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DS has 2 broken vetebrae in his back


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He is home! He is in some pain, but not as much as you would expect. The doctor was amazed at how well he was doing, and couldn't believe how well his back muscles were handling it. He was checking for spasms and found none. He said he had more tension in his own back!


Now though we have to deal with the brace. He hates it. He is an aspie. He has sensory issues. He is a teen boy that cares about his appearance. Add that all up and you get the picture. He is currently napping because he is allowed to have it off while sleeping.


If anyone has tips on making it more comfy I'm all ears.


He came in the house this afternoon and got some ice from the freezer and walked away saying "ow, ow." I asked what happened and he said he hurt his back while wrestling with a friend. He was pale,and his eyes were watering as he tried not to cry. He tried to play it off (this is the kid that broke a finger at school and just went back to playing without complaining, so when he admits to pain I know it is serious). I took him to the ER expecting to be sent home with some muscle relaxants. Instead he was admitted. He fractured T12 and L1. The neurosurgeon will see him tomorrow and they seem to think he may end up in a back brace for some time. This is my Aspie. He is NOT happy about staying in the hospital, is phobic of needles...you get the picture. It was awful telling him he had to stay. My dh is with him now and I'm home with the 2 year old and baby. I will go back in the morning. Please pray this just needs some rest and that is all.


Thank you.

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thanks all. yeah, definitely glad I took him in! He just didn't look right. Too pale. I will say his attitude about being in the hospital got a bit better when he met the two cute, young, female nurses that would be taking care of him. Dh brought him fast food, candy, and movies to watch last night. I will be heading over there pretty soon. As for how it happened, he was bent over in a weird way, sitting on the ground, and the other kid applied pressure onto his shoulders, straight down. It compressed everything I guess, and t12 and L1 fractured. Definitely was friendly though...if it wasn't my son would be spewing anger about the other kid. Instead he is just upset with himself. The other kid is a sweet kid and I'm sure he and his family will feel very bad about this. But it was an accident. And my son, as an Aspie with sensory issues, doesn't know when enough is enough and is not really supposed to be wrestling anyway. sigh.

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Oh no! This happened to my step dad about ten years ago. He is an an avid mountain biker and still is, but had a freak accident on a simple bike trail and fell off like he was diving into a swimming pool. He broke the top two vertebrae.


He had to be in a halo (where they screw it into your skull) for what seemed like a long time. He couldn't shower or anything. It took a long time to recover, but he is totally fine now and is very active. You can't see the scars on his forehead anymore.


Good luck to your son. I hope for a speedy recovery.

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