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My dh is having his liver transplant surgery right now! Please send prayers and good thoughts. AMAZING UPDATE IN POST 713!!!


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:grouphug:  Cat.  don't worry about updating, taking care of yourself, and your son, are your first priorities.   we are all still here praying for your dh, and you and your son.  update when you are able - but we understand you have far more important  things demanding your time and energy than us.  we are here to support YOU. :grouphug:

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Awwww, sweetie!  For every post on here there are probably dozens more people thinking of you and sending a quick prayer for you, your dh and your son.


I've a friend who had a liver transplant 2 or 3 years ago now, and she is doing terrific. Those transplant teams are the best of the best and your dh is in the best mortal hands possible.  

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Thanks for the update, Cat!  And glad to hear it's mostly good.  Definitely sending prayers for all on the docket today and for healing.


I've also been wondering if you have enough help there... for things like your house, any pets, and all the usual day to day stuff.  Are there friends/family for support?  This is a time to let them feel useful.  ;)


And if not, there are Hive members everywhere. I feel fairly certain most of us wouldn't mind feeling useful too.   :coolgleamA:


Just some thoughts...


Most of all, REALLY glad to wake up this morning and see your update.

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So grateful for an update, Cat, but be sure to get some rest, nutritious food and drink water. Same for DS. Many continuing thoughts and prayers going out to your family.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Soooo relieved to hear from you!!!


As an ICU nurse, ICU is insane! For the patient, for the family, for the medical team!


Hydrate, dear girl. Eat, dear girl. Please try to rest, dear girl.


2 steps forward. 1 step back. Is the ICU Mantra.


Hugs and love from everyone.



This is excellent advice! Praying for your family.

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I'm hanging out with my oldest dd who is currently hospitalized for uncontrolled diabetes. Trying to work out new dosages of insulin. I woke up early and couldn't sleep and thought of you. I'll continue to keep all in my prayers. I hope you and ds got some sleep last night.

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I did not have a chance to check for updates until this morning. Spent yesterday with my in laws. If you need a laugh I can share some of my afternoon with you. My mil is truly a loving woman but she has a unique way of showing it.


I am still thinking of you and your family. I wish you a good news day.

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Awwww, sweetie! For every post on here there are probably dozens more people thinking of you and sending a quick prayer for you, your dh and your son.


I've a friend who had a liver transplant 2 or 3 years ago now, and she is doing terrific. Those transplant teams are the best of the best and your dh is in the best mortal hands possible.

Nice post.

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Oh, I'm so relieved! Praying for a better day today. But know that if they say they can fix it, they mean it. Try to get some rest...go to a hotel down the street with your son if you need to. Or at 15 I bet he could stay by himself for a few hours to get some sleep if you won't. 


But mostly, just tears of joy that you are okay, and will keep praying for you, your husband, your family, and the medical team. 

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We are all pulling for him, Catwoman.  I'm also someone whose spent more time than I'd like in ICUs and I know "the agony and the ecstasy" rollercoaster of emotions when one has a critically ill loved one. Just do what you need to do to survive.  Sooner than you realize it will end and life will be more stable but it seems endless now I am sure.  Much love to all of you.

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So glad to see the update. I know it doesn't sound like wonderful news with it being your dh in there, but it sounds like the doctors are on top of things and feel like the issues can be resolved. Try to get rest. And food. Continuing to pray for your family.

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Having someone in ICU can be an absolute rollercoaster emotionally. We're all thinking of you and your family. It sounds as though the doctors are on top of this problem. Take one issue at time. Try to get some rest if you can, both of you. (So easy to say, I know.) Do you have another adult with you for moral support? Best wishes always.

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