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So what did YOU get for Christmas?


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I bought myself 4 gifts that I'm really pleased with - a Wooland dress as per a previous thread - and I love it, really love it. A full-face snorkel, which I was able to use on our trip and it's great. So easy and you can see so much. I also got a fitbit and headphones, haven't tried them yet. 

From my extended family (we do secret santa), my husband and I got a hamper with nice things like home-made biscuits and other edible treats. A great consumable gift! 

I got a few other things, a puzzle from my son, coasters from my daughter, some trousers and a diary from my husband. Best gift was skipping the extended family get together and just having a very relaxed Christmas by ourselves where we just read books or played games all day. It was pouring rain so we didn't even feel guilty about not going anywhere or doing anything!


What about you - what did you get for Christmas? Do you also buy yourself your own gifts? (That is my solution after years of either nothing or stuff I didn't like at all from my husband.)

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I got the coolest thing from my son. It’s a chess board and the pieces move by themselves. The board resets itself. It has many levels of difficulty that are AI generated. It’s so Harry Potterish! We are all so intrigued by it. I also got a very nice Anker power bank. We are having so much fun this week. I’m cherishing all of it. 

I know this is supposed to be about what I got, but I want to mention that ds got a Lego typewriter from his brother. It is super awesome. It is old fashioned and retro. It is display worthy. 


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Dh and I didn't exchange gifts this year, we only filled each other's stockings. But in my stocking he put 2 ornaments he made for me that represent our marriage amazingly!

From extended family, I got the potted plants Lego set, money to go towards the educational class of my choosing, a set of shaped human anatomy puzzles, a book on horror writing, and a Lowes gift card. No misses this year.

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My son got me a videogame called Storytellers. My sister gave me a boardgame called Really Loud Librarians. Neither is a game I would have chosen for myself, but I think I'll have some enjoyable hours playing them. My dad gave me a nice cash gift and a puzzle book. By far, the best gift I got was when my family dropped everything and came from out of state just before Christmas to reroof my house. It was only 12 years old, so we weren't expecting issues. Less than 24 hours after finding out it was bad, we were tearing off. 

My husband and I did not really exchange gifts. We close on our new house in less than two weeks (forced relocation so not an active choice we made) and there have been a lot of expenses on this one and also things we want to buy for the next one. For example, I will be buying some pantry organizers once I've lived there long enough to know what I want. (ETA because pantry organizers don't give the proper scope: a bedroom suite for Dd13, a sectional for the livingroom when Dd20 gets an apartment and takes our current furniture, upgrading two twin beds to full beds w/new mattresses for when we have company, etc. None of it is immediate, but it is all coming over the next year or so.) Also, we bought gifts for the kids, but we didn't feel the need to move more stuff for ourselves. I did fill a stocking for him, but it was mostly socks. And I wrapped a kind of joke gift for under the tree for him - two boxes of plastic hangers. He is going to have a walk-in closet at our next house and his t-shirts are no longer going to be living in my dresser. 

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The MinaLima Harry Potter books. 24 red roses (apparently one of the kids told dad he needed to get me some bc I’d only had evergreens up since Thanksgiving). Three of those vintage book editions of classic board games. A pretty wooden chess & checkers set. Some rose gold earrings. 

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I got a few books, including a signed copy of Interpreter of Maladies.  DS24 bought dh and I a large Le Creuset dutch oven.  Our Target version was getting well used and a bit chipped, and this is definitely an upgrade. DS13 picked out a record for me - and I'm not sure if I want to listen to it when he's home or not. LOL  It's Rocky Horror.  The kid has seen about the first 10 minutes of the movie and that was as far as we were comfortable with until I remember all the reasons it's rated the way it is.  So, he knows I love it, he knows it has great music, but........yeah.

DS24's gf bought me some yarn, so did dh and I have a few projects planned out. I don't know how soon I'll get to them.  Maybe around February this year when it's awful out.

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DD20  is an art history major and is currently working with clay. She made me an ornament. It was a labor of love and I treasure it. It’s K-9 from Doctor Who. 
DD22 got me a cookbook that I mentioned once in passing. I had seen it on tik tok. I collect quirky cookbooks and this fits perfectly. 

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@bookbard, which wooland dress did you get?    My DH had a long list of my wooland wish items, and delighted me beyond belief by choosing the pajamas -- the twilight sleep pants, the roam slip, and the new robe. ❤️  The kids were astounded that "all" Dad was buying me was pajamas, until he shared with them the price tag, LOL! 

The kids each shopped as well -- Oldest found 2 plain wooden frames and wood burned designs into them, one with a Bible verse caption, and then a partial framing design, and the other with the same design all the way around - that was a delight!  He also built us Lego versions of the pets (he'd done one of them one year, and I mentioned he should have done all....).  The other 2 got a CD and a record for me, and DH put some fancy shoe laces in my stocking (I found these great Japanese fabric ones, and mentioned I'd like some more colors, so I can swap them out as the mood strikes). 

Huge hits all around, and the pajamas are seriously luxurious!  

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Dh and I don't usually exchange gifts other than things we need for the house or are mentioned ahead of time, but he surprised me with kayak racks for our car so I can transport my kayak easier, and a gift certificate for a massage.  

Oldest dd got me a Spotify gift card which is what I told her to get.  When we were on our recent road trip I mentioned wanting to try it because I'm still downloading individual songs through iTunes and want something better/easier.  

My mother got me science themed socks and an Amazon gift certificate.  

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Dh bought me a (used) Patagonia jacket, a mixer (mine was a 40+ year old hand me down with just one beater!), and ear covers (I perpetually lose mine in the woods walking. I'm very excited to test out the jacket this winter. I wasn't sure which version I wanted for our weather so I'm glad he just got me one because I couldn't decide. If it isn't warm enough I'll resell it for a warmer one.

MIL bought me a Aerogarden. I had told dd1 I wanted a hydroponic garden and she got it. I've been eyeing them for a few years but couldn't pull the trigger.  Mil also got me a gift card and chocolate.

Mom got me cash. I'll just hold onto it for a minute.

Dd3 bought me a little crocheted flower bouquet. Dd1 bought me way too much, although I told her not to- slippers, some make-up, a sweatshirt, and some joggers.

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My family has finally figured out that I don't really like stuff that isn't practical.  I got paint for the walls of my house (well, a gift card for the paint, and a promise to help putting it up), and a robot vacuum, and a multipack of varieties of dry heirloom beans, which might be my favorite Christmas gift ever.  

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I received a little suburban homesteading book from Mark. It isn't based on the idea of self reliance on some tiny piece of property like so many ridiculous books, but on the idea of community sustainability, and partnering with others in your community to create shared composting, shared veggies and fruits according to what each neighbor might like to grow or receive, different methods of growing in limited space, partnering with farmers and growers outside the neighborhood yet close enough in to really not just buy or trade formally, but to get to know one another. I am devouring it, but slowly so I can digest some of the information, especially the soil recommendations.

I got a second, similar book from my bachelor sons who have a really nice independent bookstore near their apartment. They decided to do all of their shopping for Christmas with locally owned businesses. There is a Lego store, a fun candy store, a Michigan made store, etc. All of the gifts they gave were super thoughtful, and much appreciated.

Mark bought me a replacement piece, the big torte plate, of King's Crown ruby thumbprint. I inherited my grandmother's huge collection of it, and managed to drop that torte plate a few years ago and broke it (wet hands). I was rather heartbroken. He found a replacement at an antique store. My mother in law also gave me the water pitcher - something grandma had never owned - and married son and dil bought some of the juice glasses for me, and also a set of the new, Ball pink/peach pint jars which I have wanted for displaying my dried peppers.

I feel rather spoiled!

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I am here in Spain at the moment. Dh nailed the gift. 🙂 

Fwiw, although we have really loved the Wool& shirts and dresses, I can’t recommend their trousers (or those from Wool&Prince, the men’s company). Dh’s newest pair popped a hole in them 5 days/0 washes into this trip. We’d walked about 40 miles at that point, but he’s been stuck with his Columbia hiking trousers this trip because of how the hole come up.

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4 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

I am here in Spain at the moment. Dh nailed the gift. 🙂 

Fwiw, although we have really loved the Wool& shirts and dresses, I can’t recommend their trousers (or those from Wool&Prince, the men’s company). Dh’s newest pair popped a hole in them 5 days/0 washes into this trip. We’d walked about 40 miles at that point, but he’s been stuck with his Columbia hiking trousers this trip because of how the hole come up.

I am a sad about that hole. It seems like a serious flaw if they haven't even been washed yet!

But, brava to your dh for taking you to Spain!

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27 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

I am here in Spain at the moment. Dh nailed the gift. 🙂 

Fwiw, although we have really loved the Wool& shirts and dresses, I can’t recommend their trousers (or those from Wool&Prince, the men’s company). Dh’s newest pair popped a hole in them 5 days/0 washes into this trip. We’d walked about 40 miles at that point, but he’s been stuck with his Columbia hiking trousers this trip because of how the hole come up.

I am sure you are going to, but reach out to their customer service.  I would think they would send you a new pair or give you the refund.  Ds had a hole pop in his expensive ballet tights the first wear and they found out it was problem with the batch made.  They sent everyone who ordered with that batch a new pair.

What part of Spain are you in?  Is it just you and dh?

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14 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

I am sure you are going to, but reach out to their customer service.  I would think they would send you a new pair or give you the refund.  Ds had a hole pop in his expensive ballet tights the first wear and they found out it was problem with the batch made.  They sent everyone who ordered with that batch a new pair.

What part of Spain are you in?  Is it just you and dh?

The younger kids, dh and I are all here. We’ve been traveling and country hopping for a few weeks; Oldest is in crunch mode for a project so he is housesitting for us while working on that.

We’re in Granada at the moment.

Honestly, getting to skip all of the present buying and meal making this year was a huge gift in and of itself.

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18 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

The younger kids, dh and I are all here. We’ve been traveling and country hopping for a few weeks; Oldest is in crunch mode for a project so he is housesitting for us while working on that.

We’re in Granada at the moment.

Honestly, getting to skip all of the present buying and meal making this year was a huge gift in and of itself.

So awesome.  I wish our schedule still allowed for things like that.  Ballet makes that very hard and right now we are recovering from Nutcracker season and about to jump into audition season.  There is apparently no off season in ballet.

We traveled around Spain before and after we hit Africa.  What other countries did you get to?

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4 hours ago, Drama Llama said:

My family has finally figured out that I don't really like stuff that isn't practical.  I got paint for the walls of my house (well, a gift card for the paint, and a promise to help putting it up), and a robot vacuum, and a multipack of varieties of dry heirloom beans, which might be my favorite Christmas gift ever.  

What are dry heirloom beans? I'm wondering if you mean beads, but the 'dry' has me wondering if they are indeed beans. I'm intrigued. 

Whatever they are, I'm glad they hit the spot for you.

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1 hour ago, itsheresomewhere said:

From DH- a diesel heater for my green house.  This is perfect for when the main heat source isn’t on or during the middle of the night.  Remote start to boot! 

@itsheresomewhere  Would you mind sharing the heater? I have a new 16x24 greenhouse that I am trying to heat with marginal success.

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I asked for and received a WaterPik, because nobody could think of anything else I might want or need.  😛

My folks gave me a pretty Christmas decoration.  My sister bought us a set of Sherlock Holmes DVDs to watch together.  My other sister gave me a silver necklace.  And there were a few other small doo-dads in the mix.

My kids didn't know what to give me, not that I expected anything.  But I was glad for the things they took on this year.  They took care of the Christmas tree 100% (buying, setting up, decorating).  They cooked a delicious meal and did some cleaning.  I was also glad for the fact that our dog behaved well, considering this was his first Christmas at home, and he can be really suspicious about new things.

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A game (Azul), a new wallet, and a ZOLL AEDplus

(This last a weird gift, but great!  Our little rural neighbourhood has a  long ambulance response time.  I will also cart it to scout camps and youth soccer and select other places with crowds that don't have a PAD.)

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My family knows me very well.  I received a sweater, perfume,  a set of dumbbells(I needed heavier ones), Cheesecake Factory gift card, a beautiful poinsettia plant I'm hoping to keep alive, at least for a little while,  sesame candy , a coffee mug ( I have been wanting a big coffee mug and dd got me one that's the size I've been wanting to find and it's very pretty).  My very talented dd  also painted a beautiful picture for me and framed it, I love how she thinks.  The best gift of all is having all my kids under one roof.  

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I received all manner of good stuff and feel very fortunate.

From my husband: A couple of music CDs, a pair of new shoes, gift cards to a thrift store and TJ Maxx, and some goodies from Trader Joe's. ETA: and some Mini Snips for the bookmarks that I've been making.

From my daughter: Fiction Board Game and four books for my Kindle.

From my sister: Date Due Library scarf, some new muesli to try, and an Amazon gift card.

Also some fun gifts from my ex-sister-in-law/friend.



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I bought my own this year - a new pair of slippers, desk reference sleeves & holder, and a face tool that is supposed to help with aging skin. We also received chocolates, popcorn seasoning, snacks, drinks and board games as a family gift.

Some years we exchange gifts, some years we exchange nothing, and some years I buy for both DH and I. 

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1 hour ago, aggie96 said:

@itsheresomewhere  Would you mind sharing the heater? I have a new 16x24 greenhouse that I am trying to heat with marginal success.

Sure.  It arrives tomorrow and I will let you know after I test it.  

A few things I did to mine ( most things I acquired for free)-  added slate to the floor to help hold the heat, lined the walls and ceiling in 4 mil plastic, and  a few large barrels of water to help with the heat.  I keep a sacrificial plant in it to show if it is not keeping the temp properly 😆.  

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I usually tell him exactly what I want but he always surprises me with one thing. I asked for and got: a homemade ornament with our kids names on it, new baking sheets and a half zip sweater. This years surprise was a necklace with our kids first initials. 

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Stocking: socks, cheez-its, shower steamers, electronic wipes, car freshener, candy to share

Dh and I are getting a king size mattress when we get a chance to go shopping

DS got me shower steamers

I received some ornaments, lotion, pens, cough drops, candy, a visa gift card, and some black jewelry from students and coworkers.

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Birkenstock slippers that I’ve been eyeing, nice pjs, a second Pandora bracelet for charms (because I had too many and the kids enjoy giving these) and more charms from the kids — very sweet charms that symbolize our year. Good socks that actually fit tiny feet! No heel riding up in the back! Lots of other treats and little things that show that everyone around here pays attention.

Our big gift to each other was a new craft/art area in November — we did an Ikea hack craft table, Billy bookcases, and redid a part of our basement great room to make it an art studio. It’s gotten a lot of use, and a lot of love. Everyone loves hanging out there.

We had to replace our oven this month, and this week we are replacing a cracked granite composite sink, so it’s been quite a spendy six weeks around here. 

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Dh got me a Whynter ice cream maker. I had been hinting at the Ninja Creami because I was tired of having to freeze the bowl of our current machine at least 24 hours ahead. He checked out some videos and decided the Whynter would be a better fit, and he was right! I never considered them because of the price, so I'm feeling very spoiled!! I've made vanilla and mint choc chip, next it my favorite - peppermint stick. I'm in ice cream heaven lol. He also got me some socks that are guaranteed not to slip down your heel in your sneakers, which I absolutely hate!! They actually stay put and I have a bunch of different colors. He bought me an assortment of tea, my favorite protein drinks and my favorite Nespresso pods. 

Ds also got me my favorite pods and a big box of Ferrero Rocher. 

Mil got me a winter jacket which was desperately needed and an Amazon gift card. 

It was a good Christmas all around, and we feel very blessed this year. 

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Dh wanted to take me to get a new setting for my ring, but I twisted my ankle they day before the appointment.  I wasn't going anywhere.  We finally did that today.  Having it resized, and a proper wedding band that goes with the existing setting.  It's a pretty setting, even if it's yellow (it's what I chose years ago.)

He gave me stuff he bought for himself (e.g. a new set of KA slicer/shredder blades, an adjustable rolling pin . . - yes, they're for himself.) so I'd have something to unwrap . . . 

I ordered myself a rolling laptop bag that will fit under an airplane seat.  (I have a backpack, which gets heavy and physically hard.)  We'll see if it works.  I sent back the only one I've actually ordered because I had enough hope it would work. (if I'd known how many trips I'd end up taking last year, I would have put more effort into it.  We're planning to go for the eclipse this year, I'm sure there will be other trips.)  I've had a hard time finding something, so I upped my budget without feeling guilty.   I can't bring myself to buy things for myself "for Christmas". 

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