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Please pray for my nephew

Mrs Tiggywinkle Again

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My 12 year old nephew is being rushed to the pediatric ER from an urgent care. He’s been sick for a couple days, positive flu a few days ago, but now has massive neck and facial swelling that is causing airway compromise. Negative for Covid and RSV and interestingly his flu swab today was negative.  They have no idea why he’s suddenly got swelling. The doctor actually thinks he needs to be tested for mumps as they think the swelling in salivary glands, but the biggest concern is airway compromise. He is fully vaccinated for everything, and I haven’t heard of a mumps outbreak, but the world feels upside down to me medically right now. My sister just texted that they are talking about intubation. 

Fortunately they live in a major city with an excellent pediatric center.  But still worrisome.


Edited by Mrs Tiggywinkle Again
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Oh, no. I am sorry. Praying for him, his family and his medical team. 
I had that happen to me twice in early 2020. Mumps was ruled out both times. It was before Covid tests were  available. First event was when Covid was just getting on our radar. Second time, all the medical people suited up in hazmat, as Covid was gaining attention in the US.  I didn’t have any Covid symptoms, just massive swelling of glands in neck and face. The second time, they ran a ton of autoimmune tests, all of which also came back negative. They never did decide what it was. Thankfully I did not have a recurrence. I didn’t even really know mumps was a thing in this day and age until this happened. I looked like a textbook picture of a mumps patient. 

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She just texted that 

“Just saw the doctor and he is also stumped. He does think it's mumps but says he's never seen it before, so he is going to consult with the pediatrician and infectious disease doctors because he's an ER doc and says this is out of his expertise.”

Mumps is not on my list of things I want to worry about. Especially as two of my kids are now sick with flu like symptoms.  Nephew and DD were together two weeks ago for an afternoon as well as the whole weekend of the 27-30th, and both developed flu like symptoms the middle of last week within 24 hours of each other so now I am furiously googling.  I had no idea that the mumps vaccine is only 88% effective.

Edit: It looks like 7-25 day incubation period with infectiousness starting about a week before symptoms. So no idea if I need to be concerned about mumps now or not. But DD’s fever just hit 103 and she’s miserable. Sigh.

Edited by Mrs Tiggywinkle Again
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17 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle Again said:

She just texted that 

“Just saw the doctor and he is also stumped. He does think it's mumps but says he's never seen it before, so he is going to consult with the pediatrician and infectious disease doctors because he's an ER doc and says this is out of his expertise.”

Mumps is not on my list of things I want to worry about. Especially as two of my kids are now sick with flu like symptoms.  Nephew and DD were together two weeks ago for an afternoon as well as the whole weekend of the 27-30th, and both developed flu like symptoms the middle of last week within 24 hours of each other so now I am furiously googling.  I had no idea that the mumps vaccine is only 88% effective.

Edit: It looks like 7-25 day incubation period with infectiousness starting about a week before symptoms. So no idea if I need to be concerned about mumps now or not. But DD’s fever just hit 103 and she’s miserable. Sigh.

Influenza H3N2 caused parotitis in my area back in 2015. They had a weird outbreak of viral induced parotitis that year and ended up doing a study on it: https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/67/4/493/4957004

Bodies are weird. Hope everyone is safe and well soon!!

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11 hours ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle Again said:

Mumps is not on my list of things I want to worry about. Especially as two of my kids are now sick with flu like symptoms.  Nephew and DD were together two weeks ago for an afternoon as well as the whole weekend of the 27-30th, and both developed flu like symptoms the middle of last week within 24 hours of each other so now I am furiously googling.  I had no idea that the mumps vaccine is only 88% effective.

I got mumps during Christmas break from college one year. My mom swears I had the MMR vaccination. I don't remember flu like symptoms, but the lymph nodes in my neck area were definitely painful.

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4 hours ago, Martha in GA said:

I got mumps during Christmas break from college one year. My mom swears I had the MMR vaccination. I don't remember flu like symptoms, but the lymph nodes in my neck area were definitely painful.

It’s one of the less effective vaccines.  There are periodic outbreaks on places like Navy ships and college dorms where they know for sure everyone is vaccinated. 

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They discharged him this morning. Diagnosis is officially “swelling of the parotid glands,” because they said they won’t do the blood test for mumps because he’s vaccinated and will have antibodies.  The ultrasound did show infection in the glands so it’s like 99.9% mumps.

But the doctor told her they didn’t have to isolate because “everyone’s vaccinated.”  No wonder everyone in this country is sick right now.

ETA: This sister used to work for public health. They will most definitely be isolating.  

Edited by Mrs Tiggywinkle Again
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22 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle Again said:

They discharged him this morning. Diagnosis is officially “swelling of the parotid glands,” because they said they won’t do the blood test for mumps because he’s vaccinated and will have antibodies.  The ultrasound did show infection in the glands so it’s like 99.9% mumps.

But the doctor told her they didn’t have to isolate because “everyone’s vaccinated.”  No wonder everyone in this country is sick right now.

ETA: This sister used to work for public health. They will most definitely be isolating.  

Yikes! Seriously, I think it is time to make ALL doctors go back and take some public health and infectious disease classes. That is crazy.

I am glad your sister understands this and will be isolating.

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55 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle Again said:

They discharged him this morning. Diagnosis is officially “swelling of the parotid glands,” because they said they won’t do the blood test for mumps because he’s vaccinated and will have antibodies.  The ultrasound did show infection in the glands so it’s like 99.9% mumps.

But the doctor told her they didn’t have to isolate because “everyone’s vaccinated.”  No wonder everyone in this country is sick right now.

ETA: This sister used to work for public health. They will most definitely be isolating.  

Just strikes me this means it probably won’t get reported then, right? Which seems a bad idea, because PH needs to know if there may be a mumps outbreak brewing. 

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