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At the neuro ICU tonight - updated in post #197


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Dh had a bleed in his brain from a lifelong vascular condition. He had a seizure today and I thought I was going to lose him. He is okay right now and his pain is under control. More tests tomorrow. They wake him every hour to make sure he is okay, so no real rest.


He could use prayers!


Thurs 7:30 a.m. cdt

Thank you for all the prayers and kind thoughts!! I got a smile and a chuckle out of him when I told him the Hive was praying for him and sending hugs.


He was able to rest some last night and we are waiting on the neurosurgeon and the results of last night's MRI and MRA. Pray for no surgery, no more seizures and no impairment.


10:15 am

Doctors say he needs surgery. Not sure when. Surgeon will be back late today after Dh has all day to eat, drink, move around, do pt and ot etc.


8:32 p.m.

We met the neurosurgeon tonight and the surgery will be on a week or so. Staying in the hospital all weekend, but hopefully getting out of the ICU tomorrow or Saturday. Kids can visit in a regular room. Eeg was fine. Friends have been to visit and bring real food. :) Dh is much encouraged by the calls, texts and visits. Friends are helping with kids, yardwork and random other things. Nurses are excellent, both efficient and friendly. We are very thankful for the people God has put in our lives! Thanks for your prayers and cyber hugs!

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I will include your DH and the doctors and nurses and everyone  taking care of him, in my prayers. Where we lived before, for 9 years, one of our next door neighbors was a Neurosurgeon. It is a miracle what they can accomplish. I hope they can stabilize your DH and then make improvements that will prevent this from happening again.  

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