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My mom passed away.


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Stacy, I'm sorry for your loss.


This story may help you some at this time - my mom passed away here in my home after living with us for many years and helping to care for my children on a daily basis.  Now, as young adults, all three or my older kids have mentioned how glad they were that they were so close to their Grandma and that it helped with the grief that they had been able to spend time with her right up until the end.  They were little at the time (13,11,9), but understood that her physical body had worn out and that she believed she was heading to a better place to be reunited with her parents and sisters.  The years they had with their Grandma are still some of their favorite memories.

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I remember your other thread and I know she was suffering so I hope that you all found some peace with it. I am happy that she got to see everyone. I hope I'm not out of line for saying this but I think that I would find it oddly reassuring to pass Easter weekend. Maybe she felt that way. I'm sorry things have been complicated with funeral arrangements and that your children are in pain. I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.

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:grouphug: I lost my mom 15 years ago on Easter.  


Both of my grandmothers were surrounded by family when they died (I diligently tried to stay all night with my maternal grandmother in August the night she died, but she outlasted me) and they both died literally within minutes of finally being left alone. It's like being alone gave them the freedom to leave. 


I am so sorry for your loss.  I hope and pray that this week surrounds you with love and good memories. 

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I am so sorry for your loss. My kids didn't live with their grandmother as long as yours did but it was very painful nonetheless. Ni understand

That pAin.


I have never thought of services being difficult at such a time of the year. I'm so sorry.


Accept your own individual grief journey and thosr of others around you. Bthet may be very different but important.

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As hard as it is having to say good-bye to someone, the way you described your mother's last years sounds wonderful. And what a blessing she must have been to your children and they to her. Yes, it's difficult to watch your children grieve but once they process everything, grief, cry and remember together, they will be left with all the wonderful memories. I remember how heart wrenching it was when my grandmother died because so much of my childhood was spent at Grandma's house. I always laugh when I remember my grandmother now because of all the good memories I have. Your mother sounds like she was a blessing to your entire family. What better legacy can one leave behind?!

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Thank you all again for the kind words.


Her funeral will be tomorrow, and I am thankful that at least that part will be over. I just didn't realize how much anxiety I have associated with this waiting until yesterday and today. I just feel like I am in limbo and can't move forward. It just seems weird to try and do things like that when I know she has not been laid to rest.


One thing I know for sure; this has reinforced my desires for cremation, an at-home memorial gathering, and giving next to no support to a funeral industry whose costs at this vulnerable time border on robbery. I'm sorry if there are any funeral directors reading this, but it is just very frustrating.


I will also be sure I do not leave my children in a position to make a single decision - I'll be doing that myself here really soon. Hopefully I can save them from this frustration at an overly emotional time in their lives.


I hate that what should be a time to celebrate her life has turned into frustration for us, and that she/we have all had to be in limbo during the extended wait.

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