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Can I ask for your prayers?

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Things here are really stressfull.  DFIL is dying.  His old heart is giving out.  DH is stressed out trying to manage his care and see if he can stay at home with round-the-clock help or if he has to go to a nursing home.  We all are grieving.


We recently found out that our 19yo kid is not doing well.  They had not been truthful about lots of things and we found out that they are on academic probation.  After talking with their therapist, the mental health problems appear to be much more serious than we had understood.  They really want to go back to school as they hate living here and feel so isolated (not hating us, but not having any friends or peer group.)  But this is looking less and less feasible as we learn more.  I have great fears of this kid never being able to live in reality.  Does anyone know of any support groups for parents of mentally ill children?  It gets even harder after they are legal adults.  I am sick to my stomach.  I am angry and scared.  I want to scream at God "Where the hell are you?"  


Please don't quote me as I may delete some of the more sensitive details.  

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Oh Honey, I'm so sorry you have to walk this road. It just sucks. Be sure to try to take care of yourself.

Call the therapist and ask for support group information. I'm sure there will be something. You can call your county, too.


:grouphug: :grouphug:

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Praying. I understand completely. My middle ds is bipolar. He was diagnosed about 5 years ago at age 21. Actually, he needed to be diagnosed before that. It is still a struggle. I did decide the best thing I could do for myself was eat right, get plenty of sleep, exercise, and stay close to God. I read everything I could on the subject. I talked to my ds's counselor once and she said it was very important that I had support too. I do. It helps. I still worry. I hasn't been easy. I'd be happy to talk to you.

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NAMI is the place to find a support group for parents. Look up NAMI.org and find what's going on in your area. My neighbors have an adult child with depression. I told them about NAMI. I think the hardest part for them was admitting that this was their reality. Once they went to their first NAMI group it was easier. They started by going to some sort of introductory group for family members/parents. It was really helpful to just meet people who were dealing with similar issues. Now, they regularly attend support meetings and have learned how to step back. Anyway, even if you think you don't have time, please contact NAMI.


I will pray.

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Prayers for your sweet FIL, and all who love him - especially for your husband, as he manages FIL's care through the grief.


And :grouphug: to you, the parents of a struggling young adult. I hope you're able to find the NAMI group close to you. I'm not sure there is a solution for how to solve the problems that stem from his/her illness, so support is going to be essential to staying and sane and united while he/she figures out where his/her road is leading. 


You all have a lot on your plate, and all of it is out of your control; it's no wonder you feel alone, maybe even abandoned. It feels trite and cliché to quote Footprints, but really and truly that's where my head goes when I struggle with the crosses I bear. It's like I'm emotionally running on fumes, and just as I run out of gas two blocks from the gas station, out of nowhere: kamikazi ... and a wind that's just enough of a nudge to coast in.  Some days the best I can do is get out of bed, and I know the energy to do so is not coming from within ;) My prayer for you is that your divine nudge shows itself. Stat. Sounds like you need it, Sister.


Love and best wishes to your entire family.

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I will include you and your family in my prayers.    I wonder if the therapist can give you some clues, if s/he can and will communicate with you about the problems your DC is having.  Hopefully that would require and receive approval from your DC.  I suspect it is hard to perform well academically, if one has serious Mental Health or Physical Health issues.   GL



With regard to your husbands father, I hope he is not suffering and can  be kept as comfortable as is possible.


ETA: I had been wondering about the progress you made with your dead hard drive.

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