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I am so proud of my son. (Shameless brag alert)


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I had one who just scraped by a couple classes and had a couple drops and I really wondered some days and I am still so proud that he made it. He was a 2020 grad so I didn’t get a real ceremony but the screenshot of his name on the screen during the virtual ceremony is still on the home screen of my phone. It was a much bigger deal than my older ds who never struggled in the same ways.

Congrats to your whole family!

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What a proud moment this must be for you! Congratulations!

I just wrapped up 7th grade with my daughter, our third homeschool year. I took her out of private school due to the trauma that overwhelming expectations caused her. There have been a lot of challenges and moments wondering if college will be in the cards for her, but she has come a long way these three years. Your story is very encouraging - thanks for sharing it!

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Huge congratulations to both of you! My ADD, dyslexic, slow-processing kiddo just graduated too, so I know how much of your son’s success rests on the the foundation you built with him. So here’s a salute and a big hug from someone who totally gets just how much work and worry and stress and self-doubt went into getting him there! 👏🎉🏆

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51 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

Huge congratulations to both of you! My ADD, dyslexic, slow-processing kiddo just graduated too, so I know how much of your son’s success rests on the the foundation you built with him. So here’s a salute and a big hug from someone who totally gets just how much work and worry and stress and self-doubt went into getting him there! 👏🎉🏆

Congratulations to your son and you as well Corraleno!!

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@Quill and @Corraleno

Congratulations to your sons! I know it is a huge accomplishment for you and them. 

It gives me hope as a Mom who also has his own struggles (ADHD  etc). A friend's son just dropped out his first semester. I'm nervous as hell about ds making it. It is a whole new ballgame for those kids to make it. And at this point once he makes it to college if he can make high enough to keep scholarships and financial aid that will be amazing. Dh is in now and with working FT+ he can't always keep straight A's. We've taken to the motto of, C's get degrees.

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On 5/25/2022 at 7:40 PM, Quill said:

 I grant you, there were a few classes he barely scraped a passing grade 

Which only matters a little bit now, and won't matter at all once he gets a bit of experience. When dd really struggled with covid distance learning, it's possible I chanted, "C's and D's? They get degrees!" more than once. 

lmao at him not walking alphabetically, like yes, make this truly a graduation that suits you 😂

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Congratulations and thank you for this post!  My son who sounds like yours is in college and sometimes I wonder if he should be because it’s so hard for him to juggle with his ADD. And yet he’s so good at math that I can’t picture him doing anything else (he’s a math major). It’s so much harder for these kids and so the successes are all the sweeter. 

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My dyslexic / ADD middle just walked as well. He was supposed to finish last June but did what we call the "extra COVID term" to haul himself over the line last December.  And, all's well that ends well, because he actually got a real IRL ceremony, as he would not have had he finished "on time."

And I am literally LOL about your son's not quite getting the paperwork in on a timely basis. My son *barely* did, but... he decorated his cap as many students do... and (I suspect at his little sister's prompting) even had the executive functioning to remove the tassel before doing so... but then failed to re-attach the tassel, so when the flip-the-tassel moment arrived...




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