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What would you do if someone gave you $50,000 to blow this weekend?


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That is close to unimaginable for me. At the moment if it literally had to be this weekend, I would have a serious problem cause im stuck on the couch with dirty hair. Maybe i would pay my hair dresser to come fix my hair and then pay a maid to get this place in order. And maybe have a chef come makes some awesome meal. But beyond that, I dont know. 

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Dole it out to my extended family.  If I'm not allowed to give it in cash, I'd pay down their debts (is that an option?).  We are all getting together for a surprise 50th birthday party for my sister.  I don't have time to do anything else that would cost $50,000 this weekend.

If putting it in my bank account is an option, I'd choose that.

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8 minutes ago, hjffkj said:

haha, I just read that post.  It has a sweepstakes associated with it. One of the stipulations in the blog post is you can't spend it on anything boring or responsible.

I haven't really had time to think about it yet though, gotta get to homeschool group

I would find a lot of joy in doing something responsible with it.  Too bad that’s not seen as exciting. Oldest Dd is saddled with huge medical bills due to two kids with multiple medical needs. It would be life changing if I could pay those off for her and provide a financial cushion. Boring? Nope. It’s as exciting as Hell to feel the freedom of no medical debt. 

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Well if it had to be blown on irresponsible stuff this weekend, I'd buy plane tickets for my family to go to an island resort for one night and return in time for work on Monday.  It would have to be an island that didn't require a passport to go there.  And some of my family would not be able to come.  But I think they would forgive me.  I'd make it up to them later.

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At this stage, doing something responsible with the money is very exciting to me and not boring at all.  I’d LOVE to get a landscaper in to this place and fix up my yard. I hate (HATE) doing yard work and the last time my DH did it, he ended up with 40 bug bites all over his body.  

I would gladly spend $50k for someone to revamp this entire yard for me.  It’s too much.  The previous owners loved to garden and there are so many things out there that we just can’t handle.  

BUT...if I had to blow it on something “fun” then I’d get a 1956 Corvette, convertible, teal blue and with any money left over, pre-pay a mechanic for future problems.  

Normally, I’d say travel, but I don’t want to go on a trip right now.  It’s been less than a month since we had our 3-day weekend at the beach and woke up covered in blood spots and a LIVE BEDBUG in my pillowcase.  No hotels for me for a long time.  Just...no.  Convertible...yes.

Edited by Garga
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Would converting our screened porch into a sunroom count? I wouldn't actually pay the contractor over the weekend, but I'll bet I could line someone up. Not sure of the actual cost of doing that though.

If that doesn't count, I'd go with travel (not traveling this weekend, but booking some trips and paying for them).

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I'm going on the assumptions that (1) the money has to be spent this weekend, and (2) that it has to be "blown" as in not stashing it away in an investment, paying on debt, etc. With that in mind -- I'd buy two new/newish vehicles and give one to each DS to replace their oldish cars. 

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I agree with the others that say it would be exciting to me to spend it responsibly. Finishing the house repairs that we are having to slowly get to as we have money for it would make me giddy. Paying someone to come build the decks and re-roof the house, including extending the roof over the new decks we want around the house would be a dream come true if I could just throw a bunch of money at someone today and they would be here Monday to do it! Doing all the landscaping we need to have done so that we have a nice flat area to build a garage and workshop would be fantastic. Doing that landscaping would give us enough fill dirt to level out other areas and we could get the chickens we've been talking about, does that count as frivolous?

Those things may seem boring and responsible to some but for us, being able to just blow a bunch of money on them and get them done all at once, right now, would be life changing. I can think of a bunch more things I would love to spend it on but they all involving paying things off which again, boring to some but would be huge for us and make us just as giddy and carefree as a frivolous trip (which I would totally love to do but I couldn't enjoy it knowing that the money could have been spent on things at home) or some big purchase that we don't need.

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If the money had to be "blown" this weekend...dd and I are already out of the country so I would fly dh to be here with us, go to a different country every day, stay in the best hotels, eat at the best (vegan) restaurants, and do all those tourist sightseeing things we never have the money to do. I'm not sure if I could go through the entire $50K even doing all that.

I'd really prefer to not blow it but to pay down our mortgage, put some in savings, and donate some to charity.

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10 minutes ago, purpleowl said:

Would converting our screened porch into a sunroom count? I wouldn't actually pay the contractor over the weekend, but I'll bet I could line someone up. Not sure of the actual cost of doing that though.

If that doesn't count, I'd go with travel (not traveling this weekend, but booking some trips and paying for them).

We closed in our garage for a sunroom this year for about 20k. But we already had solid walls in place. So I bet you could do your porch. Our whole project cost about 60k and included building a 2 story detached brick garage. 

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I’d fly my entire family to the country I’m living in and we’d all explore and hang out together for two weeks.  We would rent a big house to stay in and hire someone to cook and grocery shop for us the entire entire so we wouldn’t have to spend time on that. I love the city I live in and the only improvement would be to have my sisters here with me.

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If it really can’t be ‘responsible’ then I’d figure out a way to do something responsible that doesn’t sound like it is.

So instead of paying down the HELOC (which honestly I would really enjoy, but it IS ‘responsible’) I’d prepay the flooring guy to redo our great room floors at the cabin, something I’ve been slowly designing for several years and have finally figured out ($15K or so), buy a Boos end cut maple butcher block table I speced  out 4 years ago ($2000), give $5000 to the local hunger nonprofit I’m on the board of (my company match would be $10,000 so that would be 1/3 of a year’s budget total), finish off a pledge I made for a rebuild ($4000), order a bunch of real imported fine linen yarn in all the colors for weaving projects ($3000), book and prepay for a gala birthday stay in Monterey for a few days ($2000), pay someone to redo the seats on the set of 12 antique chairs that I have been saving to ‘work on someday’ (no idea, maybe $3000?  I want them to use deer hide.), buy a new to us used car to upgrade our fleet ($10,000), and order a couch I have been eyeing for a while (2500), get my husband a top of the line metal detector ($1000), and buy a small used motorboat (the rest).

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Prepay two years of tuition, and buy tickets to fly my kids out for Christmas and myself back home. And buy furniture for the apt here and some clothes. 

I can spend money easier than anyone I know. 

If I had to spend it on myself and couldn't gift it to a charity, I'd do the above--but if I could gift some to a charity I'd probably put it towards buying materials for the school here. It's really...not a place of a lot of extras. 

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I'm with the group that thinks responsible things would be very exciting. 

$25k for a lightly used Honda Odyssey (ours is at about 260k miles). And $20k for med school loans. And $5k for really fun Christmas presents and random wants. Probably bidet seats for all the bathrooms in the house, high end cooking gear and gadgets for dh, a bunch new Nintendo switch games for the family, an iPad for each kid because their Kindle Fires are very glitchy, electric blankets for everyone, wool blankets for everyone, clothing shopping for everyone, several pairs of new shoes for me, some accessories for the popup camper we're renovating, etc. 

However, if that's too responsible, prepay travel it is. We love to travel and do several times a year, but we do it with a small budget which means lots of road trips (thus the 260k miles on the minivan) and camping for extended times. We camp as a means to an end, not because we love it. But since we can often get campgrounds for $20 or less a night, it means we can stay somewhere 5 times longer than if we stayed in a hotel for $100/night. I'd love to be able to travel internationally and to hard to reach places for us. 

And if prepay stuff won't work, then internet shopping it is! New furniture and Christmas. It would take me the whole weekend just to decide what to buy, but since right now all our furniture except beds are hand me down and we have nothing on our walls, I could probably put a major dent in $50k buying a new table, couches, bedroom set, and decorations. 

Edited by MeaganS
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I'd most like to pay off all our debt and buy a new vehicle. 

If that would be deemed too practical, I'd want to build an addition onto our house: mud room/laundry and a sunroom/school room.

If that's still too boring, I'd fly us somewhere exciting. Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon, Glacier Nat'l Park, etc. Maybe all of the above, in one whirlwind weekend. 

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Well, if I could do something responsible, I would probably put it to the loan we took out to buy back 15 years of dh's pension.  That would free up a nice monthly chunk of money.  If there was a little left I'd get a new chimney.

If it was going to be something "fun" it might depend if it had to be a weekend thing.  I actually have no idea what I would do over just a weekend to spend that much.  But if I could just spend it all at once, I think I would look at renting a house over Christmas, maybe in Scotland or some other similar place, and have a different Christmas experience.  I'd likely take some extended family as well.  Maybe somewhere here we could go to a really great cathedral for Christmas service.  I visited Gloucester cathedral this summer, and that might be fun, ds8 is a big Beatrix Potter fan at the moment and would love to see the town at Christmas.  Alternately, I also visited my cousins over that way and maybe we could stay near them - the church my grandmother went to is near them and it was really lovely as well.

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Well if I can't spend it on responsible things then I'd travel, leaving just enough remaining money to get home.

I would probably go to: Italy, Ireland, Australia,  and Japan. Of course I'd travel as frugally as possible so I could do more in each country. I don't care how I get there as long as I get there safely (iow, I wouldn't book a sketchy airline just to save some money). 

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I’d find it fun to be responsible too!


I would probably buy a modest gently used fuel efficient car to replace our one that got too old, because driving my van everywhere is expensive, and also, a full-size van is a terrible vehicle for a teen to drive, which is why DD doesn’t have a license yet. 


That wouldn’t use up too much. Then I’d maybe pay down some of the mortgage, but more likely, I’d use it to be our income for a few months because DH only gets so many paid vacation days. He’s been spending his days at work and then working nights and weekends on the house. It would be so much more efficient if he could just take off for a few months  to work on it all. I’d say I could pay someone to do the work for us, but tbh, he does an amazing job, and it wouldn’t be worth it to hire out most of the work. 

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I would schedule some home renovations -- kitchen, master bath, deck, and lighting. I think I could easily go over budget, since those are expensive areas of the home. But it would be nice to have a pot of money and get it over with, instead of saving up and doing things bit by bit.

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If it had to be completely fun, totally impractical, I'd buy cruise tickets for the entire family (the 6 of us) for somewhere I want to go. $50k would leave about $8,000 per person and that's pretty decent in terms of cruise fare, even on a nice cruise line. Or maybe one of those all-inclusive Disney Adventure packages. A mega vacation.

What I would do in real life is put it towards our house down payment fund because we are very close to being able to settle down in our own place after DH's military career is done.

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2 hours ago, Annie G said:

I would find a lot of joy in doing something responsible with it.  Too bad that’s not seen as exciting. Oldest Dd is saddled with huge medical bills due to two kids with multiple medical needs. It would be life changing if I could pay those off for her and provide a financial cushion. Boring? Nope. It’s as exciting as Hell to feel the freedom of no medical debt. 


Agreed. I can't think of anything I'd want to spend $50K on that was not responsible.  Financial Freedom is VERY exciting


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