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Do all your kids have the same hair color? (silly post :) )


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All 5 of my kids have the exact. same. hair color. This is just a silly post and a way to spend part of my Sat. alone (alone with 5 kids, ha).

I think it is so strange...although maybe not as uncommon as I think. I have a 9,8,6,2 and 1 year old and they all have the same hair color. The 9, and 2  year old started out with jet black hair and then their hair got lighter. 8 year old started out bald and then had blonde hair for a couple years and then it got darker. 6 year old started out with I guess light brown, went blonde for a couple years and then it got darker. Ds1 (is it bad that I feel like I need to go back and look at his baby pictures??) I *think* started out with darker brown hair and it got a little lighter.  

Anyway...they all now have med brown hair. You would think there would be a little variety.

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Yes. The baby's may be a shade darker and the second kid is slightly more blond, but to someone not staring really hard they are identical colors. Not enough of a value change than a stylist wouldn't call them all a level seven blonde.

Edited by Arctic Mama
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We have always called oldest DD's hair "copper penny" (medium brown with very coppery and golden highlights). Naturally with a bit of wave.


Younger DD started off lighter (light brown with more caramel highlights, but not quite blond), but we recently realized that it has darkened up to quite like her sister's. Stick straight and fine.


(All these shades of brown are fascinatingly beautiful to me, LOL.  I had black hair as a child, which is now verging on what can only be called "salt & pepper.")  My brother and both parents also had the same.

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No, my 2 biological daughters have different colored hair: dark brown and medium blond.
My adopted daughter has black hair.


My natural hair color was blond through the preschool years and turned medium brown in early grade school. My biological brother was born with red hair that fell out and was replaced with blond hair that's still blond.

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Yes  :coolgleamA:  but I only have one child.  :tongue_smilie:


My sister and I have very different hair, she has dark blonde and I have medium to dark brown. 


I was about the post the same thing.  All of my kids look exactly the same, because I just have one.


My hair is also nothing like my sister's, I have straight blonde hair and my sister has very curly very red hair.  

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One of mine (oldest) is a dirty blonde. It is darkening as he grows. My youngest has light brown. Their hair is getting more similar as they age. Youngest still has a soft texture. Oldest has coarser hair now.


They have different eye colors. Oldest has light brown like me, youngest has hazel eyes.

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All 5 of my kids have the exact. same. hair color. This is just a silly post and a way to spend part of my Sat. alone (alone with 5 kids, ha).

I think it is so strange...although maybe not as uncommon as I think. I have a 9,8,6,2 and 1 year old and they all have the same hair color. The 9, and 2  year old started out with jet black hair and then their hair got lighter. 8 year old started out bald and then had blonde hair for a couple years and then it got darker. 6 year old started out with I guess light brown, went blonde for a couple years and then it got darker. Ds1 (is it bad that I feel like I need to go back and look at his baby pictures??) I *think* started out with darker brown hair and it got a little lighter.  

Anyway...they all now have med brown hair. You would think there would be a little variety.

Yep, but then my husband and I are close in coloring. 


Different textures though. 


I came from a family of origin where we all were different"   black hair, brown hair, red hair, and blonde hair.

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Yes, I have 5 and all have the same color of hair by the time they are 5-ish, baby hair has varied, but by 5 they all look the same.  Oddly, none of them have my eye color either...

None of mine have my eye color either :(. Ds8 and Dd6 had my eye color for a while but then changed to brown. My dh's eye color is very, very dark brown and mine is hazel I guess? They are green but sometimes look blue. I was hoping that at least one would have my eye color. Dd9 has dh's eye color. Hers turned from bright blue to dark brown a few days after she was born. The rest of them have gradually changed from my eye color to brown.


My three are peas in a pod. All have the same colour hair, eyes and skin.


They look like someone put dh and I in a blender and blended us up. He's coffee, I'm milk, the kids came out latte :)

Dh has black hair and dark brown eyes. I have med brown hair and hazelish eyes. The older threes hair is identical, the 2 yr old and 1 yr old may have more highlights, but you'd have to inspect it under a microscope to tell the difference.


Edited to change "eyelights" to "highlights". Stupid auto correct.

Edited by Mom2Five
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Nope.  :) 


Ds1 blond as a tot and now brown

Dd1 brown, now dark brown

Dd2 blonde

Dd3 light brown (dyed purple right now, lol)


Ds3 dark ash/dishwater blond


Some of them had their hair darken over the years and a few have stayed mostly the same!  I am blonde and dh is dark ash blond/brown, but has red in his beard!  (My mom was blonde to auburn and my dad and both dh's parents were brown/dark brown haired)

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Close but not the same. Both brown, one lighter than the other. One has lovely thick hair like his dad and the other has my fine hair.


Also, ones coloring is like mine inasfar as he burns in the sun after 15.4 seconds of exposure, but the other is like my DH and he gets a lovely tan after hours in the sun, though I do still make him wear sunscreen anyway.

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No. My two oldest both started out blond, but firstborn DS darkened to a medium brown by kindergarten. DD is still golden blond. It gets darker in the winter and lighter in the summer, but at 7, she has the kind of natural highlights that older women pay a lot of money for. Baby DS is fairly dark and the only one to inherit DH's brown eyes. The other two have my blue eyes.


Very weirdly, among the cousins on my side, DD is one of three born within six months of each other and all three have blond hair and blue eyes in spite of siblings with darker hair and/or eyes. They look like triplets.

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My oldest is a redhead - kind of auburn, kind of strawberry blond but redder that either and not carrot-top.  She has brown eyes.


My younger two are both blonde.  My youngest started out with darker hair and I thought finally I was going to have a kid with my coloring, but it got lighter.  She gets absolutely gorgeous highlights in the summer.  She still has my eyes (hazel) while her brother has blue eyes. :laugh:

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Yes.  And it isn't my hair color..lol.  They were all VERY blond when they were small.  People used to ask if I was their nanny.  (I have dark curly hair and green eyes, they were blond/blue eyed)  It has darkened to a light brown/dark blond.  The twins have slightly lighter hair, but theirs is also a lot longer than my oldest.  They also have the same slight wave, also unlike mine.  Basically, they all have their father's hair.  


Dh and his brother had very different hair and complexion.  Dh is blond with dark skin.  His brother was fiery red headed with pale freckled skin.  When I met dh's brother for the first time, I couldn't believe they were full siblings.

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Nope. DS6 started with light brown but it has darkened to almost as dark as mine. DD2 is a blonde thus far, though it's darkened a bit. I'm actually considering selling the brunette Bitty Baby I bought before she was born so I can buy a blonde one instead. I had planned to give it to her for her 3rd birthday but didn't anticipate a blonde! DH was blonde as a child, though. Now his hair is light brown, and his beard is a rainbow of blonde/red/brown/black/white!

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Four of my children have blonde hair, which is darkening to light brown as they grow.  One of them has a warmer and lighter hair color than the others though.  I also have one child whose hair has been dark brown all along.


It's too early to tell what color my youngest daughter's hair will be.

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All five of my children, even my stepdd, had medium blonde hair about the same shade when they were little. Stepdd and my dd from my first marriage are not biologically related in any way, but they both had blondish wavy hair until stepdd's hair started changing around age 7-8. All five have hair in different shades of brown now, from dark brunette (stepdd) to an almost blonde (ds15).


And just for fun, they all have different hair texture, also, from stick-straight and super thick (stepdd) to curly (ds15). The other three range from wavy to sort of straight.


Dd1 (stepdd) and the three boys all have brown eyes like dh, but all different shades of brown, too. So funny.

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All three of mine have very similar shades of medium blonde hair right now, but my younger two are getting darker.


My middle was born with dark hair, it fell out and came back reddish blonde, but at age 6 is now blonde turning brown (I think). My youngest was white blonde and is now medium blonde.


I've always had about the same shade of blonde hair and I think my oldest will be the same way. My husband was a tow head as a child but sometime in elementary school went brown, I think my younger two will be like him.

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Mine have similar hair color, different eye colors, different skin tones, and don't look alike.  People have commented that they look so much alike.  This must be because their hair color is similar, as they really do not resemble each other. 

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Four of out of my five have hair within the same shade (some lighter and some darker, but still within the same shade), and have the same body build as well.  Then randomly, my middle dd has hair that is a completely different color, and she has a very different body type too.  I've had people ask me if she is adopted.  Her personality is also the most different.  I'd say all in all she takes very much after my dh's side of the family, whereas the others take more after mine.

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I have dark brown hair, my husband has blondish hair and all of the kids have various shades of blonde. Currently my oldest daughter has the darkest hair and looks the most like me so I'm holding out hope hers turns brown like mine. Both my oldest 2 had dark hair when they were born, so there is a chance.  I was sure my last one would have dark hair, it seems the genetic odds were in my favor but evidently not. Only one got my hazel eyes, oldest 2 are blue eyes and my second girl has her dad's blue/green/gray eyes. I also have 2 left-handers, which again seems unlikely(neither of us are left-handed- then again I don't know the genetics of that).

Edited by soror
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Six kids - quite different:


1st - med brown, very curly

2nd - lt reddish brown - fine and straight

3rd - dark brown, wavy

4th - very dark brown, almost black, wavey

5th - reddish brown, very curly

6th - very dark brown, almost black , wavey

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All 5 of my kids have the exact. same. hair color. This is just a silly post and a way to spend part of my Sat. alone (alone with 5 kids, ha).

I think it is so strange...although maybe not as uncommon as I think. I have a 9,8,6,2 and 1 year old and they all have the same hair color. The 9, and 2  year old started out with jet black hair and then their hair got lighter. 8 year old started out bald and then had blonde hair for a couple years and then it got darker. 6 year old started out with I guess light brown, went blonde for a couple years and then it got darker. Ds1 (is it bad that I feel like I need to go back and look at his baby pictures??) I *think* started out with darker brown hair and it got a little lighter.  

Anyway...they all now have med brown hair. You would think there would be a little variety.


Yes, though oddly, though both their dad and I have black hair, they got lighter hair, like our sisters! So they have dark brown, chocolate hair, one straight, one curly. It might get darker as they get older, but both my ex-h and I had black hair from babyhood.

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My 3 girls have the same dark hair (started lighter) and hazel-ish eyes. My son has blonde hair and blue eyes like mine were until I was well into adulthood.


My girls have such similar features to each other (each 2 years apart) that I have to look at other clues in pictures to be sure who is in the picture!


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Nope. DD has medium brown hair. It was light brown from the beginning and has darkened as she's gotten older, and it's almost identical to my color.


The boys are all blond. They were mostly bald until about a year and looked to have some strawberry to their blond (DH is a true redhead, so we figured we'd get at least one redhead), but nope, they were all the same medium light blond as toddlers. DS3's is a little darker blond now, maybe even light brown, more like DD's at the same age, so I think he will end up being a brunette or a dark blond in the end.


No redheads, and all of them have my blue eyes and not DH's green ones, but only one got my dimples (not DD). Three look more like me, one looks like DH/FIL, and one looks like other members of FIL's family, but all four boys look very much alike, and it's obvious they came from the same mold. (In contrast, my own two brothers look nothing alike, but they both look like me.). Genetics are strange things.

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5 kids -  (blue eyes.  hair ranges from light -tow as a child - blonde to red.)

3 kids  - my siblings and I have different hair colors. (blue eyes - hair ash blonde to red)

4 kids - dh and his siblings (blue or dark brown eyes, - hair dark brown to red. -  bil had olive skin)

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I'm happy with how my 3 kids hair turned out. They all have the same 2 parents and they are red, brown and blonde from oldest to youngest. I think it's really neat and I feel like it's one of the few things I had no control over that turned out probably how I would have chosen it if I could. 


Getting a redhead as a first born was really neat. Especially since neither DH or I have red hair. He was born with a rug of orange hair. He was all the rage on the labor and delivery floor when he was born. A redhead and the biggest baby on the floor. 

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Nope. All three different hair colors, all three different eye colors. Although at his current age, DS16s hair color looks quite like DD18s, but he was blonde and only now the blonde has turned so dark that outside people may not realize he was blonde. It will usually lighten up with the summer sun, though.

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