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UPDATE post 118 Help me make hospital and NICU as good as possible


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Thank you all. We had a beautiful two days of snuggling our sweet boy. We only put him down a couple of times in order to eat and take care of necessities. I'm so grateful for that time. He spent all of last night comfortably skin to skin with me except for some time with Daddy, until he laid down his fight and went from our arms to those of King Jesus shortly after 5 this morning. Thank you all for your prayers and love.

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


He was so loved by so many.  Nathaniel will remain forever in your hearts.  Praying for peace for your you and your husband and your entire family and for everyone whose heart has been touched by this precious boy.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

Edited by Jenn in FL
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I'm so sorry.  I wish there had been a completely different story to Nathaniel's life.


Thank you for sharing him with us.  He was lucky to have you as a mother - so caring during his brief time here.


My heart and prayers go out to you and your family during this difficult time.

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I'm so sorry. I've been silently following and praying. 


Thank you for sharing your beautiful baby with us all here. We're blessed to have 'known' him through your words.


And on a more personal note... my mother lost a child in somewhat similar circumstances many years ago. She handled it very differently. She never recovered, and ultimately it destroyed her. Maybe it's wrong to say this right now, but I am mentioning this because I want to thank you wholeheartedly for sharing your journey, and showing us someone walking through this with grace and faith and love. It has made more of an impact on me than you'll ever know. 

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Words seem inadequate, but I can't just say nothing. I am grieving with you, and rejoicing with you for the time you were able to spend with Nathaniel. 


Based on your posts, it seems you and I share a hope in the resurrection of Christ. Praise God for that hope. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you.  :grouphug:

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Oh, I'm so sorry things couldn't be different. But you have been an amazing example of grace and hope and love. And Nathaniel....he was loved by us all and won't be forgotten, that I can assure you. 


Sending so much love and all my prayers for peace. 


Please do whatever you need to do to take care of yourself and your family. Perhaps the social workers can give you some resources to help the older children as well. But mostly....know that we are loving on you and praying for all of you. 

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I am so sorry. Thank you for sharing your beautiful baby boy with us. I'm heartbroken for you, but so thankful you had those two days to forge sweet memories with your sweet little boy. I am praying for you and your family as you grieve, that God will comfort you, strengthen you, and give you peace. Again, thank you for opening up and sharing with us. Your little Nathaniel has made an impact on this world even during his short life. 

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I'm so sorry you've had to say goodbye for now. There are no words, we are grieving with you and still praying.


This was recommended to me by a beautiful, hope filled believer who had lived through the loss of a son and grandson as young children. It is specifically for grieving parents. Can I send you a copy?


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As many others have said, thank you for sharing Nathaniel with us. I truly cherished checking in on him everyday and appreciate you letting us follow your journey. I'm so sorry you didn't get more time with him. 😢 Praying for strength, comfort, and peace for your family.

Edited by Vintage81
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