I'm comfortable in my own skin and it doesn't bug me to be seen unembellished.

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I don't.  I only wear makeup if I'm going out somewhere special or have an appointment I want to look my best.  If it is a "normal" day, "regular" errands (think grocery store, piano) and homeschool, I just use a moisturizer. 


Even when I wear makeup, often it is just lipstick, eyebrow pencil, maybe mascara.  Foundation and blush is reserved for "special" things.  I never wear eyeshadow. 


After looking at some holiday pictures, I'm beginning to rethink that idea.  Some concealer everyday would go a long way to make me look less tired. Some foundation every day would even things out a bit.  Maybe wearing makeup just for "special" things is not the best idea.  Isn't everyday a special day of some sort?  Shouldn't one try to look their best for those she cares about? 


What says the Hive??


If I leave the house, I wear mascara (because my eyelashes are almost colorless and disappear without mascara) and eyebrow stuff (because ditto). Always. And I wash my hair every day, too. I rarely wear foundation and blush and stuff, though. And I get dressed, such that all I have to do is put on shoes and I'm good to go.


It would not occur to me to wear moisturizer instead of makeup. o_0

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Almost every day. I love makeup. It makes me happy to put it on. It's the one thing I do exclusively for ME!

That's how I feel about it, too. For me it's make-up and fashion. I like wearing make-up and dressing in a decent outfit every day. I never go downstairs without a full nice outfit on and some make-up. I have an app on my phone with my wardrobe and make-up inventory on it and I love planning outfits and playing with make-up styles. Even for days when I'm just housecleaning, I wear a coordinated outfit (usually a cute yoga jacket and pants) and still put on the "minimum" make-up, which for me is brow pencil, mascara, concealer and tinted lip balm.


Most days I wear my regular everyday make-up which is the brow pencil, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, lip gloss or lipstick, concealer and either a tinted moisturizer or a BB cream. If I'm looking pale, I throw some blush or pale bronzer on, too. I will plan for days when special occasions arise that I can do a gorgeous full make-up and dressy outfit. I don't get a lot of time to do things for *me* that *I* like, so I really enjoy what little time I get each day to do my make-up and outfit.


Hair is another story. I have superfine hair and it doesn't do much, so I rely on a really good haircut that, thankfully, doesn't take much to whip into shape. Also, ponytails save me on many a day. ;)

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That's how I feel about it, too. For me it's make-up and fashion. I like wearing make-up and dressing in a decent outfit every day. I never go downstairs without a full nice outfit on and some make-up. I have an app on my phone with my wardrobe and make-up inventory on it and I love planning outfits and playing with make-up styles. Even for days when I'm just housecleaning, I wear a coordinated outfit (usually a cute yoga jacket and pants) and still put on the "minimum" make-up, which for me is brow pencil, mascara, concealer and tinted lip balm.


Most days I wear my regular everyday make-up which is the brow pencil, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, lip gloss or lipstick, concealer and either a tinted moisturizer or a BB cream. If I'm looking pale, I throw some blush or pale bronzer on, too. I will plan for days when special occasions arise that I can do a gorgeous full make-up and dressy outfit. I don't get a lot of time to do things for *me* that *I* like, so I really enjoy what little time I get each day to do my make-up and outfit.


Hair is another story. I have superfine hair and it doesn't do much, so I rely on a really good haircut that, thankfully, doesn't take much to whip into shape. Also, ponytails save me on many a day. ;)

I have to admit, I was always fascinated women who look so put together. I would watch old movies and wonder if women really dressed like that. I just didn't have it in me or a good palette to work with. It seems to me that only a few lucky women really do.

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I haven't worn makeup in 7 or 8 years.  One day my then toddler found my foundation and smeared it all over the bathroom, and I said well, DH doesn't wear makeup and people still like him, so I quit.  Threw it all out and haven't used it since.


I also don't dye or blow dry/style my hair, paint my nails, tan, wear jewelry, etc.  I do shave my legs occasionally, sigh.  Society has ingrained that one in me pretty good :)

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I really rarely wear makeup. I don't like the way it feels and tend to react to products which gives me sore eyes. I actually do like makeup though I think it's interesting how it can enhance a face. I just don't really connect it with myself anymore.


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I wear it most days, except when I don't feel like it.   :)


I like the natural look, so I put on just enough so that I notice, but others might not.  I wear a light powder with sunscreen (not all over, just in blotchy areas), and a subtle dark gray smear under my lower lid, so it looks more like a thin shadow.  I put on a smidgen of mascara, and then wipe most of it off.  


My dh doesn't care if I wear it or not.  I never wanted my four girls to feel like they had to wear it, so I tried to be careful about it.  They all experimented a bit in high school, but now mostly only one of them wears it.  And she LOVES makeup.  She'd love to be a makeup artist someday.

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I go through spells and seasons. In the summer a tinted moisturizer, a swipe of light eye shadow right under my brow and (maybe) some mascara is about all I ever do. Anything else would just melt off. This winter I've been doing more--foundation, concealer, blush, mascara and a swipe of eye shadow. And usually some lip balm (maybe tinted, maybe not). If I don't do a little more in the winter I look too washed out and almost sick most of the time even though I feel fine. It takes all of five minutes and makes me feel a little more together and energetic.

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That's how I feel about it, too. For me it's make-up and fashion. I like wearing make-up and dressing in a decent outfit every day. I never go downstairs without a full nice outfit on and some make-up. I have an app on my phone with my wardrobe and make-up inventory on it and I love planning outfits and playing with make-up styles. Even for days when I'm just housecleaning, I wear a coordinated outfit (usually a cute yoga jacket and pants) and still put on the "minimum" make-up, which for me is brow pencil, mascara, concealer and tinted lip balm.


Most days I wear my regular everyday make-up which is the brow pencil, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, lip gloss or lipstick, concealer and either a tinted moisturizer or a BB cream. If I'm looking pale, I throw some blush or pale bronzer on, too. I will plan for days when special occasions arise that I can do a gorgeous full make-up and dressy outfit. I don't get a lot of time to do things for *me* that *I* like, so I really enjoy what little time I get each day to do my make-up and outfit.


Hair is another story. I have superfine hair and it doesn't do much, so I rely on a really good haircut that, thankfully, doesn't take much to whip into shape. Also, ponytails save me on many a day. ;)


I have a new love of fashion this year and all new clothes to play with. I've always liked skirts and having put-together outfits. My mom asked me at Christmas if I wear skirts even on days when I don't leave the house and I admitted that I did. I wear pants, too (and jeans), but I really love skirts and dresses. What app do you use for wardrobe inventory? 

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When I am home over weekends and breaks, no. I love no make up days. In fact, my kids are surprised to see me with it on. It means work, special occasions, or a rare date night with dh. 🙂


Since turning 40 and finally returning to work, I feel like it's a requirement for me. I only use a powder foundation, mascara, and eyeliner because I don't like spending excess time. I also have skin issues, so some days no eyeliner or just Aquaphor on my lips because my skin can't handle anything else.


I used to be as brave about no make up as Alicia Keyes. I just find that now some simple basics in make up go a long way for me and make me feel better about my appearance.

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I wear it just about everyday. Honestly, people will ask me if I'm feeling OK if they see me without it. :lol:


I wear primer, foundation, concealer, a light bronzer, blush, eyebrow pencil (just to fill in where they are thinning ;), eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick. It takes me about 10 - 12 minutes. I feel better about the way I look and my dh likes it.


I have a few beauty YouTubers (including a couple in the over 40 crowd) that I watch for tutorials, recommendations, and inspiration.


Can you share what Youtubers you like?

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I wear it every day. If I am at home or just wanting to have a caual look, it is only cc cream (spf 50) a little gel blush ,eyeliner, some lip pencil with lansolin on top,and a quick brush of powder. It only takes about 90 seconds, and it makes me feel good all day.

I follow the same youtubers and feel like I look better thwn I have in years.

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I wouldn't be caught dead outside of the house without it. They forbade it on surgery days and I almost died having to go out in public without makeup or hair. I felt naked.


I don't wear heavy make up, and never eye shadow. I don't always wear foundation, but always powder, blush, mascara, eye liner and a lip stain. Maybe it's a regional thing but I only have two friends who don't wear it. Everyone does make up and hair around here- at least out in public.

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