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Do you ever think it is weird that people wear makeup?


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I haven't worn makeup on a daily basis for many years. I might wear it for a special occasion or one where pictures are being taken, but overall, just skip it. I am not bashing it at all! I was a teen in the 80s! I wore lots of makeup before I decided to stop. 

There are times tho, when I look around and I really think it is a such an odd tradition! I understand it can hide flaws, accentuate the positive, and some people really just love to play with it.  But to me, it is a chore, expensive, time consuming and can be messy. On the other hand, because I am in the minority skipping it, I also feel frumpy and like I should try harder to look nice.

Does anyone else feel this way? I am not likely to change my habits, especially since my skin is getting crepey and it isn't as easy to apply with my eye sight getting worse. Honestly, I feel bad for my boyfriend the most LOL. I don't see my face...he does. 🤣

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I pretty much could have written your post so I definitely feel the same way.  I used to always wear it when I was younger and now I rarely wear it.  If I don't, I feel frumpy too but most of the time I'm just too lazy to deal with it and I'm not good at it and, like you, I can't see well when applying (I forgot I need to get one of those magnifying mirrors!).  

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I just gradually started wearing less and less over time. I was still using foundation for work, with nothing else except sunscreen, when recently I realized it has been a few weeks really since I have used any make up at all, save for one day when I wanted to cover a blemish. I don’t miss it. DH likes the cost savings. DS doesn’t care for make up on women and even as a child used to get upset if I put on lipstick. So with no one in my family caring, and me not caring about what my coworkers think, I’m pretty much done with it. My niece’s wedding is coming up. I’m trying to decide if I should just skip it for that, too.

I never really gave the tradition/custom aspect much thought. I guess I just assumed it was some company trying to make money and it stuck.

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I also gradually stopped wearing makeup. It's more work than it's worth for me. My husband likes that I don't wear makeup and I've never felt frumpy without it. Makeup always felt like an extra to me not a necessity so maybe that's why? I've also never been in a situation where makeup was expected (or at least it wasn't known to me if it was expected) so that probably influences me too.

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I've had the same thought from time to time and then look in the mirror and go, "ohhhhhh, that's why I wear makeup." 🤪 I'm super pale (glow in the dark variety) with invisible eyelashes. My face is more startling without makeup than with. I don't wear a ton, but enough so that I can see my eyes and have some splashes of color on my cheeks and lips.

As I age, I feel that my appearance is one of the few things I do have control over. My kids are grown up and doing their own thing (lord, help us all), my body is aging in surprising ways (yay!), my eyes are getting weaker, my hands are starting to look like my grandma's, etc. How I look, fixing my hair, what clothes I wear, etc feels like something I can have concrete control over so I cling to that, I think.

My daughters hardly wear any makeup at all and look lovely. Thankfully, they inherited their dad's eyelashes. 😁

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My son has said that there are 2 types of makeup. The kind you wear that no one really sees but somehow enhances features, and the kind that is like art. He hates the enhancement-makeup and loves the art-makeup. His girlfriend regularly puts multiple colours all over her face -- red lines and stars under her eyes, jagged stripes of blue and green on her cheeks, etc. And my ds recently wore green eyeshadow to a play he was attending. I think that the younger generation uses makeup in a different fashion than our generation. 

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I don't think that it's weird.  Maybe because I'm used to seeing it around me.  I haven't worn make-up since my 20's though.  There are probably expensive chemical free (as in industrial chemicals) make-ups out there but I avoid all scents and "unnatural" products on my skin and hair.  I'm sure that I do look washed out - probably more due to my mousy gray hair but I don't really care enough to research or spend money or time on it. 

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12 minutes ago, easypeasy said:


My daughters hardly wear any makeup at all and look lovely. Thankfully, they inherited their dad's eyelashes. 😁

I didn't think about this.  My daughter is 20 and has never worn makeup.  My sons' girlfriends rarely wear it (one is 30 and one is 27).

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I don't think about other people makeup. 

 I have worn mascara and light eye-liner for many years. I have huge hoods that cover my upper eyelid and hope the mascara makes my eyes more noticeable 

I wear lipstick daily now. That is a New thing since September, when twin 1 yelled at me that " he doesn't want to hear another word coming out if my ugly fat lips." I thought the only response to that was to wear bright lipstick and everytime he calls me ugly fat lips to give him a kiss. So far I have only kissed him 7 times, so it is working. 

Edited by Melissa in Australia
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Make up has taken so many forms in so many cultures for… ever, that “weird” isn’t an accurate word, in my view. 

That said, I hardly ever wear it. Mostly because I’m impatient with application and it’s a pain to take off. 
On the rare occasion I do put it on, I feel fancy and fun. 🙂 

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Like @easypeasy, I do sometimes think, “why do I engage in this ritual…” but without it, my face simply does not look as nice. For one thing, when I don’t wear it in an office setting, someone asks if I feel okay. My skin tone is uneven and it apparently translates to poor health. If I’m hiking or something like that, I’m going bare faced but I guess a combination of natural light and fresh air (plus, who goes on a hike and then focuses their attention on their friend’s face?) leads them not to wonder if I am sick. 

I do often think, “most men don’t have the expense or time invested in this” but I also do think, “…poor things.” The number of things an older *man* can do to present as more attractive is quite limited, while we ladies have many more non-surgical options. 

At the end of the day, I want to look good, at least to the degree I can get there without Botox. Makeup helps. 

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I totally agree. I haven't worn makeup in several decades. It makes me feel very dirty, and much of it irritates my eyes. When I did wear it I couldn't wait to wash it off. I can't stand makeup stains on collars or any other thing. Ick. I've gone through spells of "makeup lite," which for me has been tinted moisturizer and (maybe) mascara and tinted lip balm in the winter when my lips tend to get dry. But since the pandemic started I haven't worn anything on my face other than basic moisturizer and lip balm. But I'm old(ish) and long past the time I've worried about impressing anyone. I don't think makeup is "wrong" in any way for people who truly enjoy it, but I'm glad that it no longer seems to be an expected norm for women to fully paint their faces, or to use it at all.

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I do!! I LOATHE make up! I have sensory issues with make up. I hate the feeling of it on my skin. Also in the back of my mind I can here my Mamaw saying it is a sin (which I know it’s not), but hate the idea of disappointing her. Also I can remember my dad saying something like you can paint a barn and it’s still a barn. He meant that an ugly person can put on makeup it they still ugly. He’s always preferred my mom natural🤣 Also so time consuming and expensive. I have more fun ways to spend my time. Also vain. I’m not a bit vain. I have no one to impress. I’m just me take it or leave it. I’m not putting anyone down, but make up isn’t for me.

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I do!! I LOATHE make up! I have sensory issues with make up. I hate the feeling of it on my skin. Also in the back of my mind I can here my Mamaw saying it is a sin (which I know it’s not), but hate the idea of disappointing her. Also I can remember my dad saying something like you can paint a barn and it’s still a barn. He meant that an ugly person can put on makeup it they still ugly. He’s always preferred my mom natural🤣 Also so time consuming and expensive. I have more fun ways to spend my time. Also vain. I’m not a bit vain. I have no one to impress. I’m just me take it or leave it. I’m not putting anyone down, but make up isn’t for me.

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I used to wear makeup. I got tired of it, and I felt somewhat 'fake' wearing it. 
One of the guys I worked with had a picture of his wife - who was simply lovely in his office. I met him and a woman in real life somewhere, and he introduced the woman with him as his wife, and I almost asked, "Who is the picture on your desk of then?" - because she did not look like the picture at all (probably Glamour photo shot or something else where she was heavily made up). 

I probably would look better with makeup, but I'm not interested in taking the time and money and effort. That said, I do wear a slightly tinted moisturizer sunscreen and feel that is good enough -I'm protecting and nourishing my skin.  Does that count as makeup? 

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Humans have engaged in the oddest beautifying rituals since prehistory, often damaging their health. Compared to the rings on the giraffe women's necks, corsets, high heels, and creams containing arsenic and mercury, makeup appears rather tame.

This said: I don’t wear any. It's a time wasting hassle, and I refuse, as a matter of principle, to contribute to the warping of the idea what women's faces are supposed to look like. 

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I don't think it's weird at all. People have been messing around with makeup in various forms forever. Still, I don't wear it much anymore, except for a light foundation to even out skin tone. I use to wear eye makeup but it just doesn't work for me now. My eyelids are very droopy so mascara doesn't really work anymore, which is too bad 'cause I could use some help in the eyelash department. I'd love to be able to apply, and then look good in, eyeliner that swoops out on the side, blended eye shadow... It all has to be skillfully applied though, to look good. Years ago I had a coworker who sold Mary Kay but she was a poor advertisement - her mascara was very clumpy, her blue eyeshadow clownish. 

Anyway, I don't see it any differently than styling hair in an attractive way (or coloring it), or wearing stylish clothes. We could all just have blunt haircuts and wear tunics and trousers! 😎

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Everything…I mean ALL creams/makeup/mascara, even 100 percent natural ones, somehow affects my vision and/or is irritating. Except for petrolatum, which I use as an under eye moisturizer, and I can get away with Ceremedex and Badger Balm sunscreen. I had to completely stop wearing mascara years ago. I only use a tad of color (usually a bit of natural lipstick) on my cheeks and lightly line and lightly color my lips. 

I’ve never wore foundation because it feels smothering on my skin. 

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I wear make up to work  - it  takes less than 10  minutes. I just use eye makeup mostly. I rarely wear makeup in the summer unless we are going out to dinner or something special. 

Wearing daily sunscreen is a must  - take care of your skin. I take care  of my skin so I don't  have to wear much makeup. 

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I haven’t worn makeup that takes real time to apply since before Covid. I wear it to work, but I have a five minute routine:  tinted moisturizer, tinted lip balm, mascara, and brow powder. If my eyebrows and eyelashes weren’t invisible, I’d probably just use sunscreen and call it a day. 

I have my first stage performance since Covid scheduled for March. I’m not going to know how to do my makeup anymore. I’ll need all new makeup. I’m not looking forward to that part at all. 

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Growing up makeup was forbidden. It was trashy. The way my mom would talk about that one mom we knew who painted her toenails. Oh my. 

Now I wear it every day. Even if I am only going to the mailbox. But I’m not heavily made up. When I say I wear makeup everyday people IRL say “oh I never noticed you wear makeup.” I’m a very plain person. But I do wear makeup because it is like brushing my teeth and hair to me. It isn’t elaborate and adds five minutes maybe. But it makes a difference to me. I wear it for myself. I feel better all day. But I’m the kind of person that is more productive if I get up and put on real clothes rather than putter around in pjs all day even if I’m staying home. 

I have a teen daughter now and I’ve been careful not to associate morality with makeup because that was such a weird thing from my childhood and having to sneak lip gloss was so strange. But as things would go she doesn’t hardly ever wear makeup. Which is great because she doesn’t need it and if I had her skin and natural glow and bright eyes I wouldn’t either. 

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I don't wear makeup, never really did.  But I don't find most of it weird. I find it weird when people wear so much that it is caked on and doesn't look natural at all but isn't done in an artistic way like someone mentioned above. It is done to try to enhance features but actually distracts from the beautiful features the person already has.

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1 hour ago, teachermom2834 said:

Growing up makeup was forbidden. It was trashy. The way my mom would talk about that one mom we knew who painted her toenails. Oh my. 

Now I wear it every day. Even if I am only going to the mailbox. But I’m not heavily made up. When I say I wear makeup everyday people IRL say “oh I never noticed you wear makeup.” I’m a very plain person. But I do wear makeup because it is like brushing my teeth and hair to me. It isn’t elaborate and adds five minutes maybe. But it makes a difference to me. I wear it for myself. I feel better all day. But I’m the kind of person that is more productive if I get up and put on real clothes rather than putter around in pjs all day even if I’m staying home. 

I have a teen daughter now and I’ve been careful not to associate morality with makeup because that was such a weird thing from my childhood and having to sneak lip gloss was so strange. But as things would go she doesn’t hardly ever wear makeup. Which is great because she doesn’t need it and if I had her skin and natural glow and bright eyes I wouldn’t either. 

This is not about makeup but this post reminded me... this is about high heels. Somehow I gave my daughter, when she was very young, the impression that high heeled shoes were inappropriate. That is the exact word she picked up. And she thought they were inappropriate always. I don't know where she got that. I do remember having a meltdown in the toy aisle of Target when it was all Bratz dolls and a version of Barbie that was a bit too edgy for my taste so maybe that's where it came from. I managed to correct the impression though I can't wear high heels comfortably anymore. 🙄

Back to makeup - my  mother forbade me to wear makeup till I was 18! She felt it was an adult thing only. Of course I bought makeup and put it on at school, then removed it on the way home. But for my 18th birthday she got me a gift certificate to Merle Norman, a skin care and makeup chain that went for the mask look. She thought that would be a good place for me to learn proper application. She was surprised when I came home from my makeover completely caked in heavy, heavy foundation. She meant well; she just never wore makeup and didn't know any better. 💗

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When I was young, I used to think makeup was dumb and annoying.

Now, I think it's fine for people who like it.

I think it's sad that make-up is expected and that there is a sort of tax for not wearing it (if you're a woman).  I hope that is changing these days.

I have a kid who loves the self-expression aspect of cosmetics, and I enjoy watching her play with that.  My other kid is just beginning to experiment with a little bit of make-up (for wearing in social circles) - little enough that you wouldn't think she was wearing any.  I myself never wear any, despite the fact that my social status might improve if I did.

My first serious boyfriend couldn't stand the fact that I didn't "try to look nice."  He even admitted he would like to be proud of his partner while walking down the street together.  I don't think he was purposely being a jerk.  And maybe if I had been into that stuff, we'd have gotten married and had a family.  But for me, I felt like using makeup would be fake and awkward.  I didn't want a fake face to be anyone's reason for taking interest in me.  Because my approach was not the norm in those days, maybe I was wrong and should have chosen differently.  Oh well.

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4 hours ago, Elizabeth86 said:

I do!! I LOATHE make up! I have sensory issues with make up. I hate the feeling of it on my skin. Also in the back of my mind I can here my Mamaw saying it is a sin (which I know it’s not), but hate the idea of disappointing her. Also I can remember my dad saying something like you can paint a barn and it’s still a barn. He meant that an ugly person can put on makeup it they still ugly. He’s always preferred my mom natural🤣 Also so time consuming and expensive. I have more fun ways to spend my time. Also vain. I’m not a bit vain. I have no one to impress. I’m just me take it or leave it. I’m not putting anyone down, but make up isn’t for me.

Me too.  I cannot stand how it feels on my skin.  I have worn makeup 2 times in my life.  Prom and my wedding.  If I am going to be fancy it is tinted ChapStick.  

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9 hours ago, Tap said:

I haven't worn makeup on a daily basis for many years. I might wear it for a special occasion or one where pictures are being taken, but overall, just skip it. I am not bashing it at all! I was a teen in the 80s! I wore lots of makeup before I decided to stop. 

There are times tho, when I look around and I really think it is a such an odd tradition! I understand it can hide flaws, accentuate the positive, and some people really just love to play with it.  But to me, it is a chore, expensive, time consuming and can be messy. On the other hand, because I am in the minority skipping it, I also feel frumpy and like I should try harder to look nice.

Does anyone else feel this way? I am not likely to change my habits, especially since my skin is getting crepey and it isn't as easy to apply with my eye site getting worse. Honestly, I feel bad for my boyfriend the most LOL. I don't see my face...he does. 🤣

I don't wear makeup and I'm okay with it. I don't want to spend the money or the time putting it on and I do not see any reason that I need it. No one has ever made any comments that made me feel like it was noticeable/something they cared about.

Nor do I go around noticing who else has makeup on or worrying about how much money/time they are spending on it.

It is just not for me.


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No. There are tons of medical conditions that make individuals feel more out of place w/o cosmedics than with, including vitiligo, hirsutism, and rosacea. Whyever would you invest so much interest in what others are doing with their bodies/faces? It's perfectly normal to notice changes, especially surgical/botox/injections ones but project judgment about it? No. You do you. Others will do what's best for them. Why can't folks just own their choices and leave others alone?

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8 hours ago, easypeasy said:

I've had the same thought from time to time and then look in the mirror and go, "ohhhhhh, that's why I wear makeup." 🤪 I'm super pale (glow in the dark variety) with invisible eyelashes. My face is more startling without makeup than with. I don't wear a ton, but enough so that I can see my eyes and have some splashes of color on my cheeks and lips.


Yeah me too. I’m pale pale pale so makeup just makes me look like I have a face and I’m not just a thumb sticking out of my collar. 

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34 minutes ago, Sneezyone said:

No. There are tons of medical conditions that make individuals feel more out of place w/o cosmedics than with, including vitiligo, hirsutism, and rosacea. Whyever would you invest so much interest in what others are doing with their bodies/faces? It's perfectly normal to notice changes, especially surgical/botox/injections ones but project judgment about it? No. You do you. Others will do what's best for them. Why can't folks just own their choices and leave others alone?

Maybe I am misreading (always a possibility) but you sound very judgmental and even angry about this. She is owning her choices, and I doubt she is hounding people on the street about their makeup habits. She just asked a question out of interest/curiosity, as people often do here. 

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9 hours ago, Tap said:


There are times tho, when I look around and I really think it is a such an odd tradition! I understand it can hide flaws, accentuate the positive, and some people really just love to play with it.  But to me, it is a chore, expensive, time consuming and can be messy. On the other hand, because I am in the minority skipping it, I also feel frumpy and like I should try harder to look nice. 🤣

This varies by area. Where I am, few women wear makeup. Next "big town" over with a younger population, it's 50/50. Where my sister lives, you do not leave home without it. 

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I don't think about what other people do, why should I care if someone else wears make-up or not?  I have good skin - many people don't and they want to cover their blemishes.  Other's just want to 'enhance' what they have, or look more "finished".

I had a horrible eye infection years ago - and stopped wearing make-up at all.  Mostly due to paranoia developed from that infection. I am at the point I want to do lipstick again, with a lip liner.  That's more a reflection on my fading lip color.

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I love makeup and appreciating the artistry that other women can do with it. I’m jealous of beautiful, winged liner. My hooded eyes could never. 😂 I wear more now that I did when I was younger because I’m about to enter the job market at 50. I still don’t wear a lot lot but I feel I look nicer with it. Pretty much all the reasons Quill posted. Comments from women in my life (MIL and stepmom) used to bother me. Without fail, upon seeing me, MIL would say I look tired. Stepmom told me that my little sister wouldn’t need makeup like me. I don’t wear it because if them but they sure played apart in my self-esteem when I was younger.

I spend most of my getting ready time on skincare and that has helped tremendously with how my skin looks with and without makeup. 

There are lots of cosmetic things that people do but they don’t seem to be an issue like makeup.


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2 hours ago, marbel said:

This is not about makeup but this post reminded me... this is about high heels. Somehow I gave my daughter, when she was very young, the impression that high heeled shoes were inappropriate. That is the exact word she picked up. And she thought they were inappropriate always.

My chiropractor would call them inappropriate.  They're bad for your feet, bad for your posture, bad for your back, regular wearing will shorten your calf muscle, etc.

I was rather irked when I was trying to find dress shoes for 2dd's wedding and all I could find were 4" stilettos for dress shoes.  Hello - middle age woman here . . . . 

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Yeah, kinda. 🙂 I only wear mascara and eyebrow stuff, because my eyelashes, although long are not very colorful, and my eyebrows are almost nonexistent (combination of natural not-much-hairiness and loss from thyroid issues), so if I don't color them, they just...disappear, and I'm not lovely enough to go without. 🙂 I only wear the whole face rarely.

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1 hour ago, marbel said:

Maybe I am misreading (always a possibility) but you sound very judgmental and even angry about this. She is owning her choices, and I doubt she is hounding people on the street about their makeup habits. She just asked a question out of interest/curiosity, as people often do here. 

Block me. I invite all like-minded souls to do the same. I have no wish respond every time someone invokes the angry black woman trope rather than engage with what I actually said to the community at large.

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I don't think it is weird, but I do think it is sad that so many women feel that they have to wear makeup to be presentable.  I think it is great when woman want to wear makeup on their own, but I just don't think they should feel that they have to.  There are times I enjoy putting on makeup and find it fun.

I haven't regularly worn makeup since early college except for a few rare occasions.  I had several bouts of pink eye my second year in college and couldn't afford to keep throwing out all my eye makeup and replacing it so I gave up.  DH actually prefers I don't wear makeup, but leaves it up to me.

DD never wears makeup.  She had to wear it starting very young for dance recitals/competitions and hated the feel of it on her face.  She really doesn't like it when her speech coaches try to insist that she should wear it to competitions, and she refuses.  She says she won't give in to the idea that a woman has to wear makeup to be professionally dressed.

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I am still in the makeup habit.  Not like 80's/90 but more updated ahem...mature lighter makeup that covers a few annoying spots that probably no one notices but me.    If your curious I found Laura Geller balance and brighten helps with said sunspots.  

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