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Miss Tick

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  1. It has been quite a few years, but we liked Getting Started with Latin, followed by the Big Book Of Lively Latin. Latin was not planned to be a long-term study for us, but a few years study to become familiar with the basics. A side benefit was learning about grammatical cares which helped later in understanding German. We preferred the religion-neutral approach in both of these programs. BBoLL does a nice job of incorporating Roman history. Before we took a trip to Italy we pulled out all the history sections we had covered and read them in the evenings for review. I seem to remember the second BBoLL book was a little faster paced and felt like it was squeezing in material at the end without as much of the deliberate pacing and review that the first book had. Overall the Latin study was a positive for us. There are so many choices out there. I hope you find the right one for your family.
  2. Against the grain here, but I'm enamored with the idea of a Pigicorn!!!
  3. Reading, wRiting, and 'Rithmatic 🙄 but a handy shorthand for the essentials.
  4. I always read their fine print and don't plan on ever unsubscribing 😂
  5. We used the History of the ____ World books in high school. We read 3 chapters a week and used the published guide (greatly abridged) to discuss them. The ancient world was our favorite. They get increasingly dense. After those books we used Ways of the World volume 2 to finish out Early/Modern. We did a ½ credit government class during the first COVID summer when everything fun had been shut down. I used the Annenberg materials as a spine for that. I have an American History book that we used with Crash Course videos and study guides to cover that. It was a½ credit class, but we may have spread it over the entire year I enjoyed reading and discussing history because as a living, reading human I found a lot of interesting material that tied into topics I have come across in the news or on travel or in other books and subjects. For my high schoolers, though, it was all academic and less appealing. I wanted them to have heard of everything! If I did it again I would be more selective about what we covered in high school and perhaps go deeper. Neither had any particular interest they wanted to pursue, so we defaulted to a full cycle.
  6. A local University advertises its engineering Polytech program as "engineering without the math!" It is the path to the technician positions that Clarita described above. So perhaps you can find something that really lets her focus on the hands-on parts that she likes. I happen to know that the machine shop that supplies the engineering laboratories is facing a manpower (is there a gender neutral term for that?) crisis. So perhaps if she finds a niche like that which she especially enjoys she can be in demand.
  7. Would you be able/interested to do the floors? I have a friend who did the living room herself, she said it wasn't bad. The windows, though, seem trickier.
  8. That's rough. But they picked up for 2 months even though they had screwed up and didn't think you were paying??? In my previous house, where I had to contract trash service myself, there just weren't many choices.l. If they have been good outside of this incident I guess just grit your teeth (or plug your nose) and let it go.
  9. I love a good literary reference! https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/54932/sea-fever-56d235e0d871e
  10. Reminds me of what my Dad used to say, "a man with one watch knows what time it is, but a man with 2 watches is never quite sure."
  11. I'm no expert either, but Snapfish and Shutterfly both also will give this warning.
  12. I wonder if she could set up in the parking lot where you work on days with large tours. (Sorry if I'm confusing boardies, but I'm pretty sure that was your job that had limited catering options)
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