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Do you rage clean?

Indigo Blue

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I used to hear my sons talking about people who “rage quit” a video game. I’ve also heard the term rage clean a few times. I don’t think I’ve ever done that. 🤔

The thing I do if I’m very upset is go somewhere to get out for a bit. Maybe buy a smoothie or something. Rarely, I’ll just wait until I’m alone then I’ll cry. I can do that. 

But I’ve never Rage Cleaned. Have you?

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3 minutes ago, Indigo Blue said:

I used to hear my sons talking about people who “rage quit” a video game. I’ve also heard the term rage clean a few times. I don’t think I’ve ever done that. 🤔

The thing I do if I’m very upset is go somewhere to get out for a bit. Maybe buy a smoothie or something. Rarely, I’ll just wait until I’m alone then I’ll cry. I can do that. 

But I’ve never Rage Cleaned. Have you?

Many many times. It gives me a place to put negative energy and I get a clean home out of it. 
I have never heard the term rage clean…. I just clean when I am upset. 

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It sounds like a great idea.  😛

I think I might do this if I didn't have teens.  One of the biggest things they need to work on is good household habits such as picking up after themselves.  I actually enjoy cleaning most of the time, and it's a real challenge to force myself to leave their crap long enough for them to pick it up.  But if they don't learn this now, they are going to be a whole Hoarders episode as soon as they live independently.

One thing I have done is try to "multitask" in response to pressure.  Which never ends well.  I will end up spilling large containers of food, breaking dishes/furniture, or sustaining an injury requiring medical attention.  (Yes these have all happened, multiple times.)

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My version of stress cleaning is that I clean as a break (procrastination) from stressful work projects.  That doesn't always end well either, work-wise, but it could be the reason my house isn't gross.  😛

Edited by SKL
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8 minutes ago, wintermom said:

I'd be scared of breaking something. My rages are a little too physical for cleaning, certainly inside the house. I haven't ever, but could picture myself rage weeding the garden. 

I rage weed. Anger doesn't give me the impulse to make my house cleaner/nicer, which is odd because the (bad) state of the house is usually what incites my rage. 

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26 minutes ago, Pam in CT said:

when I'm ragey the impulse is much closer to smashing plates and burning the possessions of people who are p!ssing me off,

I really, really want to go to of those places that has random stuff to smash. I'd need a soundproof room for sure, lol. 

I'll bet a large percentage of their customer base is women in their 40s-50s.

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re plate-smashing emporia

25 minutes ago, MEmama said:

I really, really want to go to of those places that has random stuff to smash. I'd need a soundproof room for sure, lol. 

I'll bet a large percentage of their customer base is women in their 40s-50s.

My eldest (lives in NYC) goes to those places with some regularity (most recently, featured in the Bachelorette party organized by her two besties).  It sounds AWESOME.


When my knees were younger, I used to rage run.  I definitely need both to blow off physical energy, and also not to be picking up or washing up after the very folks who are eliciting the rage. Upon reading the other responses, I realize I do rage-rake and rage-dig in the garden, which is all-mine.

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I originally read this as raging verbally clean, as in not using dirty language and I was like "I wish I could pull that off." 

Now I find out some people manage to use their rage productivily and now I really wish I could pull that off!

Instead I just have old fashioned unfruitful sinful rage. Sigh

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2 hours ago, Pawz4me said:

No. But I’ve stress cleaned. 


Stress cleaning gives me a physical outlet and something I can control when facing a stressful situation where I have limited control. For example, a loved one in the ICU is very stressful and I have no control over the situation or the outcome. 

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Yes! I regular clean, too, but rage cleaning is a whole other level.

As a kid, doing dishes was a nightly battle for me and/or my sisters against our mom. We used every trick in the book to make it harder (for ourselves, physically and time wise, and emotionally, for our mom. We were obnoxious about cutting off our noses to spite our faces.) When my parents sat me down to tell me they were splitting up, I was doing fine. When my father told me it was because he had a pregnant girlfriend, my body involuntary got up and started scrubbing dishes.

No, this isn’t something I bring to therapy, lol. 

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I very rarely rage clean - although I distinctly remember rage cleaning a friend's kitchen while we were on a phone call with the other founding member of a homeschool co-op. Board member #3 was p!ssing me off, so I just started doing dishes and mopping to avoid saying what I really wanted to.


My brother, on the other hand, is an expert rage cleaner. I used to pick at him when we were teens and he'd end up doing our entire cleaning list to avoid punching me. Aren't little sisters wonderful?

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I do sometimes but it’s usually not my go to response.  I also rage eat (usually candy). Sometimes I go for a walk. Mostly I binge watch a show or read a book, for the escapism. Only some of those things are productive, unfortunately.

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1 hour ago, JennyD said:

 Although while doing household tasks I sometimes make long, impassioned speeches to my imaginary antagonists.


Yes. I do this. And I rage clean while having mental arguments.

They'd say this and I'd say that and boy I would BURN THEM UP WHEN I SAY THIS OTHER THING.

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1 hour ago, fairfarmhand said:

They'd say this and I'd say that and boy I would BURN THEM UP WHEN I SAY THIS OTHER THING.

This is me but I NEVER think of it until after the fact. You could be mean to me today, but I wouldn’t realize I’m supposed to be angry about that until tomorrow. 

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