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Do you own/use an electric can opener?


Do you own/use an electric can opener?  

125 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you own/use and electric can opener?

    • I own one and I use it frequently.
    • I own one and I use it occasionally.
    • I own one but I never use it.
    • I don't own one but I wish I did.
    • I don't own one because I don't see the need.
    • What the heck is an electric can opener?

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DS works in retail.  He was saying that people are buying can openers like mad for hurricane prep and they can't keep them in stock.  I guess most people have electric can openers and don't keep a hand held back up.

This got me to thinking, do people really use electric can openers that much?  I have never, in my entire life, owned one.  

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We have an electric can opener and we use it several times a day.

When I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis 12 years ago, my dh bought me an electric can opener with a jar opener.


Link: https://www.amazon.com/Black-Decker-JW400-Open-Center/dp/B0009AFW0E/ref=asc_df_B0009AFW0E/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198093537739&hvpos=1o4&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2180732006357999596&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9008218&hvtargid=pla-332193645058&psc=1


Edited the first time: to add a link and "12 years ago"

Edited now to say that our can opener was much cheaper than the one listed in the link.

Edited by Junie
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We have an electric one. I’ve had difficulty with hand openers lasting more than a year or so, I guess we go through more cans than average?

I finally bought an electric after I got blisters using a hand opener while doing some freezer meals. It was the same price as a new hand opener so I decided it wouldn’t hurt to try. We do own a hand opener in case the power ever goes out but it’s a piece of junk. 

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We got one as a wedding present.  I wasn't a big fan, but DH liked having it.  We had it until it died about 5 years later but I never replaced it.  I think DH would like to have another one, but not enough to go buy one, and I don't want one taking up counter space.

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Yes but I much prefer a manual. Except that I have never had a manual that held up more than 6 months. It’s Not that I open that many cans. Maybe 3-4 a week. But I destroy manual can openers. Perhaps it’s because I’m   left handed? It does not live on the counter. It has a cupboard right between the hand mixer and the crock pot.

Edited by fairfarmhand
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2 hours ago, Rachel said:

We have an electric one. I’ve had difficulty with hand openers lasting more than a year or so, I guess we go through more cans than average?

I finally bought an electric after I got blisters using a hand opener while doing some freezer meals. It was the same price as a new hand opener so I decided it wouldn’t hurt to try. We do own a hand opener in case the power ever goes out but it’s a piece of junk. 


49 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

Yes but I much prefer a manual. Except that I have never had a manual that held up more than 6 months. It’s Not that I open that many cans. Maybe 3-4 a week. But I destroy manual can openers. Perhaps it’s because I’m   left handed? It does not live on the counter. It has a cupboard right between the hand mixer and the crock pot.


2 hours ago, happysmileylady said:

I am one that doesn't have a hand held can opener.  I only have an electric one.  I have had hand helds but they always seem to crap out on me blade won't punch through the lid, or the gear part gives out.  



I have had the same hand can opener for most of my 20+ years of marriage.




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5 minutes ago, Attolia said:





I have had the same hand can opener for most of my 20+ years of marriage.




Yeah. I killed that one too. I don’t know what is the matter with me. I get as much use out of a 6$ can opener as I do the $20 ones.

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1 hour ago, peacelovehomeschooling said:

It is very interesting to read these replies.   I had no idea so many people kept appliances on their counter tops.  The only appliance I have on my counters is the toaster oven, and believe me, if I could find a way to shove it in a cabinet, it would be in one.    I keep everything in cabinets.  However, in the interest of full disclosure, I do not have a lot of kitchen gadgets.  I have: crock pot, rice maker, coffee maker, the topic of this thread----electric can opener, blender, and food processor.  Okay, I have more than I realized....but they are nicely hidden in those cabinets, where they are not visible until I need them to be!  I use them all regularly.  I am big on decluttering, so anything I don't use regularly/often, goes to Goodwill.


The replies are fascinating to me, too.  Curious, peacelovehomeschooling, did your mom keep everything off the counter, as well?  I have spent a lot of time in peoples' kitchens...as a babysitter, friends' houses as a child, friends' houses as an adult, etc, so I find it interesting that you were surprised by the 'counter keeping'... do you mostly hang with family that is also counter - clutter free and, hence, have not seen other examples?  

BTW, I wish to be like you!  I have seen so many different ways to do kitchens - from the cluttered country kitchen types to modern gleaming ones.  I yearn to be a keeper-off-the-counter type as you are, but I do keep plenty on hand (counter top)  like my mixer, water heater, coffee maker, and food processor.  I do not use or own an electric can opener.  I only use the safety can opener, that no-one but the family knows how to use LOL.

Edited by Familia
grammar - which still may need assistance!
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My mom had one, but I don't.  I guess because we don't use as many metal cans.  ?  Could be because I rarely cook, unlike the home I grew up in.

I also don't have a mixer, or, if I do, I don't know where it is.  I also don't know where my iron is.  ?  I do know where my drill is though.

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3 hours ago, regentrude said:

Never had one, never used one. I don't use that many cans.

I can see the point for people with disability who cannot operate a mechanical one. But otherwise I don't see the point.

ETA: I have used mine since 1990. How does a mechanical can opener break???

What brand is yours? Will you sell it to me?

I also break can openers regularly. Cheap ones. Not cheap ones. Various styles and brands.

They never last. 

We don't even use a ton of cans.

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5 hours ago, Attolia said:

DS works in retail.  He was saying that people are buying can openers like mad for hurricane prep and they can't keep them in stock.  I guess most people have electric can openers and don't keep a hand held back up.

This got me to thinking, do people really use electric can openers that much?  I have never, in my entire life, owned one.  

I would almost think it's that people don't own a can opener at all and realize that without power they might have to resort to canned food that doesn't have the pop top.  I don't use a lot of canned products but what I do use almost all have pop tops.  I actually can't remember the last can I opened with a can opener (I use my can opener mostly for the bottle opener not the can capabilities).  Anyways based on my experience that seems more likely than they all own electric models.

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My mom always had one growing up. No arthritis, she just liked them.  Our only manual one was barely functional and only useful in extreme circumstances like power outages or camping.  When I got married, I thought about buying one, but decided to try life without one, and just had a manual instead. I liked not having one on the counter anymore, so I never went back.

I said I don't see the need for one, but only because in our current family I don't. I do see the need for one it other families or in the future, but there wasn't an option for that. 

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17 minutes ago, maize said:

What brand is yours? Will you sell it to me?

I also break can openers regularly. Cheap ones. Not cheap ones. Various styles and brands.

They never last. 

We don't even use a ton of cans.

Not who you directed this at but this is the brand I have. (mine is now probably 30 years old and my moms is closer to 60).  The new ones probably aren't quite as good but the reviews leave me hope that they are still decent.


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I grew up with one, but it was SO hard to keep clean.  (Could that be because we kids used it a lot and didn't know how to properly clean it, or is that just a terrible design flaw?)  The gunk disgusted me.  I've never owned one myself, mostly for that reason.

I have multiple cheap to mid-range manual openers stashed around. In the kitchen, in the car emergency bin, in camping gear, back ups in the pantry.  And I'll still grab an extra one or two during winter prep every year.  Cheap ones break relatively easily.

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I go to the beach with my girlfriends every year.  One year we had cans of stuff that needed to be opened (we were making that canned chicken buffalo dip.....don't judge!)  

Anyway, apparently NONE of us have or use electric can openers.  We all took turns in the kitchen going through the condo rental drawers looking for a can opener for over an hour.   We all were upset that the condo didn't have a dang can opener and we might have to go buy one.

Finally someone said, "Isn't THIS a can opener?" and pointed to something on the counter shoved in the corner.  We finally did agree it was a can opener, but it took us a while to figure out how to use it!  

We still laugh about it.

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My house came with an electric one mounted under a cabinet. I use it about once a year for freezer cooking if I have a huge number of cans. For normal can use, I use a manual; I'm not really sure why, just habit. I don't use too many cans, so not a big deal.

Edit: kitchen appliances are funny. People swear by some and shun others. Other people have the exact opposite list. For example, from the PP's list: I only have a food processor and I only got that 1 month ago as a birthday present. Another example, my MIL has always had a disposal in every single one of her kitchens, and I have never lived in a house with one.

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I've never broken a manual can opener, but I've tossed many of them due to rust. It seems that no matter how carefully I care for them--like trying to avoid washing any more than necessary, and when it is running a thin dish towel or paper towel through the blade and gear several times to dry it well--they develop rust in a year or two. It doesn't seem to matter how "good" (expensive) the can opener is. They all still eventually rust. Maybe it has something to do with our water or climate? I'm tempted to start oiling it between uses like I do the dog's clipper blades to see if that helps. 

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10 hours ago, peacelovehomeschooling said:

It is very interesting to read these replies.   I had no idea so many people kept appliances on their counter tops.  The only appliance I have on my counters is the toaster oven, and believe me, if I could find a way to shove it in a cabinet, it would be in one.    I keep everything in cabinets.  However, in the interest of full disclosure, I do not have a lot of kitchen gadgets.  I have: crock pot, rice maker, coffee maker, the topic of this thread----electric can opener, blender, and food processor.  Okay, I have more than I realized....but they are nicely hidden in those cabinets, where they are not visible until I need them to be!  I use them all regularly.  I am big on decluttering, so anything I don't use regularly/often, goes to Goodwill.

I have a large kitchen but appliances on the counter annoy me too. On mine is the bread machine, the electric tea kettle and my large kitchen aid mixer. If I had a place to stash the bread machine and mixer they’d be stored out of sight. The teakettle would stay because it’s used daily. Thankfully the kitchen is huge with tons of counter space so I deal. 

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10 hours ago, peacelovehomeschooling said:

It is very interesting to read these replies.   I had no idea so many people kept appliances on their counter tops.  The only appliance I have on my counters is the toaster oven, and believe me, if I could find a way to shove it in a cabinet, it would be in one.    I keep everything in cabinets.  However, in the interest of full disclosure, I do not have a lot of kitchen gadgets.  I have: crock pot, rice maker, coffee maker, the topic of this thread----electric can opener, blender, and food processor.  Okay, I have more than I realized....but they are nicely hidden in those cabinets, where they are not visible until I need them to be!  I use them all regularly.

So you clean and thoroughly dry the coffee maker each morning to put it in the cabinet?

The one appliance I have on the counter is my electric kettle. I use it every morning and sometimes in the afternoon. I would not want to put it away wet. I also leave the French press out because I don't have time before going to work to wait for the coffee grinds to cool so I can scoop them out and wash the thing.

I also used to have the microwave on the counter. (No longer have one)

Food processor and blender are in cabinets because I use them infrequently.

Edited by regentrude
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I have severe arthritis, working to get a seronegative rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis, so my electric can opener is a life saver. We do keep a manual can opener though, living rurally we do lose electricity, frequently, even when the skies are blue and not a breeze in sight, sigh. Love all the canned goods that are going to pull tab tops too. Much easier for those of us who often have swollen painful hands.

I don't keep the can opener on the countertop. I have deep drawers instead of normal kitchen cabinets (much easier on my back due to arthritis/bone spurs on my spine). I keep the electric can opener in the drawer and pull it out when I need it and then tuck the cord back into the built in cord cavity on the can opener and put it back in the drawer.

When we finish our kitchen remodel (going on over a year now since we have to do it ourselves due to cost but we are almost done finally) there won't be any appliances that have a permanent home on the countertops. We have a cubby for the microwave, none of us drink coffee so no coffee maker, the toaster, stand mixer and bread machine all have their own cubbies or cabinets, slow cookers and emergency indoor propane burner for power outages and canning have their own drawer (our main cooktop is a lovely easy to clean glass cooktop that dh's grandmother bought for us but it isn't good for canning and it is electric so we have the little indoor propane unit) . I love the look of clear uncluttered counters so when we designed our kitchen remodel the top two priorities were a place for everything off the countertop and cater to my and dh's various disabilities.

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I keep appliances on my countertop because I don't have room in the cabinets and sometimes I am too lazy to haul the crockpot or whatever downstairs to the laundry room where I normally store those things - particularly if I'm going to be using it in the next day or two.

My mom had an electric can opener when I was a kid. I didn't know how to use a manual one till I got married. I guess during my single-living-on-my-own years I didn't open cans. My husband had a regular can opener so we used that for 20 years till recently when one of the teeth got broken somehow.  The new one is so hard on my hands, I can barely use it. 

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We have the same kind of electric can opener as Kareni: it's ambidextrous, pushing down over the top of the can and uses a horizontal cutting blade to slice off the lid right under the rim.

Not disabled, but I'm so dominantly lefthanded, and dh is so dominantly righthanded, that it's the only way we can have a single can opener. Dh bought it after watching me one day trying to open a can upside-down using the manual opener.

(Of course if I were a better person I'd never ever eat anything out of cans, and all my beans and chili would be fresh and homemade, and Wee Girl would prefer fresh fruit to the wretched fruit cocktail. Oh well.)

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I have an electric one that mounts under the (upper) cabinet, so it doesn't take up any more counter space.  I am also left-handed, and I don't know why, but manual can openers are something I just have a really hard time with.  I also seem to always strip the gears, and it is really frustrating.  We do have a manual one in our camping tub. 

We just moved to a different house a few states away, and I was thrilled to see that it already had a mounted under-cabinet can opener!  Otherwise, we'd have been ordering one from amazon, like we did when we moved into our last house, lol. 

I don't open a ton of cans, but I do use canned beans sometimes, and I use #10 cans of tomato sauce to make spaghetti sauce, for a few examples.  #10 cans are SUCH a hassle to open with a manual can opener!

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10 hours ago, cjzimmer1 said:

Not who you directed this at but this is the brand I have. (mine is now probably 30 years old and my moms is closer to 60).  The new ones probably aren't quite as good but the reviews leave me hope that they are still decent.


I swear by my Swing-Away! I've already gotten one to put in my daughter's "hope chest" for when she moves out.

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I believe we were given an electric can opener for our wedding which I promptly got rid of, I have a plain jane cheapo manual can opener that I love and works well. I hate having to use someone else's can opener, inevitably the fancier they are the harder I find them to use. 

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