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Update on me...


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They did a biopsy on Monday afternoon.  I got the results today.  It is indeed cancer.  I have an appointment with the surgeon on Monday and the oncologist on Tuesday to determine what plan of action is going to be taken.



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So sorry, Luanne.


I'm a breast cancer survivor of 6 years, and am happy to pass on any information you need. Feel free to PM me.


Thankfully, these days a breast cancer diagnosis doesn't mean we have to despair. There is much hope and many treatments available.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Oh Luanne, I am so, so sorry. :crying:


Praying that it's still at an early and easily-curable stage.


Please keep us posted on how you're doing and you know you can come here and vent to us any time you need to.


You must be so scared, and I wish you didn't have to wait all weekend to get more details. :(

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aaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhh!!!!!!  i don't want this for you or anyone.  i'm sorry!!!!  


one thing we did during the ovarian cancer scare was to make sure a friend who was a nurse went to each appt. with us.  its such an emotional thing, its good to have another pair of ears there.  i gave her a list of questions before each appt., and she made sure to ask them if i forgot.  she wrote down answers to things, too.  someone who isn't a nurse could do this for you, too.  its just helpful to have someone who isn't quite as emotionally involved there.  


hope it goes really well!




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There have been so many advances in the area of treatment for this (as was mentioned by a pp).  My maternal Grandmother had it as well but that was many years ago before discoveries and solutions were made. 




:grouphug:  :grouphug:   and prayer sent your way..............

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